I understand that the blood issue is complicated. What I meant with my statement is that a straight-forward blood transfusion as I understand it would not be approved by Jehovah. The statement "it might save your life" can be argued indefinately. It could, it might or it might not. I'll stick to Jehovah's recommendation, thank you. In regards to the blood fragments, I realize that it is very complicated. Of course, I am thankful to the doctors and scientists that find new ways to keep us healthy and try to prolong life. As complicated as is, the WTS tries to adapt to the new changes. Experimental ways of treating certain diseases that were very unsafe, say about 10 or 15 years ago, could be safe now. As the Hospital Liasion Committees understand and investigate new procedures, there will be new advice on these topics.
Dedalus: I have also wondered on the topic you brought up about children. That one is up to Jehovah, we don't know exactly what he will do. I have faith that he will do the right thing.
Billygoat: You accusation about hypocrisy is only your point of view. I doubt that you have examined each and every congregation in the world. Is there some hipocrisy within some of the members, of course! Bad elements infiltrate any organization.
In regards to the dumb example that other religions are also composed of imperfect men. Well, that is true, but the thing is what do they teach about basic doctrine? Are they teaching completely false ideas like the trinity, hellfire, infant baptism, once saved always saved, just accept Jesus and that's it?
What about accepting responsability about false predictions? Witnesses accept that. You can go up to Governing Body member and ask "was there a false prediction about 1914, 1925, 1925 or whatever" and they will answer "yes." Is this a reason to just lose all hope, stop preaching the good new of the Kingdom and stop following in Jesus' steps? Of course not. In many publications such as the Watchtower and the Proclaimers book, the WTS accepts that some if it's leaders have gotten out of hand when pointing to a specific year. What else do you want?