We just had a thread recently about something you brought up. Wishing your non-believing friends and relatives would die so they could be on paradise earth with you.
Once your eyes are opened you will see how this "loving" gesture is so very sad. JWs are forced to ignor important people in their lives and not enjoy all the riches they can bring us.They destroy familes, they do not bring them together.
I truly do not think a loving God intended it to be that way.
just a simple look at something such as this, without getting too involved in all of the changing doctorines, new light and hypocritical polices, will go a long way in determining if you are on the right path right now.
I do think it is possible that your husband also has doubts. Perhaps he is too afraid of losing you and the family to express himself. Time will tell on this, but I sincerely wish all the best for the both of you. I am glad you have stuck around.