I can't help myself here. The most absurd statement I ever heard from the platform at the District Convention...." JEHOVAHS PEOPLE ARE HAPPY PEOPLE"..... clap clap clap .Hey, don't worry about your life from here on out. Bekieve me, You are going to be a HAPPY person once you distant yourself from the DUBS.
JoinedPosts by nomoreguilt
Wanting to just FREAKIN run away....I think I know why now...
by oompa inthe past year or so was year was really, really bad as i came to realize the waking up experience.
once i knew for sure wt was a sham, (although maybe sincere), i had this immediate feeling i would have to leave.....everything.
of course my wife was already going nuts from all my study, questions, doubts, letters to society, meetings with elders....but once i really knew and felt i would have to leave.... i did leave several times.
My youngest daughter "busted for drugs...."
by Vernon Williams inevery parent's nightmare: a child busted for drugs.... leah, our youngest, was driving through billingss, mo, a little town between here and springfield.
pulled over.
Hey! Everyone knows that DUBS don't do basil! Maybe a little weed not certainly not basil!
Special Needs talk at our Hall tonite...
by CaptainSchmideo intalk was about appreciating jehovah's provisions, something like that.... the po gave the talk.
apparently, after the last co visit, our congo got a letter from headquarters, informing us that our numbers are wayyyy down.
several inactive publishers, several more irregular, poor meeting attendance, and our hourly average is less than the national average (8.3 compared to 9.9).
I recall as a child growing up in the congo in the early 50's the Quota Board that was ever present in the front corner of the hall. Each month the congo servant would go over it with everyone. Back then you needed 10 or 12 hours a month etc etc. The society was booming and new people were coming in in droves. I don't recall that many special need talks back then. The only special needs were when they announced that so and so had been reproved for such and such. Then a talk would be given about what they had done, and they would be publicly humilated.
Since the 70's I have observed though that the specail needs talks have for the most part centered upon the quantity of TIME that one should devote to kingdom interests. With the exception of sleeping and having to work, they would have you spend the remainder in the circus, studying, meditatingmmmmmm and at meetings. Remember Idle hands and idle time are the devils tools. For the most part, even most of those in attendance at meetings aren't really there, are they??? Look around you, some are smiling at their friends, some balancing thier check books, doing their nails, sleeping, staring off into space, you name it, they are MIA.
So many of the friends I knew, and I haven't been in 2 years, were just there for appearance sake only. They have to impress someone, make a good showing, talk the talk, and say," I am so righteous".
Forum Software?
by nomoreguilt inonce again, i am new here and in my browsing the many great discussions i have a found that there is software that i can download.
please help out here folks.
thank you.
Thank you Drew. I just thought there was some added software necessary . I am really impressed with the diligent respnse to my questions, Thanks again
Forum Software?
by nomoreguilt inonce again, i am new here and in my browsing the many great discussions i have a found that there is software that i can download.
please help out here folks.
thank you.
Once again, I am new here and in my browsing the many great discussions I have a found that there is software that I can download. Please help out here folks. Thank you.
Please Enlighten Me
by nomoreguilt inas you all probably noticed, i am new to this forum.
i never knew there were so many of us of like mind and disenchanment.
i believe that i have an awful to share and contribute here, but i am ignorant, not stupid , lol, to some of the abbreviations that are used in the dialogue.
Thank you Clam, I really appreciate your timely response and help. Also, the tip on the proper area in which to post.
Please Enlighten Me
by nomoreguilt inas you all probably noticed, i am new to this forum.
i never knew there were so many of us of like mind and disenchanment.
i believe that i have an awful to share and contribute here, but i am ignorant, not stupid , lol, to some of the abbreviations that are used in the dialogue.
As you all probably noticed, I am new to this forum. I never knew there were so many of us of like mind and disenchanment. I believe that I have an awful to share and contribute here, but I am ignorant, not stupid , lol, to some of the abbreviations that are used in the dialogue. Perhaps someone can fill me in.
Thank You
An open letter to new posters who are here only to irk us--not for solace
by Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit infirst of all, happy thanksgiving!
my roast is going into the oven shortly; no dressing or stuffing here.
dear new posters who are here to irk us and not for solace,.
I want to thank you for saying in print what many of MY personal ex-JW friends and I have wanted to say ourselves. Like many of those to whom you have addressed this open letter to, I too have lost family and dear friends, or so I thought were friends. I was raised in the truth, left it for 12 years as a teen and then got dragged back in by my exwife. I have been outside the org. now for 3 years and have never before in my life seen things so clearly for what they really are. I am very happy in my life now, I have a wonderful new wife , no JW affliation before meeting me. I have seen many things in the ORG over my life, hypocracy, cronyism, nepotism, murder, molestation and extremely violent physical abuse of children and spouses. I am very open minded now to the feelings of others like us, and if I can be of any help to those like us, feel free to approach me. I do have to remain annonymous, as I still have a son that I need to share a relationship with.
Thank You again
Barb's response to the WT's Media email and site
by Dogpatch inanyone else care to comment on the watchtower's media site response to the pedophile issue?
i know this has partially been covered, sorry.
I have a confesion to make.Not to any elder, lest of course I am called on the carpet for it the next time I am called in to answer for some indiscretion or flip comment I have made about some fine upstanding JW. I will confess though that I have been remiss in not having spoke up sooner about all the indescretions that I have observed over the last 30 years of my life as a JW. I have often thought of writing a book about all those poor souls that came under the scrutiny of the Elders. True , people make choices in their lives and then have to live with the outcome. But when the WTBTS publicly chastised and condemned the Catholic church for their inaction towards child molesters, and are now themselves in the GUN sights of the world media, shame on THEM!!!! I , myself am no longer an active JW, nor do I identify myself as one any longer. But, personnally, can you imagine the nerve it will take now to go and knock on someones door and identify yourself as one of JW"s?? I still have family in the Truth and am dying to hear about the local fall-out from all of this. But, as we all know, many will follow like little Lemmings and follow the company line, won't they? Walk the walk and talk the talk or ELSE! But as we all know, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and molests chidren, It's not a DUCK!!!
JW pedopiles start young
by nomoreguilt inin 1993 a sleep-over was held at the home of a brother with 2 sons, ages 13 and 17. there were about 8 boys there all in the same age bracket which isn't uncommon for the friends.
in the middle of the night ,one of the boys, age 17, a baptised brother, performed oral sex on a 13 year old while that boy was asleep.
the offender was the son of the po.
In 1993 a sleep-over was held at the home of a brother with 2 sons, ages 13 and 17. There were about 8 boys there all in the same age bracket which isn't uncommon for the friends. In the middle of the night ,one of the boys, age 17, a baptised brother, performed oral sex on a 13 year old while that boy was asleep. The offender was the son of the PO. The 13 year old awoke to find this happening to him. In his shock, he failed to stop the action. This made him an active participant in the elders eyes. HMMMM, sound familiar? When everything came out, the 17 year old also tried to do the same to the the 13 year old son of the brother in whose home the sleepover was hosted. GRRRRRRRRR The host brother expressed his anger and repullsion about this to the elders, who told him" It was being handled". The brother told the elders that what had transpired was criminal and that the 17 year old should be prosecuted. They placated him, as it was not the concern of the local authorities but was being Handled in the congregation. Welllll, it was. The offender was reproved, and the poor boy it seems had been molested by a cousin when he was younger and the poor boy just needed understanding and compassion. So, he got compassion, 2 years later was made a MS and 6 months later got an appointment to go to , where else? BETHEL!!! Can you imagine that!!!??? Well, I guess he didn't quite fit in or who knows what transpired at Bethel, but the poor misunderstood young man came home. So, here we are 14 years later and this Molester is now an active ........ OOPs, political correctness should come into play here, he has an alternative life style. An awful lot of damage was done by this kid by the inactivity of the elders. Cronyism as well as nepotism played a large part in this case, and it still exists in that congregation.