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JoinedPosts by Gringa
Were You Also Molested by Tom Pulsipher?
by feenx ina little background on my question: i recently was contaced by a cousin of mine who lives out of state because he wanted to apologize to me for anything he may have done that was unkind to me when we were kids (he's a couple years older).
he also elluded to "images" in his head (what i'm going refer to as memories) of doing terrible things to me.
this is the closest that any of my cousins have come to remembering or acknowledging the abuse we all sustained from our grandfather, thomas (tom) pulsipher.
Were You Also Molested by Tom Pulsipher?
by feenx ina little background on my question: i recently was contaced by a cousin of mine who lives out of state because he wanted to apologize to me for anything he may have done that was unkind to me when we were kids (he's a couple years older).
he also elluded to "images" in his head (what i'm going refer to as memories) of doing terrible things to me.
this is the closest that any of my cousins have come to remembering or acknowledging the abuse we all sustained from our grandfather, thomas (tom) pulsipher.
Too funny. I am going to pm you. I hope it is ok.
What was the 1st thing you did that wasn't allowed after leaving the JW's?
by cognac ini haven't left.... 1 thing while i'm actually in is being here though.... i'm happy here.
i actually feel for the first time really "right" about something... .
Thanks for the hug Rache!l I am also sorry for all my fellow brothers and sisters that were raised as I was. I am not alone, there are a heck of a lot of us that sustained abuse. I know we are survivors. We all have a lot to be proud of. Anyone who has walked away from the cult needs to be proud, whether born in or not! It is not an easy road to walk, but my, it is worth it!
My proudest accomplishment since leaving is raising 4 kids to be happy, healthy adults without ever hitting them, without guilt and without stepping foot into a KH! Hell, I never took them to a church or read them one bible story and funny, somehow they grew up with a sense of right and wrong and they have ZERO fear of God. They don't even think about whether there is a God or not. Funny, when it is not spoken of, it doesn't cross their minds.
Were You Also Molested by Tom Pulsipher?
by feenx ina little background on my question: i recently was contaced by a cousin of mine who lives out of state because he wanted to apologize to me for anything he may have done that was unkind to me when we were kids (he's a couple years older).
he also elluded to "images" in his head (what i'm going refer to as memories) of doing terrible things to me.
this is the closest that any of my cousins have come to remembering or acknowledging the abuse we all sustained from our grandfather, thomas (tom) pulsipher.
Ok, well, nope. A brother molested my brother but it would have been in the neighborhood of 1976 ish - plus or minus a few years. We went to Brentwood.
Are you from the Brentwood congregation?
Were You Also Molested by Tom Pulsipher?
by feenx ina little background on my question: i recently was contaced by a cousin of mine who lives out of state because he wanted to apologize to me for anything he may have done that was unkind to me when we were kids (he's a couple years older).
he also elluded to "images" in his head (what i'm going refer to as memories) of doing terrible things to me.
this is the closest that any of my cousins have come to remembering or acknowledging the abuse we all sustained from our grandfather, thomas (tom) pulsipher.
Oh God, what years was he at the Brentwood congregation?
What a small world this is.
What was the 1st thing you did that wasn't allowed after leaving the JW's?
by cognac ini haven't left.... 1 thing while i'm actually in is being here though.... i'm happy here.
i actually feel for the first time really "right" about something... .
I hate to tell my story, but this thread got me thinking.
Raised 3rd generation with a fanatical, abusive mother. I was such a good little girl. But, that didn't spare me the rod. Afterall, spare the rod, spoil the child. I was to graduate high school in 1975 and mom wanted me to drop out at 16 and pioneer full time. I didn't. It made her very mad at me and I was harped on daily about attending school. But, school was my escape.
At 16, I also started having unclean thoughts about boys and sex. I knew I was going to die in Armageddon in 2 short years because I was so evil. I remember waking up one day and realising that if I was going to die soon, I might as well have some fun in my short remaining life. So, I did. I tried cigarettes, still smoking to this day. I got beaten to an inch of my life when my mom found cigarettes in my purse. So, I said fuck it and I tried pot, uppers, downers, LSD, mushrooms, sex, cocaine.... I went wild. I got a job and my mom freeked out but I did it anyway. I asked if I could work Sundays so I didn't have to go to the KH. It was a part-time job and I got to pick my days - Tuesday nights, Thursday nights and Sundays. All meeting times.I also starting taking extra classes in school so I could graduate a semister early, a month before my 18th birthday and have more time for my fun. The day I turned 18 I moved out of my mom's house and never looked back.
Needless to say, 1975 came and went and I didn't die. I was prepared and willing to die. I make a consious decision to die at the hand of Jehovah.
Thankfully, my craziness just latest about 5 years. I have since got my act together and raised 4 beautiful children and will be a grandma for the first time in less than a month. I have lots of issues that relate to my childhood, but I do the best I can, I have lots of friends, close worldly friends for years that have all seen me through good and bad times. Thankfully, they have been there for my while my Witness family has not.
I had 4 brothers and I haven't even touched on the things they did. I only have 2 still alive. I promise to love them and always be their for them, one I can't find, he is an alcoholic that has disappeared to the streets in another state, I think. One who is dead, was screwed up due to sexual abuse by an witness when he was a child and led a hard wild life and was murdered just this past April.
I really urge all those that are still in to seriously look at the harm you are doing to your children.
is it ok if jehovah's wit...........
by grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95 injehovah's witnesses leave out and change words that appear in the original greek text because it does not fit doctrane ?.
are people/organisations that do this not cursed by jehovah ?.
It's a funny thing about translation of a foreign language. You can interupt it a hundred different ways and the JWs had their own God inspired translation. OF course, interuptation of their God inspired translation continues on a daily basis. If they translated it and stuck to their beliefs that would be ONE thing, but, it is quite the other thing with them
Can raising a child JW contribute to later psychiatric disorders?
by journey-on ini read about the high incidents of mental illness and psychiatric disorders among jehovah's witnesses and it .
started me thinking about why this is and how so.
then i made this list and realized how much a child's psyche.
Humiliation - having to wear clothes that were out of style and not being allowed to participate in nearly every school activity
Fear of death - you touch on this - but, my story - raised in the 1975 bundoggel - I had evil thoughts, being a horny teenager and KNEW I was going to die in 1975 for those bad lusty thoughts so I decided at 16 - in 1973 tha tI would just do ahead and have fun since I was gonna die any way - I made a decision to let Jehovah take me in 1975 - to this day I have no fear of death.
LOL - I think I am fairly normal -
But, perhaps a I am I the last to know!!!! -
1975 Letdown increasingly becoming topic of conversations among witnesses
by Meeting Junkie No More ini have noticed that more and more, witnesses seem to be discussing the 1975 debacle amongst themselves, and agreeing that it is amazing that witnesses as a whole are all still here and the world is still here, and their kids are now in high school, or married, or whatever.
they also seem to be discussing the importance of retirement plans, in direct contradiction to what cos and dos are spouting at the annual conventions.... the last time this happened was at a recent funeral, where another long-time witness had passed on.
the interesting thing was that a younger group were discussing this, and some of them weren't even around in '75!.
Outlaw - EXACTLY!
I had a conversation with a lady a few years ago who is still a witness and was 3rd generation like me. She asked me why I left and I told her, for starters, 1975.
She laughed and shock her head and said, yeah, that was such a shame how so many people sold their homes, racked up debt thinking the end was coming. Funny how people got so over-zealous! The WTS never said it was going to happen in 1975. They were such fools.
I about fell over. This was the first time I had actually heard someone deny it so! (has happned a few times, since)
Anyway, the fact remains, those that talk that way will be DF soon so as to not spread their satanic views through out the rest of the congregation.
And not to worry, the Witlesses are going strong. There are just too many poor souls out there for them to scoop up. They are certainly growning by leaps and bounds in Mexico. I would like to see the numbers, but it seems to me that next to the Catholics, JWs are the second largest religion here. They prey on the hopeless and poverty ridden or the mentally ill to fill their ranks.
I see more Witlesses out on the streets here every Sunday than I EVER did in the USA. It's really kinda funny if it wasn't so sad - their ties and white shirts stick out like the freaks they are. You would think the society would allow a dress code for each region, but I guess not! One more way to shame the children of Witlesses.
Need some clarification on something my mom said
by Gringa ini have been out a long, long time.
3 rd generation.
my younger brother died a few months ago, he was 40 years old and had left the "truth" as a teenager.
Oh good! That makes me feel better. I would hate to see my poor mom have to live in paradise earth with the likes of Hitler - but personally, Jeffrey Dahmer and some of these others scare me to death!
I hope it all works out for the witlesses