I have heard many preachers talk about the joys of heaven
The streets paved with gold and the glorious throne
Where we ill never hunger of feel any sickness or pain
The sun is always shining and there is no death
Now some of those things do rightly appeal to me
No death for example
It surely would be a joy if Mama and Daddy
Grandpa and Grandpa, little brother and big sister where still here
But there are some thing I wonder about
I think back to the days of my youth and recall certain things
Such as the time I was sitting beneath a giant old oak tree
On a hill over looking a meadow
A cool breeze brought me the smell of new mown hay
And Mama's light bread baking on an old wood stove
I wonder if they will have those things in heaven
Then I see Daddy and his mules slowly circling the field
Big old ears flippity floppin, with Daddy's up there Red
With the sun just beginning to set in the west
Now I'm sure streets of gold are a pretty sight
But as the sun went down and the western sky
Turned into blazing colors, I'll take it any day
Now as a spirit wouldn't be hungry
But I sure would miss Mama's hot cakes in the morning
Them polk salad greens, fried tatyers, and hot corn bread
A big old peach cobbler for desert, with fresh whipped cream
With a big cold glass of sweet milk to wash it all down
Some might think riding around on their own cloud
All day would be a uncommon pleasure
Now I admit I wouldn't mind trying it
But I truly doubt that it could equal the pleasure of
Riding horseback across a meadow or a mountain trail
Then when night came following old Blue as he chased Mr. Ringtail
Pain now that's another thing I'm not too sure about
Shoor, no broken legs, arms and such is good
And to be rid of old Arithritis, shoor would be nice
But Daddy's belt across my but made a better man of me
That tummy ache I got from eating them green apples
Taught me Mamas do know best
Now if being a spirit is all that great
How come them angels came down to earth
Took bodies of flesh and took wives from the women of the earth
I know I would surely miss the comfort of my sweet one lying beside me
So if it is all the same to you, I'll just keep my life here on earth
For I can but conclude it is the best...