*** w98 3/15 19 Living Up to Christian Dedication in Freedom ***
In order to avoid misunderstandings, Jehovahs Witnesses try to be careful about how they express themselves. Instead of saying, the Society teaches, many Witnesses prefer to use such expressions as, the Bible says or, I understand the Bible to teach. In this way they emphasize the personal decision that each Witness has made in accepting Bible teachings and also avoid giving the false impression that Witnesses are somehow bound to the dictates of some religious sect. Of course, suggestions as regards terminology should never become a subject of controversy. After all, terminology is of importance only to the extent that it prevents misunderstandings. Christian balance is required. The Bible admonishes us not to fight about words. (2 Timothy 2:14, 15) The Scriptures also state this principle: Unless you through the tongue utter speech easily understood, how will it be known what is being spoken?1 Corinthians 14:9.
JoinedPosts by GermanXJW
It is NOT The Watchtower Society anymore?!?
by email ini don't know if this has been posted recently but... .
i was just talking to a friend (a ms jw) that told me that he was told by the elders on a talk he was about to give that according to their last elders school there are instructions not to use the terms "the watchtower society" or "the society" or "the organization" anymore... but rather to now always use "the faithful and discreet slave" or "the slave"... .
edited by - email on 15 january 2003 16:8:10.
Any JW caught in "Operation Ore"?
by GermanXJW insorry for throwing just a key word i am quite busy.
but does anybody know if any jw have been arrested in "operation ore"?.
british police arrested more than 1.000 people because of watching child porn sites.
Sorry for throwing just a key word I am quite busy. But does anybody know if any JW have been arrested in "Operation Ore"?
British police arrested more than 1.000 people because of watching child porn sites. One of the arrested is Pete Townsend (sp?) from The Who!
GermanTV is reporting again about JW child abuse
by GermanXJW inon february 16th there will be another report about child abuse among jw on german tv.
the title is "the end of silence".
it is on the regional station wdr that can be seen in most parts of germany via satellite/cable.. i am keeping you informed about coming details.
On February 16th there will be another report about child abuse among JW on German TV. The title is "The End of Silence". It is on the regional station WDR that can be seen in most parts of Germany via satellite/cable.
I am keeping you informed about coming details.
Looking for a Superb Board Game? - Here it is!
by GermanXJW ini have made this recommendation already last year but i will repeat because there are several new members and because the game is currently on stock at amazon.com.. in 1995, german game inventor klaus teuber created the board game "settlers of catan" that caused turmoil in germany: it won several prizes incl.
"game of the year".
and millions (!
Hi Thirdson,
thanks for your reply. I wondered if anyone played "Settlers of Catan" because of my suggestion.
It is an amazing extraordinary game, is it not?
I have got some variations and all the expansion packs.
I usually play the "Knights and Cities" expansion. I have some variations which are totally different (except the very basic game rules)..
I have played the expansion for 6 players too and it worked fine. But you need a huge table. :-)
I would like to hear from others infected by the "Settlers"-virus.
I think about the time when I went there regularly and notice that life there goes on wothout me - and mine without them.
When I see them gardening or cleaning I am relieved that this is not my task anymore.
Sometimes I think about breaking in and stealing my Publisher Card. ;-)
Not invited
by dmouse ini am alone at home tonight.
my wife and children are busy having dinner and 'spiritual association' with an elder and his wife.. i wasn't invited, even though i am not da or df, just inactive.
and although i've made my position clear in that i'm not interested anymore i've never made any trouble really.. i didn't think it would hurt but it does.
In the local congregation there is a pioneer who is married to a non-jw. Actually, she had been married when she became a JW. Recently there was a wedding. She was invited, he was not. She approached the inviting family and asked if it was possible also to invite her husband. Since she is busy during the week as a pioneer her husband would not allow her to go without him on a week-end for extra events. Then he too got an invitation.
The Watchtower's Shameless Nazi-Milking
by metatron inif you've read the latest yearbook and magazines, you'll see.
that the watchtower is at it again - nazis, nazis, nazis!.
if you awoke from a half century coma and read this self serving.
I searched the Watchtower Library for expressions like "human degradation" and "dignity" together with camps. The search was not that successful, the only thing I found was the Bettelheim quote.
Now we have some further information about Bettelheim. But who was Jan Kosilek???
The Watchtower's Shameless Nazi-Milking
by metatron inif you've read the latest yearbook and magazines, you'll see.
that the watchtower is at it again - nazis, nazis, nazis!.
if you awoke from a half century coma and read this self serving.
Some of the survivors that tell their story at the Stand Firm-events were inactive (and not only becaue of old age or so) before they were recruited by the Society to tell their story. Now they are publishers againbecause it is ministry when they tell their story and they can count the time.
Hans-Werner Kusserow was one of the children of the Kusserow family and has written a book about his family's destiny in Hitler Germany. In the preface of his book he states that he is no longer an active JW. The Society uses his book nevertheless.
Charity and the WTBTS?
by eyeslice inthe society appears to sit on assets worth millions but does anyone know if they ever give money away in the form of unconditional charity from their own coffers?.
i know for instance that the south african branch has sent relief aid to other parts of africa and the german branch has sent aid to eastern europe but can anyone say exactly where the money came from?
was it raised by special appeals to the congregations, thus not having coming directly from their own precious central funds?.
I know for instance that ... the German Branch has sent aid to Eastern Europe but can anyone say exactly where the money came from?
The German Branch has never given a single Mark or Euro for charity purposes. They officially do so and refer to their charta. Somebody told me - but I do not know about the accuracy of the information - that the reason is that they cannot send help for JW only. If there were official help from the WTS it usually came from the French Branch.
Any help coming from Germany - and there have been deliveries - have been private initiatives of single or groups of JW.
The Watchtower's Shameless Nazi-Milking
by metatron inif you've read the latest yearbook and magazines, you'll see.
that the watchtower is at it again - nazis, nazis, nazis!.
if you awoke from a half century coma and read this self serving.
But obviosly he was in a concentration camp. He made a statement about JW and the WTS quotes him. I do not think that this is something the WTS can be blamed for.