after reading this, i just called a few other faders and my dissassociaters in my town, Were going to partake together at my house tonight in loyalty to Jesus's command at John chapter 6:53, and 54 where it states that "unless you eat and drink of me you shall have no life in yourself.....he that eats and drinks of me shall have everlasting life..." SOOOOOOO just to mention, NO this was not told to the annointed, it was told to a crowd of JEWS. So, those of you who ARE going... think about it, maybe you should take it!!!! I was a zombie for seven years and was never told that verse! oh, but when your there, you WILL be read 1 corinth 11:27-29. I thankfully got my toddler out of going because she's sick. She will be partaking tonight too!!!
JoinedPosts by burningbridges
ok so who exactly is going to the memorial this year....and why?
by Cordelia ini am, my dad is doing it, i'm going to their hall theyve just moved there (to 'help' out).
i figured its the one meeting i can't miss as i upset them by not going to any others at all, also ive made a point of not going to my hall and i won't let anyone know i'm at my dads.
my dad is actually worried i might 'be apostate' about it, as i once said surely passing on the bread and wine is like saying 'no thanks jesus!
WTF.... JW Official Website...1914 glossed over...GT in 1975 NOTHING!!!!!!!
by Alpaca inwtf.
i nosed around on the jw official website for over an hour just to see how they were handling some of the dates that are/were central to their understanding of bible chronology.. there was absolutely no significant connection made between 1914 and our current time period being the purported last days.. and, even if they did shoot themselves in foot with the 1975 debacle, presumably the 6,000 year anniversary of adam's creation, which would have been marked in 1975, would still be a significant date in the witness timeline that would help to bracket the last days.. the jw website's internal search mechanism brought up articles mentioning 1975 only in the context of general interest articles about animals, current events, and other "fluff" articles.. the lying bastards have completely buried anything and everything that would incur culpability.. without 1914 and the generation that "would not pass away," they are citing evidence for the last days that is so flimsy, i don't see how they can sustain any significant growth or keep young ones from bolting once they are old enough.
their "solid" evidence is the same old recycled crap about wars, earthquakes, famines, selfish people....yatta, yatta, yatta... that could apply to any time in history.. i hope we are seeing the beginning of the end for the borg.
The 1914 topic is the main reason why i left the "truth". (aka "bull****) It started my search into deeper topics that were always "glossed over", like the belief that 1914 was supported and predicted by russel and his measurments on the pyramids (which of course was called Satanic later by the societies next President) When I had the elders over to my house and I was showing them their own older books from the 1920's, 30's ext all having different versions of the latest "light" (and all so deeply supported and explained with scriptural backing of course!) one elder even accused me of falsifying the literature or that the individual whom i purchased it from off of ebay was an apostate that had changed it. It was ridiculous!!! Needless to say, I am sooooo glad I'm gone! I look forward to 2014 to see what they say then, but by then it prob will have been so swept under the rug, it will likely only get a footnote mention in the "study" edition.
I think I have to go to the memorial
by 4mylove inthe hubby tells me that a friend called him to remind him of the memorial this saturday.
mind you, they never call, they never write.
my hubby tells me that he may have to go in scrubs because he won't have time to go home and change, that he doesn't mind.
feel free to lovingly explain to your husband that the lord's evening meal was only to be observed by the members of his new covenant until his return, (and oh, gee, honey didn't you teach me that he already retuned in 1914? I just wouldn't feel right continuing to follow a command that had an expiration date! ) Also, you could inform you would be De-lited to attend and partake of this sacred ceremony with him! Point out to him John chapter six verses 48-58 which tell you that in order to be worthy of a resurection you MUST take communion. The witnesses B.S their way through this saying that this scripture has a "broader" meaning, not actually talking about partaking of the emblems! However, if you have a real brain, and you really look at it, you will see that Jesus was talking to the Jews (NOT annointed memembers of his new convenant) and yes he WAS speaking about partaking in his remembrance. You can only twist it if are in denial. Tell your husband you will be following Jesus's command to partake if you go, otherwise he shoudln't be going since the lord laready returned. What a buffet to pick and choose these wintesses do!!! I doubt he's ever heard this verse, I was a zombie for seven years and never once had that verse read, just 1 corinth 11: 28-30 telling me how horrible I would be if I did do it. The bible does not contradict itself if allowed to speak for itself, they were warning ALL partakers, (All who desire to have "life" inside themselves and share a union with Christ) to examine themselves, not banning "non-annointed" ones from participating. My reccomendation? Fake an illness and keep him home.
How Many Here Are Born Again Christians Now?
by lovelylil injust wondering how many ex -jw's have become born again christians and whether or not this happened while you were still in the wt organization?
also, what is your experience now with god and christ?
** please non-believers, lets not use this thread to bash christianity again, or do the whole is there god/not god discussion all over again.
Before I defied my parents out of anger at the age of 19, I had been raised and loved being a Born Again Christian. I recently dissassociated myself from the J Witnesses about five, six months ago. Three weeks ago I finally found the courage to walk into one of "satan's" churches again, i chose a lutheran one because my mother was originally Lutheran. It was odd for me, too cerimonial, but hey, if that's for you, that's great. Last week I returned "home" and went through the door of the church I grew up in, the local Born Again Christian church. I felt home, genuinly at peace and happy. It was a little overwhelming at first, all the enthusiastic singing and fellowship (and I thought the witnesses were friendly!) but I quickly warmed up. After I left I realized that's where i want to attend. It was wonderful, so encouraging, so uplifting. I was actually happy to be at a church rather than leave depressed because I was forcing something that I wasn't! I will be attending this Easter Sunday, and the next Sunday, and the next, not because I have to or because I feel "Jehovah" or "God" or "Yahweh" forces me to attend, but because I want to. I want to express my love for God and my appreciation for my life and His great gifts to me. Last week I realized the most important lesson since leaving the Witnesses was that they may have lied, deceived, tricked and intimidated me, but they could not, and would not, ever be able to harm or remove my relationship that i have with God, despite them saying I am now in a "disapproved" state. Disaproved huh? Why are my prayers answered now more than ever before? Why do I finally now have an inner peace that I did not have before, even though I'm now going through a divorce and custody battle because of them? Born again? I may not ever become a member, I no longer feel that is relevant to my salvation, in fact, I may church hop a bit still just to check out what I've been missing all these years and to gain further understanding of other beliefs. Do I feel that it is an excellent church? Absolutely. It's worth checking out.
fpr those who want to know what "cut the pickle tickle tickle" is
by burningbridges inok, so i had a few people ask what "cut the pickle tickle tickle" is, so here it is and i encourage all of you to do it to all the little ones who you love!!!
ok, so you take your two index fingers and put them together (like your pointing, only do with both fingers pointing at each other and have them touch in the middle) tell the child to "cut the pickle" and they take their hand and "cut" your two fingers apart.
when they do, tickle the living heck out of them!!!
OK, so I had a few people ask what "cut the pickle tickle tickle" is, so here it is and I encourage all of you to do it to all the little ones who you love!!! Ok, so you take your two index fingers and put them together (like your pointing, only do with both fingers pointing at each other and have them touch in the middle) Tell the child to "cut the pickle" and they take their hand and "cut" your two fingers apart. When they do, tickle the living heck out of them!!! Have them do it to if they want and then they can tickle you when you break their "pickle". With the little little kids you'll have to pretend their actually tickling you but its hilarious how much they laugh at that too. It can last forever, kids just love to be tickled!!!
Burning Bridges here- got my baby back!!!
by burningbridges inyea!!!
i have my sweet little daughter back in my arms.
i've had her for two days actually, i was just too busy playing "cut the pickle tickle tickle" to write on here!
oh yea, I got a new lawyer, that last one was a flake!!! This one is awesome, much better and actualy excited to face such an "interesting" case with so many "ingredients" for success. About that ass hole judge, my new lawyer actually put in a request for a new one due to his behavior at the first hearing. I dont remeber what its called but you have the right to refuse a certain judge and the other lawyer can refuse your new one too but then your stuck with the third option. My new lawyer said either one fo the other two are better than the current one because the current one is actually buddy buddy with HIS lawyer. ugh.
Burning Bridges here- got my baby back!!!
by burningbridges inyea!!!
i have my sweet little daughter back in my arms.
i've had her for two days actually, i was just too busy playing "cut the pickle tickle tickle" to write on here!
So cut the pickle is where you put your two index fingers together like in a line ------ -------- like that, and then you tell the kid to cut the pickle, when they "break" your fingers apart you tickle the heck out of them!!!! Pretty soon they act all shy and pretend their afraid to get "cut the pickle" and get tickled. Then they get all into it and put THEIR fingers together to have YOU cut it and then they tickle you. It goes on forever, kids just love to be tickled!!!
Burning Bridges here- got my baby back!!!
by burningbridges inyea!!!
i have my sweet little daughter back in my arms.
i've had her for two days actually, i was just too busy playing "cut the pickle tickle tickle" to write on here!
thanks to all the great advice!!! I am DEF going to keep track of every little detail!!!! Your all so great and supportive, thank you!!!
Burning Bridges here- got my baby back!!!
by burningbridges inyea!!!
i have my sweet little daughter back in my arms.
i've had her for two days actually, i was just too busy playing "cut the pickle tickle tickle" to write on here!
Hi, to answer what I told the judge, I told him that I was origianally motivated by guilt for leaving my husband and had arranged the schedule around him to sooth my concience, but my concience would no longer allow me to neglect the reality that that was not for my daughters benefit. Guess he was so annoyed we took so long arguing he didn't care.
Burning Bridges here- got my baby back!!!
by burningbridges inyea!!!
i have my sweet little daughter back in my arms.
i've had her for two days actually, i was just too busy playing "cut the pickle tickle tickle" to write on here!
Yea!!! I have my sweet little daughter back in my arms. I've had her for two days actually, i was just too busy playing "cut the pickle tickle tickle" to write on here! The only thing that sucks is we got fifty fifty placement for the temporary placement until the divorce goes through. I had originally, out of guilt for leaving him, said I didnt care if he took her to meetings because she was too little to know anything and we made a fifty fiffty schedule with him having her for the meetings. So, the judge asked me why i was being difficult and now saying he cant when two weeks ago i said it was fine. We argued and argued in the halls (our lawyers did) for three and a half hours over the schedule (at $200 an hour mind you) until the judge just said stop, were going with what you two originally had. SOOOO of course he is gloating right now, totally thrilled that "Jehovah" had his back and got him his baby for all the meetings. Jerk. Oh well, it won't last, this is just temporary!!!