In the congregation I attended I was the only one that had my children in Daycare. Most of the sisters didn't work. They either cleaned houses two days out of the week or had a parttime. Part time jobs usually didn't last because the elders would immediatley start talking to them about putting Jehovah first. If they couldn't take care of their kids other sisters would. My children usually stayed with my mother if they weren't in daycare.
I worked and was told about the importance of putting Jehovah first. I told the elder my husband is lazy and doesnt work. Who is going to pay my bills? No one in this cong. even ask if I'm okay or if my kids have what they need. One time a sister told me that I was rarely at the meetings and that i should not forget about Jehovah.
I told her "When you start taking care of me and my family and paying my bills then tell me something!!!"
I said it loud and clear. She never said anything to me again. I knew I didnt want to be JW since I was a kid. The only year I enjoyed everything having to do with JW was when I was 11-12 not too long. I realized the truth. I didnt' want to be there anymore.