I have got it right that the 2001 CD-ROM does not contain Vol. 2002? Poor work.
JoinedPosts by GermanXJW
WT 2001 CD-ROM
by zev indoes anyone know, if the new 2001 cd-rom from the wts has been released yet?.
To: GermanJW
by Celia ingermanjw please can you send me an e-mail ?
i sent you one, no answer yet.. or anyone else from germany, or italy, or poland, or russia, or portugal.... thanks.
If that was the question concerning the German translator of CoC than you should have received an email by me some months ago.
To: GermanJW
by Celia ingermanjw please can you send me an e-mail ?
i sent you one, no answer yet.. or anyone else from germany, or italy, or poland, or russia, or portugal.... thanks.
uhm, is this still current?
new laws on blood refusal
by meadow77 indo you think that there should be laws that forbid either adults from deciding if their minor children will refuse blood, and or laws forbiding minors from refusing blood.
i ask because on one hand i don't know if the law should be able to circumvent parents rights, but on the other hand in a matter of life and death, should we allow children to make a permanent decision(or their parents)about something they may come to recognize later as wrong.
It is the same in Germany. When doctors decide that a minor needs a transfusion, custody is taken away from the parents for the time the transfusion is being conducted to the child.
To get granted the status of a public body in Germany, the German Branch even officially argued that this is no problem and that they don't encourage to resist this procedure that custody is taken away but respect the decision.
The Two Towers
by Xander injust saw this.. great movie.
not as good as book, but about matches it roughly as good as fellowship matched the book.. gollum is class act - for those worried the little cgi creature wouldn't work, don't be!
he looks great - and the voice acting is dead one.. won't say too much, as spoilers might ruin it for some, but you really, really should see the extended edition dvd of the fellowship before seeing this movie.
Take a look at the font the "The Two Towers"-poster (see above) uses. Any dejavue? ;-)
Russell became rich after founding WatchTower?
by GermanXJW ina participant on german infolink-board claims that russell was not rich before he founded the watch tower society.
he refers to an english source.
i am reluctant to believe this but here are people like rr who can answer with authority:.
A participant on German Infolink-Board claims that Russell was not rich before he founded the Watch Tower Society. He refers to an English source. I am reluctant to believe this but here are people like RR who can answer with authority:
What we have been told.
Up to now, no one has contested the explanation that has been provided by The WT Society and their official history. Supposedly, Russell sold his clothing store and financed his activities from the proceeds...
Russells finances.
It will surprise many people to learn that Charles T. and his father Joseph L. were quite poor in 1870. They boarded and their store was rented to them. In 1870, they were not involved in religion yet, and the two of them had not a single piece of property. Josephs personal belongings were $ 2,000. (1870 Census of Pittsburgh, Ward 4, pg. 98, Line 4,5,6).
The first good financial break was when Charles T. Russels uncle by the same name dies Dec. 1875. His father inherited $ 1,000. (Will of C.T. Russell, Sr).
The popular story is that Pastor Russell gave all his money to his great crusade and dies a poor man, leaving his poor wife with only $ 200. The Court records show a very rich man indeed. And most of Russells money CAME IN AFTER HE STARTED UP HIS Watch Tower Society.
Because C.T. Russells wife divorced him in 1897 Russell hid his money so that his ex-wife would not be able to get any support. In Court, C.T. Russell would not honestly state his holdings even under oath. J.J. Ross investigated on his own and discovered that Russell had lied under oath. After having lied in Court, Pastor Russell had to make a clean breast of his lies when the Reverend Ross confronted him in Court with the facts and the charters of SOME OF RUSSELLS COMPANIES (Ross, Rev.J.J. Some Facts and More Facts About the Self-Styled Pastor Charles T. Russell, Hamilton, Ont. 1920, pp. 31-32. See also Courthouse Records, Deeds, Allegheny Co., PA, citations from numerous volumes and pages). -
Home Schooling
by hippikon inwhat are your thoughts on home schooling?
we had a few in one congregation i was in that practiced home schooling for their kids.
i kina think home schooling is isolationists and for loons.
I am very grateful that Homeschooling in not allowed in Germany. Teachers have a lot of influence on their pupils. Imagine you cannot even escape the JW by going to school!
Edited by - GermanJW on 20 December 2002 8:37:36
WBTS/Demons/Ketchup Song. Any References?
by SpannerintheWorks in.
does anybody have any wbts literature references where it is stated that the "ketchup song" contains "demonic influences".. an ex-jw friend of mine has heard that the wbts has stated this, and it would be very useful it have it confirmed.. thanks.. .
Hi Farkel, thanks, I am fine and even my family is making progress spiritually. ;-)
Yes, I read Schnell's book. I purchased it some time ago in an antiquarian book store. For me he is too evangelical. I enjoyed the anecdotes. But for me it is hard to believe that he presents the WTS as just a business company. I think those in the lead felt special about themselves as God's representatives.
Currently I am reading E. Gruss's latest book.
by Roddy ini've been curious about something.
anyone has speculation or fact why the wts doesn't register their books with the isbn?
(www.isbn.org) every book worth anything carries an isbn number.
I don't know if this has something to do with the topic.
Until 1990 the magazines in Germany had a code in the upper right corner.
The Watchtower 1Y7003D
Awake! 1Y3064DThat stopped with the issue of 15th/22nd Dec 1990.
Any explanation?
WBTS/Demons/Ketchup Song. Any References?
by SpannerintheWorks in.
does anybody have any wbts literature references where it is stated that the "ketchup song" contains "demonic influences".. an ex-jw friend of mine has heard that the wbts has stated this, and it would be very useful it have it confirmed.. thanks.. .
I only heard something from non-JW sources that is evangelical groups. They say a line in the lyrics is "Become a heretic, Jehovah, cease to exist.
But I have not that much JW contacts any more.
Edited by - GermanJW on 17 December 2002 16:56:59