How about the impatient one. When the women says "Come on, lets go. Lets go. I should have have came a hour ago!"
JoinedPosts by gilwarrior
by Englishman ini can think of 4 different kinds of orgasm.. 1. the religious orgasm.
oh my god oh god god oh god.. 2. the negative orgasm.
oh no, noo, no oh no.. 2. the positive orgasm.
Okay Fess Up: What's Your Handle Mean?
by Mindchild inokay fess up: whats your handle mean?.
my handle: mindchild comes from computer scientist and futurist dr. hans moravec: who wrote the book, the future of robot and human intelligence which is a book about when we will be able to construct machines capable of human intelligence and raises the possibility of uploading ourselves (every thought we ever had) into an android body much superior to the human ones we have now.
i entertain the hope that not only will i live long enough to see this happen, i will transfer myself (the complete essence of what is me) into a body of my own choosing and become immortal if i so choose.
My middle name is Gilberto (Gil). My last name, Guerrero, means "Warrior" in Spanish. Hence, gilwarrior.
New Audio Testimonies of Ex-JWs
by Tower Man ini've just added several audio testimonies of ex-witnesses on our web site.
you can listen as you surf the web.
hope they help you.
Tower Man thanks for the audio testimonies. They are great! Tell me where I can hear more!
by gilwarrior init is just me or are all the women on this board bisexual?.
just a thought.. "three people can keep a secret...if two of them are dead.".
benjamin frankin - "poor richard's almanac"
It is just me or are all the women on this board bisexual?
Just a thought.
"Three people can keep a secret...if two of them are dead."
Benjamin Frankin - "Poor Richard's Almanac"
by gilwarrior inwell tonight i went out with my lady friend, janie.
(she is not the girl that i recently lost my virginity to.
that is another special lady.
Well tonight I went out with my lady friend, Janie. (She is not the girl that I recently lost my virginity to. That is another special lady.) As the weeks go by I find myself falling in love with her more and more. However, while we where talking, she started crying, because she is still getting over her ex-boyfriend leaving her. I want to tell her that I love her, but I feel that she will want to go back to her ex-boyfriend and I will end up looking like a chump. She is also 43 years old. I am 28. So I don't know if this relationship has any future. What to do?
For Charles Chasson
by Celia incharles,.
where are you?.
hope everything is alright with you.. i'm a little concerned.. e-mail me or post an answer here !.
Hey, English people!
Who do you love now?????
by Sky ini was brand new when this post was up.. now i wanna know who everyone loves, so i kow who you're talking about!.
Well I don't know all of the ladies on this board in person, but I would have to say Bea, Xena, Sky, Andi, and lots of other women whose names I can't remember.
Is it just me or has Homer gotten dumber over the years?
Favorite movie line?
by gilwarrior inwhat is your favorite movie line?
please mention the movie line and why it is the best.. my favorite movie line:.
"ever since i was a kid...i always wanted to be a gangster.".
What is your favorite movie line?
Please mention the movie line and why it is the best.
My favorite movie line:
"Ever since I was a kid...I always wanted to be a gangster."
-Ray Liotta
"Goodfellas"The line is great because it is at the beginning of the movie. We see a guy in the truck of the car get stabbed to death by Joe Pesci. The line and the dead-pan way Liotta says it gives us the tone of the rest of the movie .
by wonderwoman77 ini just wanted to see how many of you watched the survivor finale...and if so what did you think?
i am a survivor junkie and love it.
i cannot believe on survivor 4 they are giving the players no food water or fire.
I saw one episode of Survivor during the very first season. As far as saw all it was about was people manipulating each other. I have never seen another episode again.