I got disfelowshiped when i divorced my husband and altho we both went on to have relationships with other people he didn't get disfelowshiped as he wasn't going to meetings. we have since then got back together and i find it so frustrating that i still get treated like a leper being shunned by his family and all the other witnesses but he still gets invited to dinner and works with them. i don't want to be best buddys with any of them i just hate it when they cross the road to avoid me .(it's not like i would do anything aggressive, i've always been quite quiet) when we wern't together i didn't bother me so much but i do feel a bit crap when he takes our children over their for dinner and i am not invited, i feel we should be treated the same as one family unit.(especially as we have committed the same 'sin') i'm a bit torn as i wish my partner would show some solidarety but at the same time i don't want him to stop seeing his parents. do any of you have any good scriptures that i could use to show they are being unchristian ? is this form of shunning really in the bible? thanks, melissa
by lovelylissa 47 Replies latest jw friends
If you are still df'd, why would you expect anything different?
Welcome Lissa, I look forward to hearing more about your story.
I would not put up with such a double standard. I would expect your husband to stand by you and not go out without you until you are reinstated. When I was disfellowshipped I have been quite adamant that any person that shuns me is not welcome to be a friend of my wife. If they want to come around and visit, it is with me there. What has happened is that my wife stopped going to meetings and now we have a wonderful circle of friends that we both share, irrespective of any religious labels.
Do you still believe Jehovah guides the Watchtower Society? I have done a lot of research that is at jwfacts.com that may help answer any questions that you have. Particularly http://www.jwfacts.com/index_files/disfellowship.htm shows why disfellowshipping as practiced by the Watchtower Society is unchristian.
Welcome LovelyLissa
I just wanted to say im sorry you are being treated like this.
Looking forward to reading more of your story.
i just don't get why i'm treated so differently from my partner.
AK - Jeff
i just don't get why i'm treated so differently from my partner.
Because, unfortunately, the religion that you practiced was just as false as the ones they condemn. Hypocricy abounds therein. I suggest you read the book 'Crisis of Conscience' by Raymond Franz. You will begin to see the curtain pulled back right from the start, and by the time you finish, you will be changed regarding your view of this religion we called the 'Truth'. Jeff
I do see your point. Why are you shunned and hubby not when you committed the same wrong?
You got df'd and he didn't.
He must have been repentant and you weren't ... just a guess.
If you feel that strongly ... get reinstated ... end of problem.
p.s. .... don't be surprised if you get the cold shoulder even after getting back in...
women who are unfaithful are never forgiven ... totally.
Just the way it is ... JW or not.
oh don't worry i don't believe in it any more,the best thing i ever did was leaving the jws . My and my children's life is so much better, even my relationship is better now we're divorced! it's just difficult dealing with the in-laws and unpleasant being shunned. lissa
Welcome to JWD
That's just the way it is in the borg. Also you are a female and we all know that females are second class citizens as far as the JW's go. Do you still go to the meetings?
They only have as much power over you as you will allow them to have. Don't let them make you feel like crap, they put their pants on just like you, one leg at a time and certainly they are no better a human being than you are.
Let me get this straight.
You are divorced.
You and hubby are back together.
And you wonder why the treatment you are getting?
If you are living together without benfit of marriage .. hubby is NOT in good standing as a JW.
Therefore he'd get treated the same as you.