Winston Smith.
I'm in Auckland.
wolford and betty john,nice loveing couple,always loved children.. arther and tinnie roderson, nice couple he passed away some years ago too young from cancer.. wiakato and hine gray couldn't ask for better people.. jack teesie ..single guy would never go to a single sisters place for dinner even if she had children apperantly a bad look.. joe sleighman and wife nice couple were d.o's leaft and joined our side.. sandy pannell and wife...he reminded me of bill clinton always love to look down from the stage and wave his left finger at the congro....never liked him.. han's hubler,nuff said has been a few threads started about him.. there is many more.. karter..
Winston Smith.
I'm in Auckland.
wolford and betty john,nice loveing couple,always loved children.. arther and tinnie roderson, nice couple he passed away some years ago too young from cancer.. wiakato and hine gray couldn't ask for better people.. jack teesie ..single guy would never go to a single sisters place for dinner even if she had children apperantly a bad look.. joe sleighman and wife nice couple were d.o's leaft and joined our side.. sandy pannell and wife...he reminded me of bill clinton always love to look down from the stage and wave his left finger at the congro....never liked him.. han's hubler,nuff said has been a few threads started about him.. there is many more.. karter..
Winston smith.
Rideling passed away a few years ago i'm freinds with his son (also out).
The guy that made us sing 2 songs ....Aussie guy took over from Hubler a breath of fresh air after Hubler..can't remember his name eather.
wolford and betty john,nice loveing couple,always loved children.. arther and tinnie roderson, nice couple he passed away some years ago too young from cancer.. wiakato and hine gray couldn't ask for better people.. jack teesie ..single guy would never go to a single sisters place for dinner even if she had children apperantly a bad look.. joe sleighman and wife nice couple were d.o's leaft and joined our side.. sandy pannell and wife...he reminded me of bill clinton always love to look down from the stage and wave his left finger at the congro....never liked him.. han's hubler,nuff said has been a few threads started about him.. there is many more.. karter..
Ron and Eunice carter had to stop being C.O's he had a heart problem last i heard liveing in Matamata.
Ray Bennett what ever happened to him?
wolford and betty john,nice loveing couple,always loved children.. arther and tinnie roderson, nice couple he passed away some years ago too young from cancer.. wiakato and hine gray couldn't ask for better people.. jack teesie ..single guy would never go to a single sisters place for dinner even if she had children apperantly a bad look.. joe sleighman and wife nice couple were d.o's leaft and joined our side.. sandy pannell and wife...he reminded me of bill clinton always love to look down from the stage and wave his left finger at the congro....never liked him.. han's hubler,nuff said has been a few threads started about him.. there is many more.. karter..
Wolford and Betty John,Nice loveing couple,Always loved children.
Arther and Tinnie Roderson, Nice couple he passed away some years ago too young from cancer.
Wiakato and Hine Gray Couldn't ask for better people.
Jack teesie ..single guy would never go to a single sisters place for dinner even if she had children apperantly a bad look.
Joe Sleighman and wife nice couple were D.O's leaft and joined our side.
Sandy Pannell and wife...he reminded me of Bill Clinton always love to look down from the stage and wave his left finger at the congro....never liked him.
Han's Hubler,Nuff said has been a few threads started about him.
There is many more.
i would like to meet so many people!
actually hang out with them and see if we get along after meeting in person!.
here's my list:.
anyone downunder.
"one of the bible study was listening and singing the song by jason mraz titled lucky with the chorus going like this;.
'i'm lucky i'm in love with my best friend.. lucky to have been where i have been.. lucky to be coming home again.. lucky we're in love in every way.. lucky to have stayed where we have stayed.. lucky to be coming home someday..'.
"Cheers" as you touch glasses.
i am sure nowhere is perfect but if we want to compare these two countries from different prospectives like racism, job, income/spending, quality of life, standard of living etc.
can you please give me a rough idea by sharing your experiences.. .
by the way, i am considering applying for a masters progrmme in any of the two countries.. .
New Zealand by far.
Australia is full of things that will sting,bite,poison you and then there is the animals.
Of the 25 most deadly snakes in the world 23 are found in Australia.
Spiders, Heaps that will bite and poison you.
Ants that bite you...the list goes on.
The weather is hot 46c in Sydney last summer 36c last week and its not into the summer yet.
New Zealand has a temperate climate no wild Animals that will sting,bite or poison you.
I was hikeing in the south island of NZ when we get to a hut you can tell the Aussies they are looking under the bed for snakes,spiders ect ....hey guys this is NZ no need to check that out.
BRINJEN why wasen't J.C born in Australia??...couldn't find 3 wise men let alone a virgin.
he was up in my area visiting relatives.
it was so nice to see each other in person after well over a decade.
we have been communicating by e-mail and phone after connecting on facebook a few years ago.. we went to a local restaurant and talked for almost two hours.
Always nice to catch up with old freinds and see were you both are at now.
And steve2 is rite there is one hell of a good life outside the JW's.
i am a newbie to ttatt.
i have been reading your posts for a few months and joined in a few times.
thank you so much for taking the time to write you experiences it really helps us newly awakened ones.. so here is my story........ my name is 70wksfyrs and me and my kids are victims of domestic violence at the hands of a so called jw.
Holy spirit at a J.C!!!!
Belive me i'm not makeing this up.
J.C ,D.F's a guy turns out one of the elders on the commite was haveing an affair with a married sister.
Guy appointed an Elder while he's ripping of people for millions of dollors,Serves on J.C's D.F's people....ends up going to jail for 3 years.
So were was the holy spirit when a guy who was haveing an affair gets on a J.C and were was it when a guy is appointed an elder while ripping people off for millions???
it was the national headquarters for the jehovah's witnesses for 30 years.. but the 7.5ha wattle downs property has now been sold to elim church and could soon house a new christian college.. jehovah's witness minister george gray says advances in technology mean the property is no longer needed for running the church's new zealand and south pacific activities which will now be administered from australia.. elim church bought the property for its growing south auckland congregation and volunteers helped transform the site in just a matter of days.. pastor boyd ratnaraja says the congregation moved in on a sunday straight after morning services at their much smaller weymouth rd premises.. "they have done a superb job of setting up," he says.. the church will hold services for its 450-strong congregation at its new home as well as running counselling sessions and operating an op shop and a weekly soup kitchen.. "we believe in reaching out to the community.
we want this to be a centre of hope.
steve2 there is a good chance john and lorraine went to Australia (i asked my mum) some did the rest were put out to pasture somewere around NZ.
The bethel would have been sold to the highest bidder no favours there.