In the 1800/1900s, at least in Germany many brethren - including Branch Servant Paul Balzereit - cultivated a beard like C.T.Russell. When Rutherford saw that, he made a deal with Balzereit: he had to take off the beard to get something from the Judge (I can't remember what).
JoinedPosts by GermanXJW
Has anyone ever heard of the name 'Taze' before? The one and only person with this name I have ever heard of is Charles Taze Russell.
Is anyone familiar with it? Maybe there were some early Bible Students that named their offspring after him?
Just curious.
Why are men so fascinated with Breasts?
by butalbee income on boys, tell me what is your fascination with clevage?
do you dream of big breasts?
does the cup size really matter?
I have not become an evolutionist yet, but I've read a serious article that said men liked women's buttocks when walking on four legs. After humankind began to walk on two legs there still had to be something to turn men on. And guess what: breasts are just a fake ass.
This was the article in short. :-)
WTS visits Apostate Website! (continuation)
by Rado Vleugel inwts visits apostate website!
(i move this discussion to the top of this board because its already been buried under the other posts.
I know 100% for sure that the German branch PR-Department is surfing apostate sites. They try to ridicule the contents but I think they take it very seriously.
Some years ago, they also had in stock all the apostate books. Bethel elders had to be volunteers to read them - they did not want to give the impression to encourage anyone to read them. My latest info is that they have ceased to pay attention to apostate literature - maybe the volunteers began to question certain things?
Watchtower Letter
by JosephAlward ini received a letter today from the watchtower explaining their reasons for registering with the dpi.
the last paragraph is perhaps the most interesting, though it may contain no new information.. .
joseph f. alward.
As requested, here is the information about their frequency in using the library:
Whats the dumbest thing you were counselled for?
by Beck_Melbourne ini was once counselled by the elders for watching 'knots landing' became widely known in the congregation that me and a few other sisters would rush home from field service to watch our favourite soapie.
if we missed it, we would ring each other up for an update...or...if we weren't near a tv we would ask someone to put the phone handset on the top of their tv so we could hear it...pathetic huh...but that was all the excitement we could scrounge up in our otherwise dull and uneventful lives.
one of the elder's wive's conscience got the better of her...and she confessed to her
Counselled for not wearing a jacket but a pullover with a tie while conducting the CBS. And that my wife was near being part of the "Pioneers Help Others"-Program - not as a pioneer but a victim. ;-)
by MadApostate ini'm pulling this out of the original thread since people are blowing by this as if it were nothing.. the blue portion appears on page 17 of the june 1, 1991 watchtower, in the article titled their refuge--a lie!, which criticizes "christendom" for seeking help from the united nations rather than jah.. .
"prayer and meditation at the united nations"-- robert muller .
"prayer, meditation and spirituality at the un are fascinating subjects.
German JW - what does it say?
The headline (I don't like too much) is "JW- Dancing with the devil? 10 years intimate with the devil? 10 years of 'fornication'?"
Then there is a small summary about the facts and the poor library excuse.
There is a translation of the Stephen Bates article.Another article is from a "Cult Awarenenss" paper of the Protestant Churches in Germany that also had a story about the NGO story.
New Watchtower CD?
by Xander ini'm going to post another thread on this since my last attempt to hijack a thread was utterly in vain.. does anyone have the latest watchtower library cd?
i *think* the year was '99 or '01, but i'm not 100% on that.. if so, would it be possible to put an iso of it on the web somewhere?
(or, if not, at least host it on your computer for a bit such that i could pick it up via icq or gnutella or something?).
HenryP, imagine us breaking copyright law and copying the CD-ROM. I think law requires compensation (at least in Germany) - that is paying the money the publisher would have gained if we had received a legal copy.
So how much is the amount?
by MadApostate ini'm pulling this out of the original thread since people are blowing by this as if it were nothing.. the blue portion appears on page 17 of the june 1, 1991 watchtower, in the article titled their refuge--a lie!, which criticizes "christendom" for seeking help from the united nations rather than jah.. .
"prayer and meditation at the united nations"-- robert muller .
"prayer, meditation and spirituality at the un are fascinating subjects.
A German DAed JW prepared tracts.
Heading the next District Convention?
Latest KM Stats
by metatron inin november they got 966,528 pubs and 90,542 pioneers.. so, their exploitation of the wtc tragedy and 15 minute.
publisher policy has worked very well for them.. in december they got 968,126 publishers and 89,808 pioneers.
again, a big success in exploitation and 'paper' publishers.. i note that the pioneers dropped by 734 however.. maybe some more mass death will help.. metatron
The German Branch is said to having some financial problems because donations have dramatically decreased in recent months. Germany is printing for lots of countries.
But that are rumours so far. But I think that there is some truth in it since things changed because of the WTC attack and the Euro currency.