I agree. F*CK conformity. I am not one of the herd. Once one loses their own, pure, train of thought...they lose themselves.
Posts by feenx
Are you now involved in a different religion or structured group?
by feenx ini was browsing another post where wtwizard implied membership in another group, and was asked what it was.
that got me thinking...since coming out the society, has anyone embraced another organized religion or group, public or secret?
if so, what is it, and what made you join and continue membership?
Are you now involved in a different religion or structured group?
by feenx ini was browsing another post where wtwizard implied membership in another group, and was asked what it was.
that got me thinking...since coming out the society, has anyone embraced another organized religion or group, public or secret?
if so, what is it, and what made you join and continue membership?
I was browsing another post where WTWizard implied membership in another group, and was asked what it was. That got me thinking...since coming out the society, has anyone embraced another organized religion or group, public or secret? If so, what is it, and what made you join and continue membership? I personally am not a part of any organization. I toyed with the idea of going to a Mason lodge, but that was purely out of curiosity. I can't see myself being in any structured environment again, though I know not everybody feels that way. And as far as my beliefs I still choose no labels. I prefer the term Spiritual Anarchist. I think it's a very interesting thing to see how different people change in different ways after their JW exodus.
feenx -
Cussing, swearing, & flippin' the bird....coping techniques?
by Lady Zombie insince my strategy for flying under the radar is to put some face time in at meetings, i found it neccessary to develop coping techniques so the top of my skull doesn't fly off from the insanity that is the jws.. profanity is one of my favorites.. if the bullshit factor gets to the point during the meeting where i begin to feel like barfing (happens a lot), i slip off to the ladies loo and lock myself in a stall.
since no one can see me, i'll sit on the toilet and flip the bird at the ceiling and the cackling jw hens that come into the bathroom.. when the final 'amen' is sounded, i scoop up my purse and books and rocket out the door.
once in my car and with engine started and radio going, i start cussing.
Make a sailor blush?? now THAT is talent heh heh. Well you just keep on truckin! Sounds like a healthy outlet to me. Just don't let one slip out in any "mandatory" Watchtower study comments, lol. Though I'd pay money to see all their faces.
Indigo Insight -
Do You Still Believe In Anything JWs Taught You?
by minimus inare there any beliefs that you learned from the witnesses that you still believe in?
I would say no. There are plenty of wonderful things I learned while being a JW, e.g. love your neighbor, the golden rule, you reap what you sow, etc., HOWEVER none of those things were actually taught to me by the society. They are all things I learned on my own.
The many things they attempted to teach me, the Bible is the only inspired word of god, our purpose in life, jehovah's lovingness, history, how to apply bible principles in life, etc. etc. etc. are all things i could not and will not ever subscribe to.
I will also agree that the ministry school was quite beneficial, just not for converting anyone. ;)
Indigo Insight -
Some NASTY karma coming his way...
by feenx inseriously, james dobson has got to be one of the most vehement people i've ever heard.
and living in colorado i've had more than i could ever want for exposure to him.
that man, who makes me question his humanity, has got some really nasty karma coming his way.
well as the founder and chairman of Focus on the Family, he has the city of Colorado Springs in his pocket, and as an evangelist he's got a lot of "Christians" in his back pocket. Down in CO Springs he has a daily radio and TV spot, similar to the society's daily text, where he reads a scripture and gives his thoughts for the day. He's got enough pull that he was able to force the cable company to take of x rated movies from their pay per view. Yup, when you're down there you can't order porn. Between his HQ and the US Air Force academy down there, I steer clear of Colorado Sprigs. YUCK.
Some NASTY karma coming his way...
by feenx inseriously, james dobson has got to be one of the most vehement people i've ever heard.
and living in colorado i've had more than i could ever want for exposure to him.
that man, who makes me question his humanity, has got some really nasty karma coming his way.
Seriously, James Dobson has GOT to be one of the most vehement people I've ever heard. And living in Colorado I've had more than I could ever want for exposure to him. That man, who makes me question his humanity, has got some really NASTY karma coming his way. YIKES!!
Indigo Insight -
Laurence Gardner ebooks?
by feenx ini'm in the midst of a research project with a friend of mine and we're trying to our hands on the ebook versions of any of laurence gardner's works.
does anyone possibly have a link?
feenx .
Hello all!
I'm in the midst of a research project with a friend of mine and we're trying to our hands on the ebook versions of any of Laurence Gardner's works. Does anyone possibly have a link?
Indigo Insight -
How To Believe The Impossible?
by hamilcarr inconsider the following reasoning i read yesterday in a wt article on the virgin birth of jesus:.
skeptics, including some theologians of christendom, have a hard time believing that a virgin birth could give birth.
for all their education, they fail to grasp a simple truth.
I personally tend to lean more towards the side of what Einstein said about such things, "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
Do I think it's possible? Sure. We live in a virtual human matrix. Would I ever discount a scholar or theologian or anyone for being skeptical? HELL no. Skepticism leads to ones personal truth, and that's what counts.
Indigo Insight -
The First 30 Years of Jesus' Life...
by Nosferatu in...is a big blur.
he was obviously drunk for those 30 years.
Just think of all the cool stuff he did behind closed doors...I bet that miracle power came in handy ;)
feenx Indigo Insight -
Hi all
by SailAway ini have decided to join this forum after quite a long time lurking here (a number of years actually).. i have been out of the truth for a while and recently started to attend some meetings.
but i now think a bit more freely and wonder whether i am doing the right thing.
a cousin of mine regularly posts on here, didgeridoo in fact i have seen him today, speaking to him has made me decide to finally post on here, although i have my reservations whether i am doing the right thing.
Sailaway - WELCOME!!!!!
Whatever the motivation is for you to be here and posting you should be proud of yourself that you have at least dipped a toe in the waters outside the box of the society (as in the mental box).
From the few posts you have made on this thread it seems to me that the core issue for you is spirituality versus religion. Whatever your own personal views and feelings are in a spiritual and belief system is just that, YOUR OWN.
E.g. Sylvia posted that she has come to feel that Jesus is YHWH from the old testament. Now, I personally don't believe that myself (though I am curious what has confirmed this for her :), that being said I in NO WAY judge her or think any different based on her own belief. That is the beauty of having human choice!
You say you don't know whether you can feel a connection to Jehovah without the society. I would say before deciding anything consider how you feel about spirituality and religion, as two separate things, because in my opinion they indeed are separate.
ALL religion, not just JW's, have a tendency to equate human physical actions as a means to gain a spiritual connection. The two are vastly different. Ask yourself, can a SPIRITUAL connection ONLY be made under the guidelines and in locations of MAN? You are confident in what you feel as this connection. Is that any more confident than someone who say does not attend religious functions yet still claims to feel a spiritual connection? Going by the society, MAN made rules, they would say your feelings are true and another's are misguided, or false. I am sure that other person would disagree.
In the end it comes down to YOU. You must learn to trust yourself and not what comes out of my mouth, or the mouthes of those on the podium. Seek much, trust little. Open yourself up to learning everything that you can, not just what is printed with a WTBS stamp on it, and decide for yourself. You obviously felt a connection, so you know SOMETHING is there. How is anyone else's job, duty or priviledge to tell you what it was you felt?
Indigo Insight