I realize it is a human failing to always have to have the last say on something and realize that it was a mistake to try to "CONVERT THE UN-CONVERTABLE" Not the car. I wasted your time and mine as well.
Posts by Geoff
by Geoff ini was reading through some of you guys old postings and i was laughing so hard.
some of you guys still believe the strange things your mom and dad said but didnt explain like not eating count chocula cereal.
didnt ever occur to you that maybe your parents thought that keeping you away from something as simple as a cartoon dracula might be in your best interests?
by Geoff ini was reading through some of you guys old postings and i was laughing so hard.
some of you guys still believe the strange things your mom and dad said but didnt explain like not eating count chocula cereal.
didnt ever occur to you that maybe your parents thought that keeping you away from something as simple as a cartoon dracula might be in your best interests?
Edward Dunlap recording
by Geoff ini thought one of the points made by this edward dunlap ( http://www.consolidatedcap.com/media/dunlap.html).
character was particularly interesting.
he said that he believed that pual in the christian times believed that "faith alone was enough to garantee that you where saved.
Nope. But I did listen to that whole recording that he made and unless you can prove to me somehow, that faith alone is fine with God then why should I listen to, or take anything else he says seriously when he cant even get one of the most important truths about the bible right, that faith without works is dead.
Subjection Does No-One Any Good.
by Englishman inive been thinking a lot about this subjection thing that is so much a part of wt teaching.. i mean, what is the point of it?
who does it benefit?.
why cant couples work out a who does what pattern that suits themselves, why should they pay any heed to the wtbtss edicts about women being in subjection?.
Flip said...
I seriously doubt the WTBTS actually believes this Biblical crap regarding subjection anymore than the Biblical writers who put it there.
So what you are saying is that the bible is crap, and that the Bible writers that put it in there where just doing some extra writing and figured what the heck why not put in some stuff so that we can get some more booty? Maybe even some women slaves? BAH! Have you totaly forgoten about who encouraged freedom from God's headship in the first place? Lets see, I cant quite remember who it was. Maybe it was that Satan guy.
by JT infyi--.
& other personnel.
writing correspondence personnel, patterson, ny (incomplete).
Edward Dunlap recording
by Geoff ini thought one of the points made by this edward dunlap ( http://www.consolidatedcap.com/media/dunlap.html).
character was particularly interesting.
he said that he believed that pual in the christian times believed that "faith alone was enough to garantee that you where saved.
Birthday/baby shower?
by DrunkWithLiberty inyesterday, my six year old figured out that a birthday is a celebration of your day of birth.
i didn't realize she hadn't made that connection yet (she's a bit fuzzy headed sometimes, but cute as can be).
then she states, "so when you get presents for a baby bfore it is born, that is the babies first birthday".
by Geoff ini was reading through some of you guys old postings and i was laughing so hard.
some of you guys still believe the strange things your mom and dad said but didnt explain like not eating count chocula cereal.
didnt ever occur to you that maybe your parents thought that keeping you away from something as simple as a cartoon dracula might be in your best interests?
I really like your sense of humor and I reply based on that fact alone becuase it seems you are not so much interested in gaining anything from the discussion as you are interested in making fun of what I admit is kinda a silly idea. Still the idea holds true that if there is a world wide organization that is governed by Jehovah through his son then it can be likened to a glass of water that is pure. If that water (organization) becomes tainted then it is not becuase God made it so. No it's becuase imperfect men and women decided not to follow the scriptural guildlines laid down for us, and thus that glass of water also being like our faith can become tainted if we allow outside influences to corrupt it. Although we have to be made strong through trials and tribulations surley you arent sugjesting that something harmless seeming like a box of cereal cant be perverted to the use of the most crafty of all creatures under heaven, Satan the devil?
Just thought I would ask
Randall Watters exposed
by StiLLinTruth inhello again friends!.
well it was time again for me to take my weekly dose of apostate faeces and see what it tastes like.
decided to check out randy watters this time (we all love him here) and his little testimony on freeminds.org, titled "what happened at bethel in 1980?
Oh man!! I laughed so hard when I read your posting. You are so right about that recording. I accidentaly submitted my own topic in here before I saw yours. This guys is why I come into these places. Talk about a breath of fresh air. I want to hear from all the other people out there that think they can disuade thinking christians from actualy listening to the bible. Bring it on! I feel the need for some in depth bible study and I would welcome all comers.
thanks for the good read
Edward Dunlap recording
by Geoff ini thought one of the points made by this edward dunlap ( http://www.consolidatedcap.com/media/dunlap.html).
character was particularly interesting.
he said that he believed that pual in the christian times believed that "faith alone was enough to garantee that you where saved.
I thought one of the points made by this Edward Dunlap ( http://www.consolidatedcap.com/media/dunlap.html)
character was particularly interesting. He said that he believed that Pual in the christian times believed that "faith alone was enough to garantee that you where saved." Well that is absoloutly rubbish. The apostle James said at Jas 2:17,18,21,22,26. "Faith if it does not have works is dead in itself. Nevertheless, a certain one will say: 'You have faith and I have works. Show me your faith apart from the works, and I shall show you my faith by my works.' Was not Abraham our father declared rightous by works after he had offered up Isaac his son upon the altar? You behold that his faith worked along with his works and by his works his faith was perfected. Indeed, as the body without spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead."
So this Dunlap guy was basicaly saying that somewhere down the road in his dealings with the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society he felt that he didnt have to make his faith assured by works but was instead already saved becuase "he was a good person in his heart." BLAH!! You cant get much farther from what the Witnesses have always believed, that you have to continualy "make your faith made manifest."