I wonder what this commissioner would make of certain Governing Body members who have demonstrated they are similarly in gross denial of the issue and are "getting their stories mixed up" on child abuse?
Someone should have a word to him.
i wonder what this commissioner would make of certain governing body members who have demonstrated they are similarly in gross denial of the issue and are "getting their stories mixed up" on child abuse?.
someone should have a word to him..
I wonder what this commissioner would make of certain Governing Body members who have demonstrated they are similarly in gross denial of the issue and are "getting their stories mixed up" on child abuse?
Someone should have a word to him.
john hoyle--jws go knocking on strangers doors and try to get inside homes to preach.. wt rep--we are slowly moving away from that kind of preaching work, we do more preaching by using literature carts and personal telephone calls.. .
the above quote is from john hoyle's website:http://insidethewatchtower.com/doctrine/phone-calls-to-bethel-jw-org-email-and-contacts/.
it's interesting, isn't it?
It's a logical move, since the publishers are basically now just glorified advertising material distributors anyway.
They are really no different from your local junk mail deliverer, walking up the street shoving junk mail in everyone's letterbox, except JW's waste time by knocking on your door first.
Actually, just shoving a tract or brochure in everyone's letterbox would be much more effective, since 99% of householders turn them away from the door and so miss out on the crucial tract or leaflet.
Therefore JW's are bloodguilty by denying 99% of the population from getting a life-saving 'witness' by insisting that the person receive the literature directly from the hand of a JW standing on their doorstep rather than from their letterbox, LOL!
Yes, the archaic insistence on a literal 'door to door' work is stopping many from receiving a witness and isresponsible for many more dying at Armageddon!!
richard dawkins has said frequently if we don't agree with religious or spiritual people we need to "insult them!
" tell their their out of their "fucking gourds!
" and make sure you really show them how stupid they are for believing in something they can't prove!".
The great Voltaire absolutely mocked the religionists of his day with great effect, as did all of the great skeptics that followed him. Robert J Ingersoll positively encouraged it, saying it is sometimes the only way to shock the sensibilities of an otherwise thoroughly brainwashed and tightly clamped mind.
The Watchtower for most of it's existence constantly mocked Christendom's leaders. Judge Rutherford absolutely revelled in it.
i would think that a lot of resentment is building up for these for these guys at bethel even though it may not be discussed openly for fear of being abused by the gb in some way.. any way looking at their personality and the extreme phoniness of rubber mouth/face lett, and am#3, and the chicken shit coward leosch who won't even show up in court when subpoena'd to defend his faith or policies, and i'm sure they have many more undesirable traits that repel people instead of attract and that has to work its toll on relationships they have at bethel.. and this shunning thing i'm sure must really erk some at god's house and while they may not be free to voice their discontent i feel it must be building because these guys are complete nincompoops when it come to reality and the only way they know how to give direction is with fear and guilt which i'm sure is rubbing a lot of people the wrong way.. and let not forget the issues that are raise when they stole all the congregations savings and the pledge drive for more cash, ban on higher education, lawsuit pay out and etc.... what is this doing to the relation ship they have with legal and accounting i see trouble brewing right thier in the spiritual pair of dice..
there is a video that can be seen at the above link that is worth watching.. the andersons.
7:10pm june 11, 2015 parents under fire for failing to allow lifesaving blood transfusion to terminally ill son.
What seems so odd to me about all this, apart from the obvious immorality of the JW's stance, is that the new testament prohibition on blood at Acts 15:28,29 was only given to the "brothers" in those congregations, ie, baptized persons.
Surely, all the GB need to do to stop this absolutely awful cultish child sacrifice policy and it's associated damaging publicity is to announce "new light" that the blood prohibition applies to baptized congregation members ONLY, not to little children. To hark back to Genesis and say that the injunction against blood applies to all mankind (and therefore includes little children) just seems so unnecessary, as if they are looking for any possible excuse to justify the death of babies and children for their fanatical, extremist interpretation:
23 They wrote this and sent it through them: “The apostles and the elders, your brothers, to those brothers in Antioch,+ Syria, and Ci·li′cia who are from the nations: Greetings! 24 Since we have heard that some went out from among us and caused you trouble with what they have said,+ trying to subvert you,* although we did not give them any instructions, 25 we have come to a unanimous decision to choose men to send to you together with our beloved Bar′na·bas and Paul, 26 men who have given up their lives* for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.+ 27 We are therefore sending Judas and Silas, so that they also may report the same things by word of mouth.+ 28 For the holy spirit+ and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you except these necessary things: 29 to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols,+ from blood,+ from what is strangled,*+ and from sexual immorality.*+ If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!”*
there is a video that can be seen at the above link that is worth watching.. the andersons.
7:10pm june 11, 2015 parents under fire for failing to allow lifesaving blood transfusion to terminally ill son.
so, i am reposting this video from wifibandit's thread since it is a bit off topic.
i watched this video and i have to say that this guy really creeps me out.
his slow and methodical gestures coupled with with his over-annuciation of every word makes him appear absolutely crazy!.
Lett seems so contrived, so exaggerated in his mannerisms. It comes across as condescending and insincere, as if he is speaking to a bunch of young children.
But 90% of brainwashed JW's have about as much ability to tell shit from shovel as a 5 year old, so if the shoe fits...
just when you thought may's jw dot org video featuring wide-eyed cult lunatic gb lett guilting the masses into giving every last dime they have couldn't be topped, your children will now be fed a guilt-inducing cartoon in which they are guilted into giving every last cent they have to the wt cult.
the wt entitles this one, "give us your money!
even your children are to be shaken down!
Someone has to report this to the media. The Guardian would surely be curious. I can see the headline:
"Jehovah's Witness leaders guilt-trip children to donate their pocket money to them"
if we look at all doctrines, we see an overall effort to conserve unity and control.
- assuming most birthdays, if allowed, would probably be oriented to children, then that means 40 celebrations per year.
so all in all, this give a total potential attendance to a birthday of 30 families (120 attendance / 4 family members).
There is scriptural evidence to indicate that Job commemorated his sons birthdays.
The ancient Israelite's held a feast on the third birthday of a child, to celebrate the child's weaning.
A birthday is a wonderful way to let the child know how much it is loved, and to commemorate the gift of life.
Children are a gift from God, the Society says, and a birthday dinner (without all the pagan stuff associated) would be a wonderful way to make the children feel loved and to say thanks to Jehovah for the gift of children.
The JW stance on birthdays is just another fanatical, contrarian position that is so hurtful to children that was developed by single, childless, life-long chronic masturbators like Fred Franz to create a sense of being somehow different and special, set-apart from "Babylon the Great" and the world.
i was very tired today, still am.
age is getting to me.
that video will be shown to millions of parents around the world.
The GB really has reached the nadir in scum-bucketness, saying a little child should donate to them instead of buying an ice-cream.
Is there any more vile a religion except for the religious extremists in ISIS (no sports, no fun) for treating children so horribly than the JW's?
No birthdays, Easter, Christmas (accordingly viewed as a weirdo by schoolmates), no after-school sports, children forced to sit through dull, boring long meetings twice a week with no separate programme for the little ones like other churches do, babies and children to die rather than get an emergency life-saving blood transfusion, a paedophile in every congregation who is almost impossible to kick-out, must go door-knocking as a child magazine seller.....
You can tell the morality of any society or religion by how well it treats it's children, and JW's scrape the bottom of the barrel.
The GB make me puke!