JoinedPosts by possum
Something interesting!
by John Aquila ini was invited to a small get-together by a long time friend.
we both served as elders for years.
he is in his late 70s.
wow!! keep us updated... -
2015 Jehovah's Witnesses Annual Meeting Lett warning about apostates CLIP
by Watchtower-Free inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ja4z2-sf4ky.
Where is the love?
How Cultish are the JW's?
by xjwsrock infirst off, i certainly agree the jw's are a cult.
but i'm sensitive to black-and-white thinking now.. so, where do they rank on the scale?
think of a cultish religion scale from 0-10.. consider the likes of unitarian universalism vs baptist vs amish vs charles manson.. where do you think jw's fall on the scale?.
Except for North Korea............and ISIS................A cult is a cult is a cult. Witnesses may not drink koolaid but they will die and allow their children to die rather than have a blood transfusion. They control access to information re: education, books, music. They victimize the victims who are raped by fellow members. They exercise undue influence and control on even the most intimate aspects of members lives. Where else can uneducated misogynistic men who mostly have no formal qualifications exercise such power only on the basis of being 'spirit appointed'. And they victimise those who seek to leave.......a cult is a cult is a cult...........
JW CULT is..........
a perversion of the gospel, based upon an unholy devotion to a person, a principle, or both.
Hello everyone!
by Planetsmashers inive been lurking for a while and finally got around to registering.
about me: i was essentially born in & indoctrinated from youth.
i was always a borderline "bad association" type because i always did the minimum and always disagreed with much of what was taught; even when i was a child.. luckily for me my father was never a jw so i never had to endure the male head pressure.
Welcome look forward to your posts!
What is Your Favorite JW YouTube Video?
by cognac inmaybe it's shocking, funny, a good story, etc.. i was just watching the one below... i was shocked!
RE: the guy at the assembly.
Quoting the "ONLINE WT SITE"
▪ “Mere oppression may make a wise one act crazy.”—ECCLESIASTES 7:7.
The Bible acknowledges that at times people feel driven by force of circumstance to do what they otherwise would not do. Some may even commit criminal acts in an effort to bring about what they perceive as solutions to hardships and injustices. “In many cases,” says the book Urban Terrorism, “the primary motivation for a terrorist is a genuine frustration with seemingly intractable political, social, and economic forces.” (WT'S OWN WORDS) Completely understand why that poor man felt so muzzled.
While I would not disrupt a convention personally every time Mr. Possum and I drive past KH I really want to graffiti it. Only thing that has stopped me (and I am 55!) is that Royal Commission gave me a voice.
“Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.”
― Henry David Thoreau -
Any funny stories of when a"brother" giving a talk, said something "funny" or "questionable", and didn't even realize it?
by Dunedain inthere were always all types of speakers in the org.
myself, growing up a "witness", must have heard all types of talks, and given by all manner of speakers, especially on sundays, when almost every week we would get a "visiting" brother giving the public talk.. sometimes, you would have a "great" speaker, all fluent and animated.
other times we would get a comical speaker, one who would maybe purposelly get a few laughs outta the audience.
In Australia to be "randy" means sexuality excited. One district convention the drama outline came straight from USA The main character was called "Randy". an american name? The name was mentioned often..... the young ones just just giggled all the way through............. the older ones where just mortified! -
Should I be mad?
by kairos ini've been df'd for about six weeks now.no one has broken the obligation to "honor the disfellowshipping decree".that's the way notorious co paul kohler describes the "loving arrangement" that is jw shunning.
( just "serving" napa ).
so, my wife's family has been "loving me" ( barf ) when out of nowhere, one of them sends home homemade soup for me.... well, i got super pissed.
Thanks sparrowdown -
Should I be mad?
by kairos ini've been df'd for about six weeks now.no one has broken the obligation to "honor the disfellowshipping decree".that's the way notorious co paul kohler describes the "loving arrangement" that is jw shunning.
( just "serving" napa ).
so, my wife's family has been "loving me" ( barf ) when out of nowhere, one of them sends home homemade soup for me.... well, i got super pissed.
Proverbs 15:17 ' Better a dish of vegetables where there is love than a manger fed bull where there is hatred." Sharing food is supposed to be an act of unconditional love would be completely different if she had of eaten it with you as a normal part of a healthy relationship. It takes enourmous courage/resilence to live life as a disfellowshipped person we are not the ones that need conditional charity........ -
Welcome! -
Hartlepool UK JW groomed girl for sex
by wifibandit inhttp://www.hartlepoolmail.co.uk/news/crime/jehovah-s-witness-from-hartlepool-groomed-girl-for-sex-1-7504907.
What disobiedant parents!
no "2 witnesses"
How dare they? the elders may have already judged him as repentant!!