What are you so angry about Christianity for? It's Islam you need to be angry about.
Christianity and Europe has mostly shed it's centuries long stranglehold on enlightenment and scientific knowledge and truth. Thankfully we now live in a mostly secular, skeptical Christian age where even most Christians don't take many of their own ancient writings too literally.
Unfortunately the same can't be said for Islam. It will probably be many centuries before Islam manages to shed itself of all the superstitious ignorance that still pervades it. The power of Islam over it's adherents minds is truly staggering and frightening, some 1400 years since their illiterate, cave-dwelling 'prophet' Mohammed had his 'visions'.
You should feel more angry about that, and all the violence and evil and suffering it is presently causing.
The only positive side to all the terrorism is it is polarising the younger generation of Muslims. It is pushing a few nutter muslims into extremism and militarism, but it is pushing even more towards disgust and apathy towards their parents religion.