I am a nondenominational christian and I was wondering how Jehovah's Witnesses view God regarding His providence. Do they believe that he is in control of the ongoings of earth and with our life at all times or sometimes or not at all? Do they feel God knows the number of our days and takes us when it is time to go? My mom is a Jehovah Witness and I have heard her say that God would not take someone's life. Can someone help me here so I can respond to her.
I have a question
by Jeannie33 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
My mom is a Jehovah Witness and I have heard her say that God would not take someone's life.
I've heard that said too, but they also say God plans to take billions of lives at armageddon, even those of innocent children.
Welcome to the board.
They believe he can control anything he wants, but that he doesn't actually control very much right now.
They do not believe in predestination. They do not believe everything is done within the framework of a specific lofty purpose that may be incomprehensible to humans. They do not believe that God numbers our days or that we have a "time to die."
They do believe God kills people. They definitely believe God would take someone's life. They believe God took the life of Herod when he started to give in to feelings of deification. They believe God took the lives of Ananias and Sapphira when they failed to disclose the full purchase price of the field while making grand lying claims of contributing that full amount. They believe God will soon take the lives of over 6,000,000,000 (6 billion) humans; men, women, and children. They encourage one another to keep this day close in mind and they pray for it to come soon.
Welcome to the forum! I hope this answers your question. If you have others, please don't hesitate to ask.
AuldSoul -
First of all, glad to see you posting here, welcome aboard. I've been out of the jw's for a while but here is what I remember. The witnesses believe that the world is under the control of the 'wicked one' unless one is an active jw. God doesn't take an interest in the goings on of humans unless a person is seeking him (and is then only available if a witness happens to be in the neighborhood). An example: A person is sick at heart and is contemplating suicide so they pray, "God if you're there send me a sign." Next thing you know a knock on the door and a witness is on the other side ready to lead that person to a bible (their bible) study. The other intervention that god makes into the witness world is that he directs the 'faithful and discreet slave' aka the honchos in charge of the publishing company in New York. The f&ds then makes pharisaical type rules to pass onto the rank and file publishers aka other sheep. Unless one is part of the 144,000 heaven bound 'anointed' then Jesus does not even act as a mediator.
As far as God numbering our days and taking us at certain time, the witnesses didn't go by that when I was 'in'. It was more along the lines of 'time and unforeseen occurence' playing with the fate of humans.
It actually did me some good to have to type that stuff above. It reminded me how far off they are from the intent of the bible they claim to follow. Best wishes to you in your discussions with your mom.
JW's believe that God is like listening to a FM radio.
He only tunes in to stuff He wants to know about.
The other stuff He just doesn't really give a crap about and let's things happen according to satan's will.
Pretty screwed up theology.
That is why I no longer trust the Watchtower Society and am considered a heretic (they replace heretic with 'apostate, which is the lowest life-form on earth to them) because I trust Jesus.
They believe that today's world "lies in the power of the wicked one", that God is allowing this to happen. He is sitting back and watching and waiting for the "appointed time" to step in and destroy the wicked at Armageddon.
Thanks for the welcomes what a great board.
OK so let me get this straight.
They believe that God interferes on occassion when he wants. Othertimes he sits back and watches.
How do they justify all the Scriptures?......or do they know about them?........or do they ignore them?
I am just trying to understand her mind. Do you think she has even read the Bible and is aware of all the times that God has been in control and how he directed events. How Job talked about how a mans days are numbered by the Lord or how he sets up kings or ...........Oh I COULD GO ON and ON......... What is she not getting? How is she justifying all this?
JW's are very illiterate when it comes to the Bible.
They know only what the Watchtower Society wants them to know because they have handed over their thinking abilities to the "Faithful Slave" and trust it without question.
Has your Mom mentioned the "Faithful Slave" to you?
The "Faithful Slave" is viewed with awe by JW's.
They worship the "Faithful Slave" and believe it is God's voice on earth.
Yes she has mentioned them. But she also says she has read all of the Bible. But I think she is just telling me that. I just can't imagine reading the Bible and then believing what the organization says as well. It contradicts so much!
So for any of you out there that wer JW's how did you justify such Scriptures or did you know about them?Did you ever read the Bible all the way through?
Welcome, Jennie. I think you will find a lot of answers here to obstacles you are going to meet with in the future. There's a lot of reading and research here. And a lot of helpful people who feel just like you, and some experiencing the very same things you are. You will find kindred spirits here and emotional support. Hopefully, too, a variety of options as far as advice. Choose what works for you. And if you don't know what will work, you just have to test the water with your mom.
There is a lot of info here on how to refute JW propoganda. Just ask your questions and someone will direct you.