I saw Green Jelly once at leeds university. They were pretty good.
JoinedPosts by Geordie
by QUEENIE into us here is st. paddys day 3/17 and easter 3/31 which i want to wish u all the happiest of them all!!!!
p e a c e lov ya ((((((((loads of hugs too)))))))
America Will Execute Brit Today.
by Englishman inhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/americas/newsid_1867000/1867916.stm .
I play with guns.
I pretty much agree with the death penalty for serial murderers/rapists/child abusers etc.....
I agree with what we are doing in Afghanistan and the war against terror.
I think that the New York fire/police/ambulance departments are fantastic.
I am proud of my country.
I am English.
Hmmmmmmmm. Is there something wrong with me?
America Will Execute Brit Today.
by Englishman inhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/americas/newsid_1867000/1867916.stm .
The expresion i used, "if you cant do the time, dont do the crime" meens that if you dont want to suffer the punishment for your crime, then dont commit the crime in the first place. Therefore, if you commit a crime that carries the death penalty wherever that crime is commited then you pay that price. I am a great believer in the frase "when in rome, do as the romans."
I think this guy should pay for all eternity for what he did but if a quick painless death is the next best thing then so be it.Those ppl in my country that think paying for the likes of Myra Hindley and Peter Sutcliffe to be kept in relative comfort for the rest of there lives with the funds coming from our taxes have obviously got more money than sense.
In the post you quoted me from i also stated that one of my opinions on this issue would be to let the family's of the victims decide on the punishment of the convicted person. maybe you should read the post again to get a better overvue of it.
To those that have turned this thread into a UK v USA agument, all i have to say is that just because you are proud of your nation dousnt mean we dont have a right to an opinion. Im english and im pretty much pro the death penalty in your country. Please dont put ppl down from my country just because they dont agree with you, i find this quite offensive.
P.S. Apparently this guy is from the UK but in my oppinion he doesnt desurve to breath the same air as me. So as far as im concerned you guys can keep him and do with him what you will.
G'dnight all.
America Will Execute Brit Today.
by Englishman inhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/americas/newsid_1867000/1867916.stm .
The british governmant are currantly trying to get him off on a technicality if you didnt already know. I personally think this stinks.
I too am not fully behind the death penalty because of the risk of mistakes, but, and its a big but, if someone was drowning say in fast flowing water, im pretty confident that i would risk my life to save the life of that person. Likewise therefore if 1 inocent life is lost to save many then maybe the death penalty is fair.
Personally im sick of paying for the upkeep of the Peter Sutcliffe's and Mira Hindley's of this world.I could get quite barbaric in my arguments here cos i have an incling that it would be beneficial to the familys of the victims to decide on the punishment of there killer. they could maybe then get a true sense of justice.
Hmm.... This is a realy tough subject but i still say that when in rome..... and all that. If you cant do the time, dont do the crime.
I still hope it hurts.
America Will Execute Brit Today.
by Englishman inhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/americas/newsid_1867000/1867916.stm .
He raped and strangled a middle aged woman. He admit's it.
End of story.
Oh, and i hope it hurts.Oh and if we want a debate on the justice system in the uk ill start it.
Recently a man that i know beat up his wife and put her in hospital.
She was six month pregnant. The police decided not to press charges.
Was that justice?He got his after me and an associate of mine paid him a visit. He spent longer in hospital than she did.
Was that justice? -
Woman magazine. ex-JW story.
by Geordie inwoman magazine in the uk are running a story in the march 18 issue titled, "i had to chose between my husband and my religion.
" its in the shops now.. its the story of jo and paul kevin.
jo left the jw's after paul did a s**t load of research.
Woman magazine in the uk are running a story in the march 18 issue titled, "I had to chose between my husband and my religion." Its in the shops now.
Its the story of Jo and Paul kevin. Jo left the JW's after Paul did a s**t load of research. This is pretty much about her experience and the struggle and heart ache she has endured.
If your in the UK go out and buy it.
A new JW Urban Legend in the making?
by NikL ingot this e mail that seems to be making the rounds.
sounds made up to me but in case you are interested in this sort of thing read on.... interesting remarks at morning worship from tom & esther chin: .
monday, january 28, david splane, a member of the governing body conducte.
I too have been very lucky.
If i had booked a flight from the uk to new york, then a taxi to the world trade centre, then booked a tour, I too could have been on the top floor at that very moment.
The lord truely does work in mysterious ways.
Lets not forget that the guy could have taken the job, been stuck in traffic, and missed the thing by minutes.
He could have taken the job, got there ontime and been killed. (God forbid)
Would they then have sead that " he should have listened to his heart and not his wallet"?There self rightious bollox realy makes me sick.
Move the Al Quaida prisoners!
by Norm inmany are concerned with the conditions of the prisoner held in cuba.
it appears that their conditions are far better then what happens to refugees in australia.. it is quite shocking to read what goes on in australia regarding their treatment of refugees.isnt it wonderful how these lovely and caring australian nation are so happy to keep women and children in concentration camps out in the desert for years?
how great it is to know that we have australia among the international federation of civilized nations, where human rights and particularly childrens right are of major concern, particularly if these children are non australian.. norm
I agree that refugees should be kept humainly, but this week in the uk we had some ppl seeking asylum.
They were spotted on a croos channel ferry and when they were challenged they threatend to throw there children overbourd. One mother went so far as to dangle her terrified 6 year old child over the side of the boat.
We have recently had a verry modern purpose built building that was there homes burnt down, almost certainly killing some of the refugees, simply to allow some others to escape in the confusion.We as tax payers have to foot the bill for this and in my opinion if they want sympathy then there going the wrong way about it.
I have many opinions on this matter and could talk about it for hours but at the end of the day i would love to go live in a better country than the uk but i cant aford it. why? cos i pay too much tax.
Thanx asylum seekers. I owe you alot.Ofcourse there is some that realy need to be out of there own country because of the regime they live in but in my opinion they should stay and fight for there country rather than run to a soft country and leave there family's and freinds to suffer.
As for any al quaida prisoners well anything will do for them.
Well enough ranting for one night
cya -
Did anyone notice I'd gone?
by Sirona indid any1 notice i'd gone?
i was recently diagnosed with skin cancer and due to treatments etc.
i havent been able to post.
Hi Sirona
Dont think weve met but ive just e-mailed yer
good luck with what you have to go through and my thoughts are with you.
I think thats how you spell it anyway.