my main point I was trying to get across was "most greek scholars donot" agree with the NWT.
Most Greek scholars were educated a schools teaching the Trinity. So, it is only natural that they do not agree with the NWT.
my main point I was trying to get across was "most greek scholars donot" agree with the NWT.
Most Greek scholars were educated a schools teaching the Trinity. So, it is only natural that they do not agree with the NWT.
in german xjw-forum infolink we are discussing barbara anderson's sueing of the watchtower corporations.
we notices a watchtower foundation, inc.. does anybody know what is about this foundation?
what is the purpose of foundations in american law?
In German XJW-forum Infolink we are discussing Barbara Anderson's sueing of the Watchtower corporations.
We notices a Watchtower Foundation, Inc.. Does anybody know what is about this Foundation? What is the purpose of Foundations in American law? (In Germany, we use "Stiftungen" to avoid taxes when the owner of a company dies. Because "Stiftungen" are not owned there are no heirs etc. Maybe this is similiar.)
Who runs it, what is it's purpose and what is the difference compared to the other Watchtower Societies?
Thanks for help.
I think it is not that important to know who translated a Bible unless you want to launch some ad hominem attacks.
The result should stand on its own and I think the NWT is not much more biased than any other translation. Okay, it is the only that is biased from a JW point of view.
I don't see grave mistakes in the translations concerning the divinity of Christ and I agree with "herk" that Mantey's criticism is based on its Trinity origin.
The only biased rendering for which I found no support at all is Hebrew 12:23 translating "pneuma" with "spiritual life".
I would never use it alone and it is not my preferred readable version but it is interesting to compare. There are several NW renderings I would prefer to other translations.
Have you all read Rolf Furuli's book on bias in Bible translation? I found it not that bad.
could some one post the annual report from the jan 1 wt?
Kent has stopped updating his site and Norway is seeing an increase.
Too bad. ;-)
Well, just kidding. But I expected a higher increase due to Sep 11th in 2001 (inactive JW in fear being reactivated) and due to the 15-min-arrangement.
I guess 2003 will be a bad year for the WTS.
the german kingdom ministry for december 2002 contains an announcement not to send emails to the headquarters or to the gb.. do foreign editions contain this announcement as well?
The German Kingdom Ministry for December 2002 contains an announcement not to send eMails to the headquarters or to the GB.
Do foreign editions contain this announcement as well?
the first week-end in september i attended an anti cult workhop here in germany.
it was conducted by german psychologist dieter rohmann.
his website can be found at
The dateline for the "early bird"-price is Nov 15th!
i'm not surprised @ a lot of the anti-semitic, or borderline anti-semitic statements on this site lately, as the jw's bash the jews almost as bad as the catholics, so that is part of our basic programming being raised jw.
also, if you look at there publications, the "bad jews" i.e.
saducees & pharisees have your typical hooknose, hitlerian "dirty jew" look about them, while jesus & friends usuallly look aryan.
I have read this view is not called anti-semitism but is a religious anti-judaism.
we are moving!!!!!.
as many of you know, cassiline and i live in the united states of america.
i just found out this last week that we are going to be moving to germany!!!!
Welcome to Germany. :-)
Look into your Inbox.
in the thread mad apostate brought the watchtower magazine of june 1, 1991 pages 15-20 their refuge-a lie!
to our attention with respect to the united nations scandal.
in particular, mad apostate made reference to paragraphs 10 and 11 from this wts rag.
Suddenly the links worked and I could save the docs. Thankyou.
Edited by - GermanJW on 1 November 2002 9:49:31
the first week-end in september i attended an anti cult workhop here in germany.
it was conducted by german psychologist dieter rohmann.
his website can be found at