I wonder if this case will be on JW.org??
JoinedPosts by karter
by Watchtower-Free inhttp://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/135m-awarded-to-bible-teacher-gonzalo-campos-alleged-abuse-victim-jose-lopez-281031832.html.
(published thursday, oct 30, 2014).
thursday, oct 30, 2014 updated at 11:58 pm pdt.
How good a boxer was Muhammad Ali?
by LoveUniHateExams inwhen i was a hyperactive kid, i used to like boxing, and of course muhammad ali.
he was a great athlete, with a one-of-a-kind style who made a stand for his beliefs.. now that i'm older, i admire athletes that are quieter and get on with the job in hand - joe frazier, for example.. i'd like to put american racial politics and ali's tragic current condition to one side and focus on the following:.
how good a fighter was ali?.
Muhammad Ali was what he said he was "The greatest"...my boyhood hero.
He could lead with eather hand and most opponets psychologically knocked out before the bout.
He fought for many years and now saddly it appers to have cought up with him and it's a crying shame to see him in such a state now.
As far as Mike Tyson goes Ali would have danced around him and worn him down and knocked him out.
I loved his line to the draft board when he refused to go to Vietnam...."Becouse no Viet cong ever called me a nigger"
His other great line to Howard Cosell when he said to Ail before the rumble in the jungle "Ali they are saying you are not the same man you were 2 years ago"...Ali's reply " I spoke to your wife howard and she said you were not the same man you were 2 years ago"
I have 2 things in commen with Ali we are both Vego's and disleix.
Turning My House in to A Ex-JW Gathering Church, Will it bug my JW Neighbors?
by BucketShopBill ini am thinking of turning my house in to a ex-jw meeting place, getting bar, pool tables, ping-pong, foseball, pinball and kegs of beer on tap.
big screen singles pad for the local ex-jws to visit and hang out.
will this bug all the jws who live near by me, do they get weird around known apostates?.
Were do you live Bucketshop bill?? Ill be around.
What song or line from a song bests describes your time as a JW?????
by karter inwaisted days and waisted nites.. freddy fender..
"Talkin about my generation" The Who.
Happy birthday mate,Just remember "You are older than you once were but younger than you will be"
Fake letter to the BOE.
by karter ini'm thinking of scaning a letter to the boe and useing the letter head to make some fake letters and sending them to alot of congros.. it would read something like this.. "dear brothers we are writing to inform you about all the child abuse casers the wts is now in court about and the ones we have quietly settled outside the courts".
ill name them all and give them links to the courts.. .
anyother idears??.
my thoughts exactuly how would they know who sent it and its my guess they would read anything that looked like a letter from the WTS .jeff ill get my bro who is a proffreader to go over any letters as im disleix.
Fake letter to the BOE.
by karter ini'm thinking of scaning a letter to the boe and useing the letter head to make some fake letters and sending them to alot of congros.. it would read something like this.. "dear brothers we are writing to inform you about all the child abuse casers the wts is now in court about and the ones we have quietly settled outside the courts".
ill name them all and give them links to the courts.. .
anyother idears??.
I'm thinking of scaning a letter to the BOE and useing the letter head to make some fake letters and sending them to alot of congros.
It would read something like this.
"Dear brothers we are writing to inform you about all the child abuse casers the WTS is now in court about and the ones we have quietly settled outside the courts"
Ill name them all and give them links to the courts.
Anyother idears??
Hello and Thank You!
by Vintagewife ini've been lurking here for about 3 months and decided it was time to register and become active.
i left the organization 17 years ago.
like so many of you, i had endured less than christian behavior from the strong cliches that ran our congregation.
Sounds like you have moved on and moved up.
Billy the EX,Knorr once said "If you want to see what the new system will look like got to NZ"
Skin,Were about's in NZ??
I'm in Auckland.