1984 Whalm green London.
1985 Monavle Sydney Australia.
1984 Whalm green London.
1985 Monavle Sydney Australia.
Auckland New zealand.
hands hubler was the rudest most arrogant man "jehovah" ever made.
he was famous for kicking out sisters with crying babies during his talks.
he went to a bible study as a sister asked him to come along, he saw the christmas decorations were up so he excused them and said they would not be coming back, "terminating" the sisters study, no discussion, no nothing.
Anything more on this man?
My life storty.
I was a JW for 36 years.
Found out it was a load of s**T and walked away.
lived happly ever after.
come on in, the water's fine.
you may even realise you have close friends and family here.
Welcome couriousconfused.
I was a JW for 37 years.
I should have got out sooner but kept trying to convince myself it was the truth, Pushing any doubts to the back of my mind.
Once on the outside looking in....things look a whole lot diffrent.
For example try explaneing to someone who is not a JW the generation overlap and see what reaction you get.
But when it's explaned at the KH watch all the heads nod and think it's wounderfull to get some "New light"
One other thing that realy got to me is the JW's love to say that "We do not alow anybody that has molested a child to hold a possition''
Ive heard JW's preach that knowing full well it's rubbish.
When a JW i know came out with that i said to him"But you know (an Elder in the congrgation) has sex with his underaged sister"
His answer"But that was along time ago"
In effect he addmitted i was rite but he carried on preaching it.
I could go on but thats enough for now.
i attended a recent ministerial servant k m school on the east coast and the main school instructor mentioned among other things (part entitled: 'objective of the km school course') that the total number of ministerial servants is seriously less than it should be.
in times past the ratio of m ss to elders was much more than it is today.. in the u.s. apparently the total number of elders is 88,500+ as opposed to m ss 65,000. the numbers show & numbers don't lie: the society is running out of spiritual men.
the instructor stated that this is a new downward trend that has (in so many words) the society worried.. the next speaker (part entitled: 'why we must be spiritual men') added that in his years as a traveling servant the pool of m ss has always been much, much larger than it is today.
The Internet has alot to do with it.
When forums like this started appearing about 10 years ago alot of the younger one's that would now be up & comming MS's started looking at them.
All of a sudden their eyes were opened and out they go.
In my old hall the retention rate of young ones would be about 40% at very best.
Of that 40% at least half would be going along becouse they know no better....only leaves a small amount pool of Bro's to pick from.
who were your past circuit overseers?
i'm sure a lot of us actually know mutual people, as the co's relocate all over the country.. here's a few from the southeast us: (let me know if you recognize any names and post yours too please...).
ellwood johnson (new york/philadelphia area for several years also).
I remember Gunter Matsura well ,last heard of (In the early 80's) he was liveing in Austria.
Nice guy i liked him alot.
Do you remember "Han's Hubler''?
Monteith's New Zealand larger.
Voted best in the world.