by logicalthinker 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • logicalthinker

    If you want real help please go to:

    The official site for Jehovah's Witnesses and those truly interested in the JW organisation and the word of God.

    I wonder if you would find so many sites (such as this one) dedicated to the verbal tearing apart of Jehovah's Witnesses and their religion if there was not something special about it?

    Afterall when was the last time you found 10,000+ search results for Catholics, Jews, Mormons or any supposed Sect or Cult?

    Especially when the majority of sites related to these results just want to diminish the Witnesses' beliefs, which to my knowledge are the teachings closest to the Bible that you will find. Does this not point to the scripture at Matthew 10 v 22?

    The Pharisees in Jesus' day were religious leaders and did not think that they were displeasing God. Yet they disowned His son Jesus Christ and had him put to death, simply because they hardened their hearts and rejected him as the Messiah, when it was plain to see that he was.

    Don't make the same mistake today, Jesus fortold that there would be a true religion in the last days and that his true followers would be an object of persecution just as he was (Matthew 10 v 22, Matthew 24 v 9) He also gave defining points of the true religion (Matthew 27 v 14, Matthew 28 v 19&20) and also signs that showed that we would be living in the last days (Matthew 24 v 7).

    Jesus said that only a few would survive the coming of God's judgement day (Matthew 7 v 13&14) and that many would claim to be serving him but in reality were doing the opposite (Matthew 7 v 21-23). Jesus also taught that just because we have been baptised it doesn't mean that we are automatically saved (Matthew 10 v 22).

    Many of the above biblical principals clash with the beliefs of christendom and that is why they rubbish the JW's and their beliefs.

    The JW organisation always direct attention to the coming of Gods kingdom and as imperfect men sometimes do make mistakes just as Jesus' apostles did. Yes a couple of thoughts have changed over the years, but it is done humbly as God shows us his truths in these last days (Daniel 12 v 4&9)

    Could you ever see the Pope telling the world that the Catholic church was withdrawing the one of the biggest false doctrines in religion today - the trinity - from their beliefs?

    If you are really interested in finding the truth please go to the above website and look at scriptures quoted there - afterall, surely you cannot find fault in the word of God?

    Please make your own mind up, do not be swayed by the false prophets that Jesus spoke of.

  • LDH

    blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
    blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
    blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
    blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
    blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
    blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
    blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
    blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
    blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
    blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah


  • logical

    been there done that, i wasnt convinced

  • nicolaou
    Please make your own mind up, do not be swayed by the false prophets that Jesus spoke of.

    Listen to yourself!!!


  • SixofNine

    Tell me something, using logic, please explain to me why the "trinity" doctrine, no matter how you view it, is of great importance in the grand scheme of things? And if it is of relatively minor importance, how can it be one of the "biggest false doctrines in religion today"?

    This question, btw, comes to you from someone who is no fan of Catholicism.

  • funkyderek
    Afterall when was the last time you found 10,000+ search results for Catholics, Jews, Mormons or any supposed Sect or Cult?

    A few quick searches in Google:
    "Jehovah's Witnesses": 64,300
    "Jehovah's Witnesses" cult: 8,760
    Mormons: 87,000
    Mormons cult: 9,840
    Scientology: 148,000
    Scientology: 25,700
    Catholics: 296,000
    Catholics cult:22,100

    Looks like there's nothing special about Jehovah's Witnesses after all. Just another cult.

    Ubi dubium ibi libertas

  • gsark

    "The official site for Jehovah's Witnesses and those truly interested in the JW organisation and the word of God."...

    And..."I wonder if you would find so many sites (such as this one) dedicated to the verbal tearing apart of Jehovah's Witnesses and their religion if there was not something special about it?

    That's a very arrogant statement; as tho only JW's care about JW's. I have a daughter 'in' and I care very much thank you; and I don't need an official 'website' to do that thank you again.

    As far as the JW's being so 'special' so were the Branch Davidians and the People's Temple and plenty more that I haven't time to name. They were 'real' special, yes they were indeed.

    And as far as websites 'like these' proving JW as being special, there are ex-mormon, ex-adventist, ex-catholic and on and on and on; sites similar to these that were here before this site was. (This one is better is all.) (((hugs)))

    But thank you for taking the time away from making new CONVERTS CONVERTS CONVERTS and taking some interest in some of us hurting former ones for a CHANGE. That is exceptional of you. If more JW's would care about the one lost sheep among them (like Jesus SAID to do)and less about the 99 others they DRAG in , about ten members of my family would still be JW's.

    Go figure.

    Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!

  • logical
    If you want real help please go to:

    The official site for Jehovah's Witnesses and those truly interested in the JW organisation and the word of God.

    I thought that we were supposed to go to Christ.

    I wonder if you would find so many sites (such as this one) dedicated to the verbal tearing apart of Jehovah's Witnesses and their religion if there was not something special about it?

    These sites are here for a reason, and I can guarantee that if the WTS was what it claims to be, most of the sites would NOT be here.

    Afterall when was the last time you found 10,000+ search results for Catholics, Jews, Mormons or any supposed Sect or Cult?

    You obviously havent done a search.....

    Especially when the majority of sites related to these results just want to diminish the Witnesses' beliefs, which to my knowledge are the teachings closest to the Bible that you will find. Does this not point to the scripture at Matthew 10 v 22?

    Hmmmm... the reason these sites want to diminish the JW's beliefs is because the JW's are being MISLED by WICKED men, IMPOSTERS.

    Tell me, what makes you think JW's fit Mat 10:22? You dont even know Christs name, you reject him every year in your memorial, you dont have a clue because you are MISLED.

    The Pharisees in Jesus' day were religious leaders and did not think that they were displeasing God. Yet they disowned His son Jesus Christ and had him put to death, simply because they hardened their hearts and rejected him as the Messiah, when it was plain to see that he was.


    Don't make the same mistake today, Jesus fortold that there would be a true religion in the last days and that his true followers would be an object of persecution just as he was (Matthew 10 v 22, Matthew 24 v 9) He also gave defining points of the true religion (Matthew 27 v 14, Matthew 28 v 19&20) and also signs that showed that we would be living in the last days (Matthew 24 v 7).

    There we go again, on the account of CHRISTS name... yet, when do JW's ever use his name?

    You have no idea of what you are talking about. What does Matt 28:20 say? It says "And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things".

    OK. Now, Jesus is with us until the end. So, WHY do we need to go through an Organisation to get to Jah, when Christ is STILL with us, and we should approach HIM?

    Many of the above biblical principals clash with the beliefs of christendom and that is why they rubbish the JW's and their beliefs.

    Christendom and JWdom are both as bad as each other...

    The JW organisation always direct attention to the coming of Gods kingdom and as imperfect men sometimes do make mistakes just as Jesus' apostles did. Yes a couple of thoughts have changed over the years, but it is done humbly as God shows us his truths in these last days (Daniel 12 v 4&9)

    The COMING of God's kingdom? Why, I thought it came in 1914...

    A couple of thoughts have been changed over the years... like Sodom and Gomorrah... will they be ressurected... changed HOW MANY times? Just one example... plenty more about, read the older literature.

    Could you ever see the Pope telling the world that the Catholic church was withdrawing the one of the biggest false doctrines in religion today - the trinity - from their beliefs?

    No... but, could you ever see the GB apologising to all the people who have been shunned UNSCRIPTURALLY? Apologising to all the women and children RAPED and molested and the people who did those horrible acts to them just GOT AWAY WITH IT?

    If you are really interested in finding the truth please go to the above website and look at scriptures quoted there - afterall, surely you cannot find fault in the word of God?

    Tell me, WHAT IS THE WORD OF GOD... I'll give you a clue, its NOT the Bible.

    Please make your own mind up, do not be swayed by the false prophets that Jesus spoke of.

    Dont worry, I wont... I stopped listening to the WTS ages ago.

  • LDH

    Ummm, Logical just kicked your virtual ass, LT.

    Love it, Log, Keep it up!

  • logicalthinker

    Whatever post a JW makes on one of these message boards will be torn to shreads, unless of course they were to join your line of thought and give up their bible-based reasoning.

    I am not here to argue just try and show people that this is not a website ran to benefit people seeking true knowledge from the bible.

    If you have been disfellowshipped then you are not sorry for your transgression, if you are sorry then there is no reason why you couldn't rejoin.

    The web site address is misleading and many people may come here looking for truth to be met by your own personal views.

    God gave everyone a right to free-will. You can do right or wrong and face the relevant consequences.

    The previous message was to benefit any poor individual who had stumbled on to this website by mistake looking for truths.

    You will disect this message no doubt and rip it to bits.

    To be honest, I don't care.

    I just hope you change your apostate ways before it is too late.

    You are making your true father very very happy - and no it isn't God!

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