After a very long time I have return to tell you have things have gone.. I broke up with him mainly because I figured it was not worth it and also because he wanted to do sexual activities... which I am not keen on. He wanted to see me in my underway and wanted to make out with me in my underwear... I told him hell no, that is not the way I have been brought up. Anyway I came to the conclusion that he was sexually frustrated hence why he wanted a girlfriend but then he did not get what he bargained for because I always said no to him which made him fustrated. He of course denies this. Anyways I am free and I feel totally relaxed now. That relationship really stressed me out. He was so dependent on me so it was difficult to break up with him. When I broke it off with at this point he was very confused and did not know what to believe in anymore. The Elders were ignoring him and he felt that his life no longer had any meaning. Well he told me that he was going to go back to a life of stealing(he has dodgy past) since I broke up with him and he has nothing to do. We are now friends and I have persuaded him to go to college(he is starting in September of this year. He asks me questions like the trinity and things like that and I try my best to answer them. Well he seems to be doing well now. Well that it lol
JoinedPosts by Cosmos
Dating a JW info
by Lady Lee inother than telling a person to run:what do you think a person (who knows nothing about the jws) needs to know if they are getting involved with a jw.what would be helpful to them to end things before they get further involved?what will help them if they decide to go further and marry this jw?what challenges would a non-jw woman have if she gets involved with the jw man?what about having children and the struggles that will develop from that?.
if you think of anything else that would be halpful please add it to the thread.
i would like to have a lot of this info in one thread besides some of the great "dating a jw" threads we already have in the best of section.
Dating a JW info
by Lady Lee inother than telling a person to run:what do you think a person (who knows nothing about the jws) needs to know if they are getting involved with a jw.what would be helpful to them to end things before they get further involved?what will help them if they decide to go further and marry this jw?what challenges would a non-jw woman have if she gets involved with the jw man?what about having children and the struggles that will develop from that?.
if you think of anything else that would be halpful please add it to the thread.
i would like to have a lot of this info in one thread besides some of the great "dating a jw" threads we already have in the best of section.
sass_my_frasss, when i say that my story is quite different I mean that he seem to have a mind of his own. Infact he does not care what the elders think anymore.
jnat. thank you again. I will post how things go
Dating a JW info
by Lady Lee inother than telling a person to run:what do you think a person (who knows nothing about the jws) needs to know if they are getting involved with a jw.what would be helpful to them to end things before they get further involved?what will help them if they decide to go further and marry this jw?what challenges would a non-jw woman have if she gets involved with the jw man?what about having children and the struggles that will develop from that?.
if you think of anything else that would be halpful please add it to the thread.
i would like to have a lot of this info in one thread besides some of the great "dating a jw" threads we already have in the best of section.
Ok. What do you suggest I do then? I don't think there is any other way and you did not show me how to put paragraphs in my sentences when I post lol
Dating a JW info
by Lady Lee inother than telling a person to run:what do you think a person (who knows nothing about the jws) needs to know if they are getting involved with a jw.what would be helpful to them to end things before they get further involved?what will help them if they decide to go further and marry this jw?what challenges would a non-jw woman have if she gets involved with the jw man?what about having children and the struggles that will develop from that?.
if you think of anything else that would be halpful please add it to the thread.
i would like to have a lot of this info in one thread besides some of the great "dating a jw" threads we already have in the best of section.
I absolutely agree with you about the too much info at once thing jgnat, that is why I am going to take my time to show him things step by step. Erm could you give a website that explains the whole concept about the number of time God's name appears in the bible. I mean that the JW NWT has God's name in practically every sentence lol but I don't think that originally name it appears as many times as the NWT states. I hope I'm making sense. lol. Last thing can you tell me how to put paragraphs in my sentences lol. Thanks
Dating a JW info
by Lady Lee inother than telling a person to run:what do you think a person (who knows nothing about the jws) needs to know if they are getting involved with a jw.what would be helpful to them to end things before they get further involved?what will help them if they decide to go further and marry this jw?what challenges would a non-jw woman have if she gets involved with the jw man?what about having children and the struggles that will develop from that?.
if you think of anything else that would be halpful please add it to the thread.
i would like to have a lot of this info in one thread besides some of the great "dating a jw" threads we already have in the best of section.
Thanks guys. Well a lot has happened since my post. My BF got his privileges taken away so he is not allowed to do pioneer work anymore. Basically he does not feel that he has done anything wrong but because the elders told him it was wrong he is saying that he has done wrong. So I told him that its like the elders are saying he killed someone when he knows he has not but he is accepting it anyway. The elders talked to him and gave him some quotes from the bible to support what they were saying, needless to say that all three quotes had nothing to do with what had happened. I pointed this out to him and he just brushed it off saying that the elders sees what he has done as wrong so it is wrong. Well I told him we are going to talk about it so I'm gonna give him time to put his thoughts together. So at the moment I am gathering all the evidence I can doing lots of praying to prepare for the 'day of revelation' lol I'm thinking the fact that he has lost his privileges is a good thing because I feel that it is step but he is feeling so lost at the moment I don't know what to do. He feels that there is nothing left for him anymore and that the only thing good in his life is me. On top of everything he lost his job and at the moment can't find any(well he found one but he did not like the hours because it meant he could not go to services anymore) I have tried to convince him that there is life outside the congregation and I even got my friends to show him. We went out to have fun. I have got him to question some things and at the moment he is doing research about the congregation. Another thing is he does not seemed to be bothered if any of the members of his cong sees us together. However I think that it is just him retaliating, but I fear that all the work I have done so far to make him realize the truth will be wasted because he told me yesterday that he might be able to start pioneering again. It is all so annoying. I will post what happens when I confront him about his religion which should be somewhere in late January
Dating a JW info
by Lady Lee inother than telling a person to run:what do you think a person (who knows nothing about the jws) needs to know if they are getting involved with a jw.what would be helpful to them to end things before they get further involved?what will help them if they decide to go further and marry this jw?what challenges would a non-jw woman have if she gets involved with the jw man?what about having children and the struggles that will develop from that?.
if you think of anything else that would be halpful please add it to the thread.
i would like to have a lot of this info in one thread besides some of the great "dating a jw" threads we already have in the best of section.
Hi, I am new to this forum and I think God guided me to this site lol. Anyways I have read all the stories and advise that has been given on this site and let me tell they are real eye openers. I am only 17 and a Christian and I have been dating a JW for almost 2 months now and let me say that I think my story is quite different from everyone else. So here goes: I met JW boy and what can I say, he was nice, we became friends and eventually started dating. About 3 week into the relationship I went to his house and after on my way home (he was taking me to the bus stop) we were holding hands when all of a sudden someone called him and he immediately turned around and let go of my hand at the speed of light lol. It turned out that the person was a member of his congregation and therefore if he found out we were dating it will be trouble. Anyway they talked for while and the guy went his way. When we got to the bus stop I notice a change in him. His face was stricken with fear so I asked him what was wrong and he said he might get into trouble because we have been seen together. So I asked him if he was not allowed to date me and he did not really give me a straight answer and gave me the quote 'Marry in the Lord'. We got talking and he told me that he is breaking some rules because of the fact that we were dating and that he now feels guilty. Things suddenly turned serious and I said I did not want him to break any rules just to go out with me. He replied and said that if that is the case then we can't go out anymore because basically if he did not break the rules our relationship will break down. I told him to think about it and said that he does not need to and that he already knows what to do. He said in his heart he wants to be with me but his head is telling him otherwise but he knows the heart is treacherous and that you cannot trust it. Basically he wanted to break up but he could not tell me straight so I told him he is gonna have to but he didn't. My bus came and I got on it thinking we were over. Later that day I got a text from him saying that he really likes me and that he is going to break the rules and keep going out with me. At this point I did not know what to say but I tried to reply to his text anyway by saying ' I'm happy you like me that much to break some rules but with my hand on my I cannot accept that fact that you are doing so but I am going to be selfish and accept anyway because I really like you too' The funny thing is I had no credit to send my reply via text so I tried free internet text messaging and for some reason it will not send so I tried to mail him my reply and again for some reason it will not send. At this point I was thinking maybe I'm not supposed to reply because something was clearly working against me lol. ps I don't know what has happened to all my paragraphs lol All of a sudden something in my mind told me to do research about JW's and dating and that is how I found this site and oh boy was I surprised. Everything that has happened in my relationship with this guy had also happened to others. After reading through so many stories about others I called my friend and told her about what I have discovered. The next day I went to my friend's house and did some more research and to my horror everything was telling me to run. Even my friend told me to run. After much contemplating I decided to keep dating him despite all the evidence to run because he did not seem like your typical JW. What I am trying to say is that he has a mind and opinion of his own it seems that he has not been completely brainwashed so I thought there was hope for him and that maybe I could make him realise the truth about the Watch tower bible and tract society. So things went back to normal and I tried some of the methods on this site and others to try and make him seem sense. I got him to answer some questions which I got from 'Opening the Closed Mind'. He answered all the questions but half way through he didn't want to answer anymore so he tried to distract me but I stood my ground and made sure he answered all of them. I told him we will go over his answers when I next see him and he agreed. Needless to say that till this day we have not been able to go over his answers. Anyway back to the story. About a week ago on of the members of his congregation saw us walking on the street (I did not find out until later). My bf suddenly told me to pretend that I did not him. I thought it was bit weird but I did not want him to get into trouble so I did as he said. Later we went to his house and I asked him about what happened earlier and he told me not to worry about it. So I let it go. Any way the day progressed and it was almost time for me to get going. He gets a phone call and he runs into his bedroom and answers. He came back and he somehow seemed different. He started to act weird then he did something I really did not like and I was very disappointed in him. He said he had to go to badminton practice and that someone was coming to pick him up so could I wait until after they have gone then leave. I did not say a word to him after what he had done and just stared at him with disappointment in my eyes. He left and about a minute later I left and went home. On my way home he send me a text saying see you next week and replied back 'HELL NO!' left it as that. About two hours later I get another text from him saying ' forget about the first text, I know exactly what I have done, I could see it in your eyes and I'm really sorry, I’m crying as I send you this text'. He explained that the guy that saw us walking on street saw us kissing from his kitchen window and that it was him that called and picked him up. He told him to end his relationship with me. He said he got scared and that is why he did what he did because he knew that if he did that then it will break us up. At this point I was feeling so angry I did not know what to say to him except for that fact that I need to talk to him face to face about what happened. He agreed and on Friday I met up with him and asked him what it was that he wanted and he said that he wants me. I did not believe him. I told him that he was a like a little rabbit that runs and hides every time he see an eagle and that he cant keep saying lets break up and then later change his mind. He asked me if we were still together and I said I'm not sure but he needs to make it up to me. Anyways later that day when I came home I got a text message from him saying that he is going to tell his mum and the elders everything and tell them that he is still going to date no matter what they do. So I asked him even if that means he gets disfelloworshiped and he said yes. So I told him to do what ever he thinks is best. That night he told his mum everything with the presence of an elder and the next day the elder told the body of elders and now they are contemplating what is going to happen to him. Finally I have finished my story; sorry that it is so long lol. Anyway at this moment he is very uneasy and I do not know what to say or do to support him. I feel that this is the opportunity for me to help him break free from the watch tower since he was brave enough to tell them the truth despite the consequences but I don’t know how to go about it. I need your help. PS I don't know what has happened to the paragraphing