Oh man, I have to continue with this thread. Women, get it through your heads: MOST OF YOU DON'T WANT A NICE GUY! Most women will find a nice guy to be bland and boring. I, sadly, bought this crap that woman wanted a nice guy and I have been a nice guy most of my life. It has gotten me NOWHERE! I don't see attractive, smart, intelligent women dating nice guys. They are dating the guys who are adventurous, daring, and unpredictable. Sadly, most women are willing to put up with a jerk!
Well, I have decided that that is what I am going to be. I'm not going to be nice and sweet anymore! Fuck that! If I go to a bar and a woman asks me to buy her a drink, I'll tell her to go buy her own damn drink.
I will dress better, get in shape, and have more confidence. And, I am not going to nice! That does not mean that will necessarily treat woman horribly, but I will be assirtive and say what is on my mind.
Whew! Writing that sure made me feel better.
If I offended anyone here...too bad!
"I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."
William H. Macy - "Magnolia"