Did anyone notice I'd gone?

by Sirona 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sirona

    Hi all

    Did any1 notice I'd gone? I was recently diagnosed with skin cancer and due to treatments etc. I havent been able to post. Im back in hospital this weekend for more skin removed. :(

    Anyway, just thought I'd drop in and see what the current topic is...


    ** http://www.religioustolerance.org **

  • Latte


    I missed ya girl!

    You poor thing. If you need a visitor or any help just let me know won't you?
    {{{{{{{{Kind thoughts coming your way}}}}}}}}}


  • Abaddon

    oUCH... I hope it's one of the 'nicer' skin cancers; a friend had a scare with this a while back but after having the mole removed was given the all clear.

    All the best and let us know how you are.

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • Angharad

    Sorry to hear that Sirona, let us know if you need anything. Hope everything goes ok.

  • LittleToe

    Ouch, are you okay, Sirona?

  • Celia

    Yes, I wondered a couple times where Sirona had gone.
    I hope you'll get healthy again very soon.

  • think41self


    Welcome back, I'm so so sorry about the skin cancer. Is everything ok? Treatment working? Let us know how you're doing!


    If I'd known I was going to live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself!

  • Sirona


    Thanks all.

    Thanks for the offer Latte. Im sure I will be ok, its just nasty.

    Abaddon, no, unfortunately its the worst one - malignant melanoma. Im hoping it hasnt already spread to my glands, they're going to test.

    I'm sort of OK but it was only diagnosed Feb 1st so Im still shocked. At least treatments are happening quick! I had the lump removed in Jan, then the result that it was cancer, then I had more skin removed (13 stiches in my arm) which unfortunately showed even more cancer. So now Im going in to have even more skin removed and that'll probably mean a skin graft. eek.

    It'll all be done soon, and Im looking forward to vegging out in front of videos and eating lots of nice food! Then I will have a great time doing all the things that I always wanted to do (but never seemed to have time)...because I realised that you don't know whats around the corner. Live life today.


    ** http://www.religioustolerance.org **

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    Holy cow!

    Very sorry to hear that Sirona.

    Best wishes,
    Mr Ben

    Religion n.
    An organisation designed to promote atheism.

  • Undine

    I noticed you were gone and missed
    your thoughtful posts.
    Am SO SORRY about what you're going through,
    it must be horrid. Please take care and be extra
    kind to yourself.

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