as for me: I pronounce it Jaracz
as for me: I pronounce it Jaracz
dear sirs, .
domain please note .
hans georg kolpak is a well known .
Nixi, but Hans Kolpaks other activities are known among German xJW and JW (yes, because of this "Bernd" guy but also because Hans likes to be in the centre of attention) and that makes vulnerable from my point of view
But I will not further comment on this topic.
{dear sirs, on a german site i have read, that hans georg kolpak is going to host your material.
for this purpose he has registered the domain please note hans georg kolpak is a well known porndealer.take a look at or http:// most dangerous for your work is following.
on his world-of-bodies domain hans georg kolpak links to nudist sites,which show so called voyeur pics.
In this thread Hans Kolpak boasts that he has Bill Bowen's support.
In the very same thread he defends his sex-links by calling those who criticize them "puritanic bend fundamentalist", "a**holes", and "boars". Maybe a online translation tool can transalte the link given above.
Please understand that Kolpak is not an anonymous provider but his name is prominently on all his websites including and his sex-sites!
Bill, I'm sure that you are not aware of all this.
{dear sirs, on a german site i have read, that hans georg kolpak is going to host your material.
for this purpose he has registered the domain please note hans georg kolpak is a well known porndealer.take a look at or http:// most dangerous for your work is following.
on his world-of-bodies domain hans georg kolpak links to nudist sites,which show so called voyeur pics.
From Silentlamb-guestbook:
{Dear Sirs, On a german site I have read, that Hans Georg Kolpak is going to host your material. For this purpose he has registered the domain Please note Hans Georg Kolpak is a well known porndealer.Take a look at or http:// Most dangerous for your work is following. On his world-of-bodies domain Hans Georg Kolpak links to nudist sites,which show so called voyeur pics. You surely know nudist sites are playgrounds for child molesters. Don't give Hans Georg Kolpak permission to host your material or you will lost your reputation. best wishes Bernd
While I think the one signing Bill's guestbook is a fake, the facts are straight: Hans-Georg Kolpak is a participant on German board He appears as a "Psychological Counselor" (in fact he did some kind of psychological education) but from his postings it is clear to me that he has some severe problems himself.
He owns a lot of domains about Sex (i.e. see above, also one promoting selling sperm) and Religion (i.e.} and runs an expensive cult-exit-hotline. He never misses a chance to advertise his business.
There is no mention of his business (yet) on but I feel strange about him hosting Bill's German Site. It makes it vulnerable from my point of view.
Edited by - GermanJW on 18 July 2002 1:19:51
about 45min ago - on short notice -, german tv magazine kontraste ( broadcasted a very well researched report on child abuse within the jw community.
the report was only 10min long, but it was german prime time - the very first topic after the most watched daily news magazine.
kontraste (contrasts) is very reputable tv magazine.. two victims were interviewed and a jw spokesman.
Thankyou LadyLee for your assistance but I even don't own a scanner.
But however, my point was: why does the German branch make it that hard to work with their press release?
I guess they were afraid that it would circulate at critical boards - and that is what it did despite their settings.
just coincidence or new light shining?.
ms. powys, please do not conclude that we believe that our system is perfect.
no human.
Just coincidence or New Light shining?
Ms. Powys, please do not conclude that we believe that our system is perfect. No human
organization is perfect. But we do believe that we have a strong, Bible-based policy on child abuse. (J.R.Brown, Watch Tower Society, in his letter of May 9th, 2002 to Betsan Powys, BBC Panorama, p.3)
Although no organization directed by humans can be perfect, we are delighted to be able to serve God in the company of faithful fellow believers, who gladly submit to godly authority! (The Watchtower, August 1, 2002, p. 14, 22)
Compare that with the following quotes:
As I look back over my lifetime in Jehovah's service, I can see that Jehovah is the one who is running this organization-not men. (The Watchtower, August 1st, 1998, p. 24)
Because Jehovah's servants follow divine, not human, standards, his organization is theocratic, clean, and wholesome.(The Watchtower, September 1st, 1998, p. 18, 17)
Thus Israel learned the hard way the futility of relying on human organizations. Instead of enjoying peace, the nation was dragged off into exile in Babylon.-2 Chronicles 36:17-21. (The Watchtower, January 1st, 1996, p. 9, 2)
about 45min ago - on short notice -, german tv magazine kontraste ( broadcasted a very well researched report on child abuse within the jw community.
the report was only 10min long, but it was german prime time - the very first topic after the most watched daily news magazine.
kontraste (contrasts) is very reputable tv magazine.. two victims were interviewed and a jw spokesman.
Lady Lee, thankyou.
But take a look at the pdf-File. It can't either be printed. You can just read it on your screen.
I don't know what the WTS intended with it. But it seems to be a German phenomenon: the British and the US press releases can be printed and you can use cut'n'paste.
But the German version is nothing new when you know the other releases on the topic.
about 45min ago - on short notice -, german tv magazine kontraste ( broadcasted a very well researched report on child abuse within the jw community.
the report was only 10min long, but it was german prime time - the very first topic after the most watched daily news magazine.
kontraste (contrasts) is very reputable tv magazine.. two victims were interviewed and a jw spokesman.
This link is still working:
Maybe it could be included to the media section despite it is in German?
Edited by - GermanJW on 15 July 2002 15:40:22
about 45min ago - on short notice -, german tv magazine kontraste ( broadcasted a very well researched report on child abuse within the jw community.
the report was only 10min long, but it was german prime time - the very first topic after the most watched daily news magazine.
kontraste (contrasts) is very reputable tv magazine.. two victims were interviewed and a jw spokesman.
I think due to vacations some may have missed that a very reputable German tv magazine reported about the JW policy on prime time.
Bang! Thaz was not Swedish but some kind of Pidgin German. :-)
Happy_man, no questions for the German elder. Maybe he wants to ask ME anything. :-)