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JoinedPosts by BreakingAway
Blank WT and AW Covers for you to title, everybodys invited!
by Wasanelder Once in.
ok, have fun!
Public Talk at CO Visit
by stillajwexelder injust to confirm , at the moment the public talk at the circuit visit is still 45 minutes long.
not sure if this will change when the enw outlines are released to cos for their next round of visits starting early march
Looks like the game of the season is a grudge match between Shorter Talks and the undefeated heavyweight champion of the world, CO’s Ego.
CO’s Ego climbs into the ring cautiously. Eyes focused straight ahead, the venerable warrior waits as the frenetic newcomer jumps into the squared circle and raises his gloved hands high above his head. Offering their full support to the novice, the crowd roars and comes to its feet. CO’s Ego shakes his head and smirks.
Trying to quiet the cacophony, the referee walks to the center of the ring and signals for quiet. Finally, after more than three minutes, the stadium noise is brought under control. “In this corner, directly from Brooklyn, New York, world headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and making his first appearance in a title bout is Shooooooooorter Taaaaaaaaaalks.” The referee pats Shorter Talks on the shoulder and turns to face the veteran. “And in this corner. After twenty-seven years of putting other people in their place, COooooooo’s Eeeeeeeeegoooooooo.” The bell rings.
Shorter Talks, full of confidence and energy, comes out swinging. CO’s Ego bats down each attempt but doesn’t mount an attack of his own. The greenhorn continues to dance as the seasoned veteran absorbs each attempt, with an expression of confident determination plastered across his face. Finally, as the newcomer shows signs of tiring, CO’s Ego springs to life, pummeling the surprised neophyte into submission.
It only took one round for CO’s Ego to demonstrate his awe-inspiring dominance over Shorter Talks.
Man ! That's hilarious !
by Aleman ini am getting away for a moment from congacs forum to talk about what i have reaserched about the blood topic.. blood is composed of a liquid called blood plasma and blood cells suspended within the plasma.
the blood cells present in blood are red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.plasma is predominantly water containing dissolved proteins, salts and many other substances; and makes up about 55% of blood by volume.
by far the most abundant cells in blood are red blood cells.
Aleman:Is this the best you can do momz? Please, save it for some one else
Momzcrazy:I haven't even started to do my best. You haven't had a fraction of the wisdom on this board presented to you.
Perhaps Aleman hasn't heard ? They're allowing fractions now.....
WELCOME NEWBIES - all of you! Check in here, I'm losing track of you.
by AWAKE&WATCHING ini just saw the eighth post by botheyesopen.
i noticed aliciaj, dogaradodya, chicken little, cognac, hypnotic, mochalatte.. some have been welcomed and some have not.. .
we have so many i can't keep up so.... .
Hello, Breaking Away here.I was a Witness for nearly twenty years, though the last few I was fading.I spent a number of years as an elder and although the brothers begged me to stay on I had enough and resigned.
Many really are leaving in droves and the numbers flocking to places like this provide such evidence .The Society is losing it's grip and what happens when you begin to lose your grip on something ? You squeeze tighter ! Telling friends to stay off the internet,Disfellowshipping for pointing out errors, etc.It's the mark of a desperate group of men who are afraid and drunk on power.It reminds me of the ancient Sanhedrin ( a religious legislative body of judges) who feared for their position and power.
"If we let Him alone to go on like this, everyone will believe in Him and adhere to Him, and the Romans will come and suppress and destroy and take away our [holy] place and our nation our temple and city and our civil organization."John 11:48
What they didn't count on is that those who left would become "organized", well researched and well spoken (and outspoken).They "created" us and now their own ways have come upon their heads.What we didn't have as a "brotherhood" we now have as friends.People who were on the "inside" relay critical damning information; as do those still there.Many are leaving because they really are more concerned about truth than they are about whatever selfish desires might be placed before them."You can go anytime you want but you can never leave." They were wrong.
Help reform the crumbling tower with your bright ideas
by JH inlets say that the watchtower approached you to help them be more successful, so that more people join and be happier jw's.. what would you suggest?.
I suggest using a bulldozer to reform it into a nice park or something.
by Aleman ini am getting away for a moment from congacs forum to talk about what i have reaserched about the blood topic.. blood is composed of a liquid called blood plasma and blood cells suspended within the plasma.
the blood cells present in blood are red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.plasma is predominantly water containing dissolved proteins, salts and many other substances; and makes up about 55% of blood by volume.
by far the most abundant cells in blood are red blood cells.
Aleman wrote:
In the military, they teach you all they can so that you can prepare for war, Kill or Be Killed. Within the ranks of the soilder, they have the freedom to learn new things and apply them to what they taught you. This is what I am doing here. I became 'unclean' to be able to talk to the 'unclean'
So now you're using the military as your guide instead of the Bible and the approved publication from the FDS ? My, my, Aleman who would have thought that it would come to this ? So many of your fellow brothers and sisters would be so shocked and disappointed that you have taken this course.
And you know what else ? After spending a number of years on JW forums I've become quite familiar with the whole "Theocratic Warfare" strategy which is nothing more than a hypocritical excuse to do what you want, completely ignoring the FDS counsel, while trying to justify your own actions.You gave into curiosity and now you have to excuse it.You say you're not counting time so don't you think you could find better ways to spend your time such as field service or personal study per the Society's instructions.But oh no... you're the self proclaimed modern Jehu with the gory WT condemned "Gladiator" movie avatar.His sword is raised to strike down all evil 'postates.Rarely have I seen such love ! So moving...
Just thought you should know...demunz...Everybody run!!
by RisingEagle ini was sitting with my to-the-death jw mom eating dinner tonight while watching the show 'dateline' on nbc.
it was an innocuous little program on happiness.
the narrator for the story got about 30 seconds into his presentation and mentioned something about the part of the brain that controls our happiness.
You know what's funny ? There's a couple in the congreagation I went to that didn't have a tv for years.But when the Society started producing videos they got both a tv and a vcr.So the Scoiety is responsible for introducing them to that "hypnotic apparatus" !
by Aleman ini am getting away for a moment from congacs forum to talk about what i have reaserched about the blood topic.. blood is composed of a liquid called blood plasma and blood cells suspended within the plasma.
the blood cells present in blood are red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.plasma is predominantly water containing dissolved proteins, salts and many other substances; and makes up about 55% of blood by volume.
by far the most abundant cells in blood are red blood cells.
Aleman, why do I get the feeling that you're hearing only what you want to hear ? Do you really want to know the truth about these issues or is your only desire trying to convince yourself or others that you're "right" ?
Here are a couple of things to consider.Firstly, you follow the GB's other decisions, such as blood, but when it comes to this forum, which you know is a direct violation of their orders,a subject about which they have even used scriptures to support, you quickly write off those scriptures (and their counsel) as being either misapplied or just plain wrong ! You can't have it both ways.Either they're the FDS whose guidance should be accepted in all aspects of life or they're not.The greater sin goes to the man who believes and yet does NOT follow.People were df'd or died because the GB said that accepting an organ transplant was cannibalism ! At one time if you took ANY component of blood you were df'd, now it's broken down into components.Isn't it obvious just how Pharisaical that is ? Here are a couple of intersting points for you as well:
"After Russell's death in 1916, Joseph Franklin Rutherford succeeded Russell as president of the Watchtower organization. Under his administration Jehovah’s Witnesses depicted uses of blood as heroic and the Lord’s work. In 1925, blood transfusion was mentioned in an issue of Golden Age. It reported on Mr. B. W. Tibble who donated blood on forty-five separate occasions. The article highlighted his refusal of payment for donating, and the honor accordingly bestowed upon him by Order of the king. [ In 1927 the Watchtower organization addressed blood, stating, “God told Noah that every living creature… must not eat the blood…”. [ In 1931 this was expounded by the Watchtower organization teaching “that it was not the eating of the blood that God objected to, but it was bringing the blood of the beast in contact with the blood of man.” At this time the Watchtower organization taught that humanblood was sacred and that it was wrong to contaminate human blood with animal blood. ] In 1940 while discussing interesting medical news, the Watchtower organization reported on a woman who accidentally shot herself with a revolver in her heart and survived a major surgical procedure during which an attending physician donated a quart of his own blood for transfusion."
Additionally, the FDS counsels one to get out of false religion and to quit touching the unclean thing. The apostle Paul wrote: "'Get out from among them, and separate yourselves,' says Jehovah, 'and quit touching the unclean thing'; 'and I will take you in.' Are not all here considered to be "unclean" by the Society ? If one believes what the Society says then being here is a VERY serious sin which is why they disfellowship for it.Now I'm not saying you need to leave Aleman, I don't have that authority anyway, what I am saying is that you have some serious thinking to do.Will you write all of this off or are you truly concerned about truth ?
As a Witness I Hated Personal Study- How About You ?
by flipper ini started a serious thread on cult mind control- so i figured i'd start a sarcastic funny thread, or serious, your choice how to explore it , on personal study !
i got so sick and tired as a witness with that expression being crammed down my throat !
" personal study " they told us !
Actually, I studied a great deal.Part of the reason may be because I "came out of the world" and wanted answers and I do like to learn.For the first few years I faithfully read the magazines but eventually I just skimmed them and later on I grew tired of the same old stuff, contradictions and doublespeak.Instead, I wanted to delve into the deeper things.I read the Bible several times through as well as many specific passages and subjects.I wanted to be enlightened on those specific passages and concepts.
I was also an elder for a number of years and felt that if one is going to be a Shepherd then they'd better know , or at least have a pretty good idea, of what they're doing ! I read a lot of different (not approved by the Society) translations and Bible commentaries to get a more well rounded view of things.I even read information in psychology books to get a better understanding of others and what they might be experiencing and why some do the things they do.It was clear to me that the Bible was about not rules or regulations, or do's and don'ts,but the spirit of the law.That not all things are black and white.Unfortunately, the Organization and it's enforcers, are all about rules even though they say they're not.I've gotten rid of many of the publications.Filled up several garbage bags with them.
Just thought you should know...demunz...Everybody run!!
by RisingEagle ini was sitting with my to-the-death jw mom eating dinner tonight while watching the show 'dateline' on nbc.
it was an innocuous little program on happiness.
the narrator for the story got about 30 seconds into his presentation and mentioned something about the part of the brain that controls our happiness.
Back in the 2002 "Dateline" ran a story about Jehovah's Witnesses Pedophile Cover-Up and just recently MSNBC also ran a story about :
"The Jehovah's Witnesses have settled nine lawsuits alleging church policies protected men who sexually abused children for many years."
So, it's not surprising that many Witnesses feel it's a supernatual conspiracy designed to make them look bad.