Does it surprise anyone that the word hell was never spoken by Jesus?
Do we forget that He never spoke English or for that matter, Latin?
Then let's review, any concordance will show you that some bibles have incorrectly translated three different places with one word, hell.
Gehenna is an actual place in Israel to this day, used to burn the refuse during Jesus day, now it's a place to have picnics.
Hades is a well known word for describing the unseen, the buried, among us.
Tartarus, mentioned once in the new testament, is a place described for the stubborn demons.
Now, where do we get the word hell for all three of these different places?
Well, latin of course. Catholicism, Roman authority.
How else do you "scare" people into servanthood than to threaten rebellion with a place of eternal torment or annihilation?
Read Romans 5, We have assurance from the bible itself that As in Adam all are dying and made sinners, so in Christ will all be made alive and righteous.
God is in control of everything and everyone as we are told "In Him we live and move and have our being."
The Father is sovereign, Christ's death is more powerful than Adam's fruit debacle.
Start resting in God's sovereignty and in Christ' accomplished work.
Did you have any say in your birth? Neither will you have any say in your salvation.
Walk by faith and not by sight. Believe no matter what you see happening, God is in control, and He loves you. Rest.
Yes some will not believe in Christ saving all until the Judgement and Second Death. But even then, Jesus will abolish Death and give faith to even those.
But believe in Christ now, and watch and feel the fruit of the spirit pour out of you. You become a walking bilboard for Christ, without saying a word.
Peace that passes all understanding comes from such a person, rest in Christ finishing the will of His Father, which we are told is to bring all to salvation and knowledge of the truth.
Again, rest.