If your coming to Auckland nz pm me. There are many secnic interesting places in nz.
love to catch up for a meal.
we're trying to rebuild our lives after leaving the org, have new experiences and create new memories for ourselves.
we're planning out our trip to hawaii, nz, austrailia and tahati in february.
i thought i'd see if anyone on here could give us some advice on places to see/stay/eat in brisbane and thereabouts, as well as places to steer clear of.
If your coming to Auckland nz pm me. There are many secnic interesting places in nz.
love to catch up for a meal.
Here in Auckland New Zealand ..wet ,humid xmas.
Here in New Zealand.....Warm and dry.
we had to go off grid for a time, time and half a time as we thought we had been outed.
fortunately it was a false alarm, but it was a stressful time.
i asked for my original diary thread to be deleted in case there could be anything on there to identlfy mrs smith and i. i am always very careful when posting, and am sure there was nothing on there, but felt it best to have it removed in order to be as cautious as a dove.
Winston Smith.
Another good one from DR Seuss.
"Today you are you that is truer than true there is none alive more youer than you"
i can only recall one occasion.
it was when my brother and future wife were dating.
they had dinner at my parents' house, along with her uber-zealous/borderline psychotic parents.
An Elder gave a talk when "Sat nite fever" came out how we all not to go and see it.
i posted this on an older thread, but i wanted to get an honest opinion about this from all of you.
i think taking the 1975 approach with a jw is...weak.
was it wrong (and false prophetic) of them?
I was around pre 75 and the WTS all but said the end would be here in 75.
At an international connvention in late 73 a member of the GB said "This is quite likely the last assembly this side of armaggeden"
Notice he used "Quite likely" and easy out there.
There were talks,Assembly parts ect all but saying the end would be here in 75 but all loaded with frasers that could get them off the hook if need be.
Anyone that didn't buy into the whole 75 thing was to be considered week at best.
Then along came 1976!!!
People leaving in their drovers publisher numbers going down for the 1st time.
Nathan.H.Nour went on a world wide speaking campain to drum up the masses.
In his talk he said "In the highly unlikley event we see the year 2000"
More loaded words "Highly unlikley" another out there.
Alot of the Elders,C.O's,D.O's around now were not even around pre 75 and all tow the party line that it wasent the WTS fault we all read to much into it.
i loved taxi with (alex) judd hirsch and his fellow cabbies.
one of the funniest lines involved reverend jim trying to get a license.
"what does a yellow light mean"?, jim quietly asks.
"Well there's one thing you gota ask yourself punk..Do you fell lucky well do ya punk"
And we all know were that line came from.
i think now that the governing body is in this big power grab in order to stay alive as an entity, thus tighten control, the more controling the more they open themselves up to legal consequences.. blood tranfusion forbiden by a authoritarian religous corporation.. disfellowshipping enforcement that brought pain and suffering thousands i'm sure these type of lawsuits could break them but i'm not well versed in law so i thought i would thow this out for discussion.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/class_action.
in law, a class action, a class suit, or a representative action is a form of lawsuit in which a large group of people collectively bring a claim to court and/or in which a class of defendants is being sued.
class actions are commonly referred to as class action suits; however, this phrase is redundant as the historical distinction between "actions" at law and "suits" in equity is no longer recognized.
Good luck but the 1st amendment gets rite in your way here.
Lets face it organizations with way more wacky idears opperate with the full protection of the 1st IE the "KKK" "Man boy love association" and many more.
All the WTS would say is you knew the rules when you became a JW.
Appart from the fact that the courts don't like geting involved in these things.
I respecitfully disagree with you on the shunning polices the "Exclusive breatheren" "Armish" and quite a few other religions have the same polices as the JW's
literal or figurative .
rain, at long last, has penetrated into the interior of our land and my soul.
the burning sun of a protracted summer had effectively removed my resolve to get necessary things done.
I'm from New Zealand.
literal or figurative .
rain, at long last, has penetrated into the interior of our land and my soul.
the burning sun of a protracted summer had effectively removed my resolve to get necessary things done.
Southern hemisphere......warm spring weather here and long hot summer on its way.
Karter from downunder.