I could see dating sites for ex witnesses, especially since we have different "emotional needs" in a way and views on things....
JoinedPosts by burningbridges
How many of us are on the JW dating sites......
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH ini thought maybe the gb got one thing right.
that is stating that only spiritually weak brothers and sisters would go on those sites.
however, to my shagrin....almost everyone i met was quite strong in the organization, but just wanted more friends.
Living with a J.W.
by speckles ini am mature adult and have been living with a j.w.
for the past 3.5 years.
when we meet he was not practicing has not practice for some few years.
first of all, his boss can get in big trouble, thats discrimination by firing him based on his religious standing. fight that big time. Also, I'd try REAL hard to get him to read that book, even if you have to lie to him. Tell him you'll cosider marrying him only if he reads it first, then see where he stands. you can order it off of amazon. If he will not leave the organization, I hate to say it, but I'd run like hell. 3.5 years is nothing compared to a broken and divided family that will be shattered by the emotional strain that a JW father will bring. He will feel that it is his god ordained right and duty to make sure that any children go to the hall and are raised as witnesses and will not allow them to celebrate any holidays.. If he says otherwise, DO NOT BELIEVE HIM. HE will feel differently once the kids are there. Its not worth it, it will be an emotional battle every day. I hate to say it, but happiness is not in your future if he gets reinstated.
Witless numbers are not in decline - nobody leaves the Truth.
by hamsterbait inas was pointed out at the circus a$$embly, people are leaving the churches in droves, yet only the constant increase in witless numbers was noted.. why is this?.
are we too dumb to realize that if somebody stops going to the kingdumb hell and starts living the way they choose, they are not really witlesses, and therefore no witlesses ever leave?.
or, as freddie f might have argued - bless his rotting dead heart - think of zeno:.
The internet is a victory!!!!!
Craziest thing you've ever been "counseled" for????
by superman ini know that this has been a popular post in the past.
but after my last post, it got me thinking.
i used to always use those stupid field service report slips as scratch paper.
for wearing knee length skirts while doing stage demonstrations. They should have been floor length skirts. (showed my panties once while getting up from the table during a school talk :) )
If you want a girl to melt in you arms... this song: for you?
by dawg inman, i've made a career of this song...i used to pull it out (no pun intended) when all else was failing... most ladies had never heard of it.
never heard it, and honestly don't like it!!!! I'd rather you played me a little 3 days Grace.... But its the effort that counts!!! A+!!!
Is Jehovah just a wicked spirit?
by Rooster ini think the watchtower bible & trick society's god is just a wicked spirit.
jehovah is not the name of the true god!
I believe in God and spirits and Christ too, and just because they call him Jehovah rather than Yahweh or whatever, doesnt mean he;s any less (or evil) of a God
Calling all "still in"!
by Mickey mouse inanyone up for a silent protest?
if you still report regularly, why not avoid putting a report in for the month of september; help get the service year off to a flying start?
I did that when I was mad when I first started having doubts, all they did was call me up and say "did you forget to put your time in?" I said no, I didn't go out. They were frantic! They were like, oh well did you talk to a coworker, read your daughter bible stories, talk to a relative??? They pieced together like two hours out of desperation, I swear they were falling off their rockers thinking of ruining the halls reputation at getting another "irregular" publisher. Personally, I think this is a great idea. I'm only posting this as a warning of what happened to me. I suggest maybe turning in a slip with ZEROS on it to avoid a call or be prepared with a story if they do about what a rough month it was and that your just sorry....
i hope this breaks your heart
by chickpea inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prdowbexrkm.
my family is in a nascent period of adapting to our child's .
revelation that he is an ftm transgendered person...... above all else he is still just a person...... it is a scary reality that the majority of the world.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING THAT WITH US!!! I am going to email that to as many friends as i can and ask them to pass it on.
If you found yourself sitting next to a GB member on a plane...
by slimboyfat in...or on a train or whatever, and it was just the two of you, and the it was going to be a reasonably long trip... what would you say to him?
would you try to reason with him that the witnesses are wrong?
tell him what things need to change and why?
I would not let on about my history with the witnesses (oh but wouldn't the spirit "testify to my spostate identity"? he he) I would feign that my brother was a witness and that was where I got my knowledge, from his witnessing to me, then I would drill the hell out of him.... I would bomb him with all the hard question I could think of
Why does your organization say that it was 607 when all evidence proves otherwise? Are you claiming that GOd himself left out of the bible evidence of another king in the line, as well as all hisotrians have neglected to find evidence of one not listed? ONly the watchtower alone has this knowedge? God forgot to put it in the bible?
Despite alleged worlde unity, why were individuals in other countries allowed to purchase party cards illegally and also allowed to do alternative service for the military while husbands and fathers in other lands were killed and jailed for the stand that you forced them to take?
Why is it that you demand parents to allow their children to die for laws pertaining to dietary laws when Jesus himself make expceptions to laws regarding these laws for sacrafices to the priests and healing on the sabbath? Was not our lord a god of forgiveness and mercy? Do you know the term "bloodguilt"?
Why does the WT society continuously misrepresent scholars in their statements in their books by only citing parts of what they say, thus misrepresenting what they originally said, for example, the reasoning book section on the cross where a refrence is made to the cross. The section cites a scholar who states that criminals were crusified this way (on stakes) then completely leaves out the next few paragraphes which state that however, that was by far the least most common method and by far outdated by the time christ was living.
By now he'd probably not talk to me.... but you get the hint..... I would show no mercy.... I have much anger at these men and their deliberate and intentional misaplication on the scriptures for thier own power trips. I am sickened at their twisting of God s word. They disqust me. I might even spit on him. But that wouldn't be Christian, which I still am. Hence the reason I looked into the Witnesses in the first place, for my spiritual need...
Let's hear some crazy/cool stories!
by amama2six inmy husband reminded me of something crazy we did when we first started dating, so i thought i'd share it here and see if anyone else has some fun stories to add!.
we went out to dinner one night...me in a nice dress and him in a dress shirt and slacks.
afterward we decided to hit the beach for a nice moonlit walk in the sand.
ps mama, dont you worry about a thing if you've upset anyone, thats life.... i think your a sweet heart and I think your enthusiasm for this board is great! keep it up....