So why tell us?? We're just the abused sheep in here.
the one true shepherd promised to return in great glory and stated that every eye will see him when he comes.
this is a literal statement.
john 14:3 after i go and prepare a place for you, i will come back and take you to be with me so that you may be where i am.. 18 "i will not leave you all alone like orphans; i will come back to you.
So why tell us?? We're just the abused sheep in here.
she made her debut on "keep yourselves in god's love: birthday thread (
here is a copy of her brief introduction and comment.
hello everyone, i have been reading jwd for awhile and enjoying everyone's comments.
WELCOME to JWD Mrs. Fiorini!!!! I was very impressed with the catholic church quotes. Hmmm, who'd of thunk that the WTS has been so inept for soooo long?
And why??? didn't THEY ever pick up on a simple research item like that? I thought that Freddie Franz was such a HEBREW scholar....
last night at the gas pump i had a verbal , emotional outburst , swearing to no one in particular - just the gas pump , until i saw 2 guys at the island down from me - so i figured i'd let it rip !
frustration over these insanely rising gas prices finally took it's toll on even -keeled mr. flipper !
i started my rant , wanting these guys feedback , " what is it with these #ucking gas prices ?
Hey Mr. Flipper my friend, from one self employed friend to another WTF!!!???? I have no problem exclaiming to any and evryone with in earshot of my pump my dissaticfaction with our govt. We have BILLINS of barrels of oil reserves sitting beneath Alaska and the $^*(^% candy asses in our govt WILL NOT let us drill there.
I have shortened my route each day, when I have completed my circuit, I go home and I do NOT leave again until the next days business. I pay for gas with American Express card. My gas bill hasn't been as much as your's Flipper, but it has increased by 25 % in the last 2 months. I'm done. Toast. Kinda like with being a jw.
in the united states of america, today is a day of remembrance for all of those who sacrificed their lives that others may live in the freedom offered by our country.
many people in our country take these freedoms for granted.
jw's have no clue as to how their freedom to worship and to go about their daily lives in freedom truly came about nor do they give the proper respect to those who made the ultimate sacrifice in order for them to do so.
Thank you my friends, and may you all live in Freedom and PEACE today.
in the united states of america, today is a day of remembrance for all of those who sacrificed their lives that others may live in the freedom offered by our country.
many people in our country take these freedoms for granted.
jw's have no clue as to how their freedom to worship and to go about their daily lives in freedom truly came about nor do they give the proper respect to those who made the ultimate sacrifice in order for them to do so.
In the United states of America, today is a day of remembrance for all of those who sacrificed their lives that others may live in the freedom offered by our country. Many people in our country take these freedoms for granted. JW's have no clue as to how their freedom to worship and to go about their daily lives in FREEDOM truly came about nor do they give the proper respect to those who made the ultimate sacrifice in order for them to do so.
As a Veteran of the US Armed Forces, I SALUTE ALL of my former brothers in arms and those who have given and continue to give their lives in order for me to have the freedoms that I cherish so dearly today.
I REFUSE to WASTE any time on this forum today to debate with ANY ACTIVE JW on the solemnity of this day.
Yesterday, I attended a major baseball league game and was PROUD to take my hat off and place it over my HEART for the national anthem.
Cherish your freedom my FRIENDS and show your appreciation in any small way
i have a question for jw's.
i have a problem with a jw .
its been going on for a year now.
personal information removed
this will be a great series.
i think pittsburgh will win.
can't wait, starts saturday.
Hope4Others....... Just drive across either bridge and I am sure that you can probably scalp a couple of tickets.
Shoot, Pittsburgh isn't even a member of the "Original 6". They never had a dynasty either.
this will be a great series.
i think pittsburgh will win.
can't wait, starts saturday.
NO NO NO NO NO ................WINGS IN 5!!!!
Oh ! And guess what else??? I have 4 tickets to tomorrow night's game!!!!!
Pittsburgh ...............LMAOROTF
see "gun pulled on church solicitor.
ortonville man charged after threatening jehovah's witness outside store.".
Strange article......In as much as this news item didn't even make the TV newscast here. I live in between both Ortonville and Lapeer. Both towns are small and the newspaper that reported it is a non-affiliated paper. Lapeer itself is mostly rural, a large county and the jw's in it are mostly older folks, as all of the younger people have left the org. I know a number of the dubs there, dullards are what they are. very narrow minded with a BOE of old family members.
this article is from googlenews:.
This comparison to " RAPE " has been used as far back as the 70's or 80's by the WTS. Nothing new here, just another typically CANNED remark placed in the mouth of the AHEM, young girl? Now, who do you suppose really was speaking these words? Another anonymous jw child ? Or the WTS legal mouth piece......