I would like to meet Enoc. I'd like to know how life was in the days befor the great flood. Also, I'd like to know how Adam and Eve looked like and I'm sure he saw them.
sound familiar?.
this question was recently asked for the children in my congregation to answer.
i was kind of amused and disturbed at the same time by their responses.. .
I would like to meet Enoc. I'd like to know how life was in the days befor the great flood. Also, I'd like to know how Adam and Eve looked like and I'm sure he saw them.
has christmas.
lost christ?if a non-witness were to read this headline, what do you think it would convey?.
wouldn't it imply that the magazine or website was actually bemoaning the growing secularisation of a "christian" festival, much like the slogans we see of late "put christ back into christ-mas"?
Don't feel bad Moomanch, you probably opened his mind to new ideas and other ways of thinking. The true lie is all of those so called Christian celibrations like Christmas. Now that is lie at its best!
if babylon the great is the false religion, why does someone in heaven call them "my people"?
does this mean that god has followers in other religions?
or maybe babylon the great is not what the jw's think it is.. .
Everyone is correct, but don't forget that this means that amongst the false religion, there will be sheep that have God in their heart and mind and soul but have been, due to custom or influence or other ways, in the wrong religion.
The day will come when the truth is shown and everyone will see who was wrongfully teaching things that were not in the Bible and allowing thing that were not allowed like sexual perversion. This is when they must deside for themselves if they want to stay beside those false leaders and prophets, or go follow God by faith.
Just like when the Israelites left Egipt, not only were the Israelites the ones who followed God into the desert to the promise land, also there were Egiptians amongst the mix. God allowed this because he loves man and doesn't want him to die.
ok here's my thoughts.
i'm gonna ramble for a few minutes!
if i die and jehovah is going to resurrect me with all my memories and everything intact... hummm how to put this delicately.
"When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.” For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone.But each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire.Then the desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin; in turn, sin, when it has been accomplished, brings forth death."
I know you don't understand but perhaps this will explain; Angels go to man and observe, then they go to God and speak what they see so God will know.
ok here's my thoughts.
i'm gonna ramble for a few minutes!
if i die and jehovah is going to resurrect me with all my memories and everything intact... hummm how to put this delicately.
Truth be told!
It is true that Jehovah sends angels to each and every one who faithfully serves him in truth and fear so as to protect them from evil. But as for whatching everyone in this planet, not in this life time. You wish he would watch you even when you sin, but he woun't.
Anyone who sins, and knows they are sinning, his angels don't stick around. This includes yanking your hose and rape and murder. Your consience informs to your heart when your thinking of sinning, unless your consience is asleep or dead, so that the heart try to inform you that this what you are about to do is in fact a sin. This is what God reads, the heart, and judges you.
All sins are repulsive to God, and he will avoid anyone who comits sin. For example, I can't eat any spicy foods or I will get a heart burn. If I go to a retaurant I don't order anything that's spicy, so I only look for non-spicy foods and avoid all spicy foods. Jehovah is holy and perfect and can't let his angels, who carry with them some holy spirit for the faithful, stick around in any kind of sinnful circumstanses.
You are a very sinnful human with a simple elementary mind who see things that are not really there. You wish he would see you ALL the time, but God doesn't waste time in people like you. And you haven't even sinned as bad as Saddam. Why would you think he would resurect Saddam Hussein?
has christmas.
lost christ?if a non-witness were to read this headline, what do you think it would convey?.
wouldn't it imply that the magazine or website was actually bemoaning the growing secularisation of a "christian" festival, much like the slogans we see of late "put christ back into christ-mas"?
Was it Jesus who spoke to demons? was it he who spoke to the pharisites and scribes in his time denouncing that is and always is the bad they do?
As for the WT doing things like all other corps. do I have only this to say, They are evolving and you hate that because it's like a moving target that you can't take aim and there for search for another way to try to get them without any success what so ever. Your like a person who thinks he can fire Donald Trump.
has christmas.
lost christ?if a non-witness were to read this headline, what do you think it would convey?.
wouldn't it imply that the magazine or website was actually bemoaning the growing secularisation of a "christian" festival, much like the slogans we see of late "put christ back into christ-mas"?
The Christmas tree was a celibration to Odin! look it up!
As for God punishing you to celibrate Jesus being born, it really depends if you celibrate the day Jesus was REALLY born which was in mid-May or June. Because he was never born in December. As for the death of Jesus Christ, it was between late March and late April when he was crucifixed. As for Christmas, this is originaly a pagan celibration for pagans. If you are a pagan then no, your god is not mad at you. But if you are a Christian then even Christ is mad at you for being ignorant and gulable.
i have heard that the bible as we know it today is not in it's entirety.
i feel that this is deceptive and had people argue that the present day bible is how god intended us to read it because that is all we need/ it is presented how he wants us to have it.
i don't buy that and feel that god wouldn't "hide" any of the holy scriptures as men have done.
There is an interesting book I know they excluded from the Holy Bible of today that even the apostols once read. It is the book of Enoc. The proof; in the book of Jude verse 14 has a passage where he states what Enoc wrote on his book that seems to be missing in the Bible of today. My question is, why take this very important and valuable book from the Bible of today?
has christmas.
lost christ?if a non-witness were to read this headline, what do you think it would convey?.
wouldn't it imply that the magazine or website was actually bemoaning the growing secularisation of a "christian" festival, much like the slogans we see of late "put christ back into christ-mas"?
Here's a question, Why not get into the whole bar-mitzvahs celebration or Norouz celibration or orgie parties? Probably because of the belief each and everyone has set in their mind.
But the diffrence between Christmas and all of these other celibrations is that Christmas is a lie. Bar-Mitzvahs is a Jewish celibration of a boy ready to become a man and the Norouz Celibrations is when new years come for various countries. As for orgie parties, this celibrates the decadens of moral sexual issues by many perverted inmoral people for both sexual preferences, and all of these parties or celibrations are true to their objective.
This great big LIE of the Christmas celibration should be trully researched to veiw exactly what it is they are celibrating and what objective or who they are really throwing the party to. I know that EVERBODY knows that they are not celibrating to the birth of Jesus Christ. If you reasearch this, you will find that it is the gods Odin and Saturn are who they are throwing this party to.
So tell me, Do you pray to Odin? or Saturn?
for example, a christian could not simply believe that jesus was a compassionate man could he?
christ must be accepted as being divine either as part of a trinity or at least as the son of god.. must a christian believe that the miracles of jesus as recorded in the bible are actual events or can they be accepted as allegory?must a christian believe that "all scripture is inspired of god"?jesus is said to separate the sheep from the goats - can you be a christian without accepting that jesus will kill all the goats?there seems to be so much about christ that many christians are simply too uncomfortable to discuss.
Unfortunately you are covering the surface of beliefs of all christianity. The core belief of all christian religions have always been debated for years and years. Trully, I know it is dificult to uniform christianity with a type of dogma or system of belief, but it would be wonderful to clear things that easly like you think.
- Aleman