I personally do not, never have or ever will believe in hell. My religions feelings are littlebit hazy at the moment. But even when I did believe with all my heart I found it difficult to believe in a god that would promote some sort of perpetual concentration camp. However, to get back to my point, I find Jesus' words recorded in Luke 16:19-31 intriguing to say the least.
I understand that bible is not really talking about hell as it is understood by most of churches of today's Christendom. On the other hand, Greeks and, as far as I know, some Jewish sects in first century did believe in principle at least in a form of Hades which is comparable to today's hell doctrine.
I also understand that what Jesus was telling was only a fable, an illustration that was meant to make a point and can't be taken literally. Old Jewish religion, after all, did not recognize such doctrine prior to hellenization of Palestine at the time of Alexander the Great.
My point is this, why would Jesus seemingly deliberately make a reference to a pagan doctrine to prove a point? And in process encourage them in thinking that is correct understanding.
I'm not a religious expert, neither I want to engage in spirited argument (quarrel) about whether there's a hell or not (its beyond the point anyway). Rather, hope to get some positive feedback from those of you who had similar thoughts.