I have but ONE biggie the majority of the maon ones have alrready been well covered.
HYPOCRITES !!!!!!!! Self explanatory....Give some hypocritical examples if you'd like to expand this fault.
could i have your top ten reasons why "da troof" is not the truth ?.
i know it may be difficult to limit yourself to ten,or you may only have one,one is enough if it is big, after all,but i would love to have your thoughts.. peace and love to all,.
I have but ONE biggie the majority of the maon ones have alrready been well covered.
HYPOCRITES !!!!!!!! Self explanatory....Give some hypocritical examples if you'd like to expand this fault.
ok heres the thing.
my english neighbor (arrived here from essex, is there really such a place?
) always makes those comments about our kids, our car, and so on even made fun out of me when i told him we used to be witnesses.
I have a tendency to see RED flags go up whenever a man starts flattering with my wife or any woman for that matter. My ex's family were brits and I had alot of interaction with them across the pond. Although their sense of humour is a bit wry they are still males and also think with the OTHER head.
I don't like flattery never have, it's cheap . There is some reason why he has no friends and his brit sense of humour won't go far with North Americans, even the Canucks will see past it.
If I were you, I would keep him at arms lenght and on a short leash when it came to be around my family. Just because he's your neighbor doesn't mean you have to have him living in your pocket. And your kids? Big NO NO there!!! Anyone can be a pedophile, even that flattering overly condescending chap from the mother country.
My opinion.
in an earlier thread i spoke of my younger son going to move in with his girlfriend, non jw.
he's 30, baptised, divorced hasn't been to meetings in three years and in good standing.
so, yesterday i had the opportunity to help him move.
Thank you Flipper...Sorry I haven't been back here sooner. I'll try to give you a call later this PM. Things will be looking up son though. My younger son called me yesterday and wants to get together for gold and some dinner this saturday with my wife and his girl friend. More opportunities are presenting themselves here. I hope to leave him enough time to get the feed back that I am sure will be forthcoming from his mother.
if there is anyone here with some heavy bible knowledge, i would like to throw this nugget up in the air.
in 2 timothy 3:16, paul reminds us that "all scripture is inspired of god and beneficial for teaching...." nwt (because that was the version that was sitting nearby).
my question is: did paul consider the personal letters he wrote to the various churches and to timothy, titus, and philemon as scripture?
I consider it this way. The scriptures that Paul referred to were, like you said, already established as related to the god of the hebrews. These were quoted by and referred to by first century christians. In the compilation of the bible canon though, all of the later apostles writings were include in the bible.
I, however, do not consider them, the letters of Paul, to be "Scripture per say", in the sense that the hebrew scriptures were inspired of god. This is of course IF YOU believe the bible to be the WORD of god, which I can not. Too many stories, wrestling with angels, talking snakes, babies in baskets on the Nile, you get the idea.
I especially object to Paul's teaching's on df'ing. These are contrary to jesus' teaching of FORGIVENESS and himself associating with SINNERS.
My opinion like others, and not to be considered GOSPEL
epitaphe, from l. epitaphium "funeral oration, eulogy," from gk.
epitaphion, neut.
of epitaphos "of a funeral," from epi- "at, over" + taphos "tomb, funeral rites.
I decided on cremation years ago.
in an earlier thread i spoke of my younger son going to move in with his girlfriend, non jw.
he's 30, baptised, divorced hasn't been to meetings in three years and in good standing.
so, yesterday i had the opportunity to help him move.
That is what I like and ENJOY about our little community here at JWD, we as a collective unit can air OUR thoughts and from them all can benefit. In so many threads we see varying opinions and varying degrees of tolerance for right or wrong.
EVERYBODY that has contributed to my posting has been greatly appreciated. That's what I like here. We all know that individually we may not have the accurate perspective on something, but together we GIVE an overall outlook that can be disected and used to whatever advantage we may NEED. For this I thank you.
wow what a productive weekend for newbies (see the anyone from downunder thread, and the multiple new topics on the board from newbies).
welcome welcome welcome my darlings!.
come enjoy our sparkly warm board!.
Yes, as I have commented before....The Arc of Salvation is floundering.Carry on newbies..
in an earlier thread i spoke of my younger son going to move in with his girlfriend, non jw.
he's 30, baptised, divorced hasn't been to meetings in three years and in good standing.
so, yesterday i had the opportunity to help him move.
Choosing life.......Yes, they only have ONE brother. I used to use this withthem when they were small, the bickering, and they eventually came around and ENJOYED their relationship. Now though, the older one is using CULT talk, the younger one is DRAWING AWAY from them. This is what REALLY bothers me. He is so drawn in these days to the org and I didn't think that he'd be able to say that. But, then again, he did have some cruel words for me when I was df'd and wanted to see my grandson........quote" Dad, there has to be punishment". Sad too.
in an earlier thread i spoke of my younger son going to move in with his girlfriend, non jw.
he's 30, baptised, divorced hasn't been to meetings in three years and in good standing.
so, yesterday i had the opportunity to help him move.
K. mathews, Da Cheech, Aude.......Level and cooler heads need to prevail here, I agree. Aude, you are correct in your estimation and I appreciate your perspective in as much as you were on the recieving end yourslelf. Time will tell with out my interferance.............for now...........which may not be for LONG.....................
in an earlier thread i spoke of my younger son going to move in with his girlfriend, non jw.
he's 30, baptised, divorced hasn't been to meetings in three years and in good standing.
so, yesterday i had the opportunity to help him move.
Dan, Awake, Changling, CoCo, dawg......This is indeed a very delicate situation. Being a parent does cast a differant light on trying to be reasonable and tactful at the same time. I have never been a confrontational person, however, I do feel that there is a time and a place for everything. My problem dilema is choosing that time and place.
I would like to see time work this thing outas I do have plenty of that. I just don't want to see my younger son be any more abused by these people than is necessary. Not that I am a heartless persn towards the older one. You have to understand that I have been trying to rekindle the relationships that we had before my divorce from their mother who did her BEST to alienate them from me. ARGH!
Time will tell, jusdt how much I give them , that's another question.