I understand your need to express your anger. Anger is a part of grief. Angry feelings are not bad. You cannot control the feeling of anger but you can control what you choose to do when you are angry.
I urge that everyone be careful and not fall prey to the Us vs. Them thinking that causes terrorism in the first place:
"We are innocent.
They are guilty.
We tell the truth--inform.
They lie--use propaganda.
We only defend ourselves.
They are aggressors.
We have a defense department.
They have a war department.
Our missiles and weapons are designed to deter.
Their weapons are designed for a first strike.
The most terrible of all the moral paradoxes, the Gordian knot that must be unraveled if history is to continue, is that we create evil out of our highest ideals and most noble aspirations. We so need to be heroic, to be on the side of God, to eliminate evil, to clean up the world, to be victorious over death, that we visit destruction and death on all who stand in the way of our heroic historical destiny. We scapegoat and create absolute enemies, not because we are intrinsically cruel, but because focusing our anger on an outside target, striking at strangers, brings our tribe or nation together and allows us to be part of a close and loving in-group. We create surplus evil because we need to belong. . . .
If we desire peace, each of us must begin to demythologize the enemy; . . ."
from "The Enemy Maker" by Sam Keen, an essay in Meeting the Shadow
Consider, too, these words from an article in today's New York Times (bolding mine):
Moreover, air strikes by cruise missiles or manned aircraft would not destroy the religious fanaticism that fuels many terrorist groups and could create martyrs, military and counterterrorism experts said."Air power is not well suited to respond to this kind of threat," said Gen. Merrill McPeak, the Air Force chief of staff during the Persian Gulf war. "You have to ask, `What's the endgame?' You want to come out with a safer, more secure environment, and it's not clear that a massive air attack, unleashing the dogs of hell, will result in an aftermath that's more secure."