JoinedTopics Started by GodRules
? about a part of Ray Franz' Book
by GodRules ini read part of ray franz' book and in there he tells of a proposal that schroeder and two other members of gb.
it had something to do with the coming of christ in 1957, i think.
does anyone have information on what exactly it was that they proposed and what scriptures they gave for that proposal?.
What's wrong w/JW's?
by GodRules ini would sincerely like to know what is so wrong with jehovah's witnesses.
i invite anyone to post here.
please use facts not personal opinions.. i am not interested in dates, the blood issue, nor the disfellowshipping issue since i am conviced that these do not prove that they are wrong.. i am weighing in to see if you as an opposer of jehovah's witnesses have the facts or not.
Answer to: Why do JW's come here against WT policy
by GodRules inbelieve it or not the motives are love, at least in my case.
i know that sometimes jw's on this board do not show that, but it goes the same with some ex-jw's too.. am i going against wt counsel?
yes, but i am willing to pay the price to help my fellow man, specially if i see that they blinded by resentment and are going contrary to jehovah's will.. why does the wt give the counsel to stay away from site such as this?
by GodRules injust as a loving father or mother disciplines their child for wrongdoing, god also disciplines us when we get out of hand.. he has that right, godrules!.
do you accept god's discipline?