JoinedTopics Started by karter
Did you have a written schedule?
by karter inthe wts encouraged us to have one, i alway found it funny when people would desplay it where everyone could see it to show how busy they are in the lords work.. karter..
Another poster asked me to post this as they want to remain anonymous for the sake of the victims.
by karter inhey karter can you post this for me?
as you know my ex wife and i adopted her brother at 7 years old when his parents passed away.. we brought him up a j.w but he left at 16 and moved in with his girlfriend.. it came out he had been interfering with our 3 daughters when they were very young.. he never got prosecuted becouse my daughters didnt want to ( i suspect their mother a hard out j.w has something to do with that) so basicly he walked free.. latter in life he left his girlfreind comes back to the j.ws and they welcome him like the prodical son and he marries a j.w.. if anyone reading this thinks the j.ws like to hide c.s a read on.. it came to my attention recently by 2 ex elders that had read the letter that followers him when he moves congros that it says the sex bettween him and my daughters was consensual..they were under 10 years old.. this were it gets disgusting.. i approach the p.o of my old congro and ask him who wrote the letter he said he had moved by that time go see another elder .. i did he didnt know as well and said for me to ring the branch.. i did and they were not interested in changing the letter at all basicly go away.. the offender has moved congros 3 times and every time they elders think my daughters under 10 went along with this pos.. not sure what my next move is as the branch here has closed down and they operate out of a diffrent country.. if anyone wants to ask questions ill p.m the reply to you..
What was covered up in your congregation??
by karter infamily move to remote pacific island to serve were the need is great get a mention in the year book.. however one of the (married) boys in the large family has sex with his sister while his wife is in hospital giving birth to their child.
all hushed up not even a word said and hes now an elder d.fing people for lesser crimes.. young couple dating leave the jws and move in togather doing drugs partying ect.. his family grandfather,uncles, dad ect are all elders.. after a few years they decide to come back to the jws and are married in the k.h a few months latter.. 1 elder questions them getting married in the k.h and is voted down by his family.. to many drunks and c.s.a to mention.. karter..
Who are your heroes in life??
by karter insomeone you looked up to some who did something amazing?.
i live in new zealand and 1 of mine is sir edmound hillary,a great yet humble man.. he and tenzing norgay were the 1st to reach the top of mt everest.it went to the grave with both of them who put there foot on top 1st,neather of them reviled that.. he did alot for the sherpa's of napal making sure they were payed well for their work as well as setting up schools there.. he came to my school and gave a speech then walked around the play ground talking to us children,his phone number was in the phone book and he would talk to anyone that rang him partially children doing a project on everest.. the british tryed to say that mallory and irvine may have made it to the top of everest years before,hillarys reply.....they may have but i made it down again.. karter..
How many child molesters do you personally know of in the J.W's?
by karter inwere are they now and what position are they in.. lets do a running count.. c.o.b.e was interfering with his daughter,d.f,reinstated died in good standing.. branch oveersear multiple young children d.f,reinstated in good standing.. publisher interfeared with small child in the k.h d.f not sure were he is.. publisher sexually abused 3 relatives no action taken in good standing.. current elder raped his sister years ago little action taken was not an elder at the time.. publisher sexualy abused young girl d.f,reinstater now in good standing.. m.s multiple young girls d.f,died trying to get reinstated.. so thats 7.. karter..
To all Australian Elders,C.O's ect...Be warned!!!
by karter inafter the conviction of arch bishop phillip wilson for concealing sex abuse in the church and cardinal pell"s trial getting underway.. this leaves it wide open for the victims to seek redress.. if you are taken to court expect the wts to through you under a bus and wipe their hands of any blame.. if you think putting your assets in a trust or transfering them into your wife,childrens name...to late any lawyer will argue you only did that to stop any victim seeking redress.. i think the victims will all ready be contemplating their course of action and don't be surprised if court action is not far away.. karter..
How many people have been woken up by the A.R.C??
by karter ini know of 1 that watched the video and never went back.. i think for some it was a the sum of the total or the "last straw" if you like.. karter..
My old congregation Auckland New Zealand
by karter inin 1991 we build a 250 seat hall and had 125 publishers so about 175 in attendance and filing fast.. just spoke to someone from my old congregation they now have 50 to 60 publishers and 100 in attendance on a good day.. very few pioneers.. seems this is happening everywhere.. karter..
The story of 2 study's
by karter inin my old congro 2 people started study's at about the same time.. lets call them john and jane.. john started a study with an elder who was related to most of the b.o.e.. jane with my mother a publisher with an unbleaving mate.. they both progressed well to the point of baptism.. johns house was nothing short of a pigsty overgrown grass inside filthy ect.. janes was not alot better.. when they both wanted to bet baptised jane was held back becouse of the state she kept her house but john was aloud to get baptised.. when the elders told jane this she she stopped her study and went to another religion and lived happly ever after.. the diffrence bettween john and jane appart from he studyed with and elder related to most of the b.o.e........ jane was blind!!.
more to this story.. john quickly moved along with the j.w's doing mic's sound ect and eventually married a sister.. john had 2 children from a previous relationship his son lived with him but he said he never saw his daughter becouse his ex had poisoned her against him.. the son became a j.w and was a real nice guy eventuly getting married to a nice sister and settling down ,both are good j.w's.
to this day.. john however turned out to be a wife beating s.o.a.b they had a child and she was pregnant with number 2 when the police were called on him for beating her up and he was arrested.. the police locked him up for the nite and took him to court the next day were he was found guilty of beating her up.. this was all kept very quite and the elders never took any action against john.. as any court records are open to the public you would think he would at least be "publicly reproved"....nothing!!..
if pre 1975 you said "The system will still be here late 2017" what would be the J.W's reaction?
by karter inone word for it.....apostate!