Hi A Paduan,
My apologies, English is not my native language.
What I got of your post is the idea that what I'm asking is something similar like a question of: Why didn't God make today some miracle to probe all people that He exist ? Or, Why didn't Jesus make a miracle and put it in some sort of time container, so that all the generations can see it ? If that you idea; I can agree, but in this case I think that in some way is more deep the problem, because it afect our ideas of the message of God: the bible. There are a lot of real confusion in the Cristendom. I don't believe that all the cristian schollarship really don't want to understand the bible. I can see that there a portions of the bible that can be interpreted in some way or another. Maybe this is related in some way with Daniel 12: 9-10. If you agree with this kind of reasoning, please help me if you can, because actually I can't complete understand the bible, and I really want to understand it and to act in a better way.