To the inital question: yes I always faked it. I'd usually count to 10.
I really didn't give 2 shits about praying for the GB.
This comment struck me as odd. I never once even thought to pray for the GB. Wow, I was a bad JW..
i did it many times.
To the inital question: yes I always faked it. I'd usually count to 10.
I really didn't give 2 shits about praying for the GB.
This comment struck me as odd. I never once even thought to pray for the GB. Wow, I was a bad JW..
i see much fame and fortune in his future.
remember when you were a kid and you saw the funny bits in shows about how someone hates their job and just goes to work to pay the bills.
i think i've reached that point in my life.. i hate my job.. i used to love the work i do... but the way a corporation crushes your soul and leaves you as an empty husk of your former self has finally taken its toll on me.. i used to look forward to the challenges of work... now i wake up, go to work, do what i have to do to get through the day and then go home.. .
it's totally absurd but i find myself literally fantasizing about winning the lottery so i can get my soul back..
I love you if that matters .
remember when you were a kid and you saw the funny bits in shows about how someone hates their job and just goes to work to pay the bills.
i think i've reached that point in my life.. i hate my job.. i used to love the work i do... but the way a corporation crushes your soul and leaves you as an empty husk of your former self has finally taken its toll on me.. i used to look forward to the challenges of work... now i wake up, go to work, do what i have to do to get through the day and then go home.. .
it's totally absurd but i find myself literally fantasizing about winning the lottery so i can get my soul back..
I do wonder if I'm not just depressed right now and my hating my job is just a symptom and not the underlying problem.
That was my thought... but, not knowing you well, I gots nothin' else.
remember when you were a kid and you saw the funny bits in shows about how someone hates their job and just goes to work to pay the bills.
i think i've reached that point in my life.. i hate my job.. i used to love the work i do... but the way a corporation crushes your soul and leaves you as an empty husk of your former self has finally taken its toll on me.. i used to look forward to the challenges of work... now i wake up, go to work, do what i have to do to get through the day and then go home.. .
it's totally absurd but i find myself literally fantasizing about winning the lottery so i can get my soul back..
Is my soul worth a good career?
Would the jobs in the succession plan make you happier or would you still feel the same? Also, are you fulfilled in other aspects of your life?
remember when you were a kid and you saw the funny bits in shows about how someone hates their job and just goes to work to pay the bills.
i think i've reached that point in my life.. i hate my job.. i used to love the work i do... but the way a corporation crushes your soul and leaves you as an empty husk of your former self has finally taken its toll on me.. i used to look forward to the challenges of work... now i wake up, go to work, do what i have to do to get through the day and then go home.. .
it's totally absurd but i find myself literally fantasizing about winning the lottery so i can get my soul back..
Now that you have come to this realization, what are you going to do about it?
a few minutes ago, a former jw friend of mine (ex-bethelite) sent me a bulk email.
this happened once before, a few months back, i just deleted it, but found it curious that he hadn't removed all "known apostates" from his address book.. .
this time, i couldn't let it pass.
I'd ask him what he's wearing.
five things you may know about marijuana that arent true.
posted by guest columnist on february 27, 2010 @ 2:19 am in us news | 35 comments.
by steve elliott.
No one in all of history has EVER been killed by marijuana.
Maybe not by overdose, but possibly indirectly. Ever driven high?
last summer there was a big upset caused by an article (july ,ithink) in the awake about a hindu lady that upset her family by leaving her religion and joining jehovahs witnesses and the ironic thing was it had the above quote in it , that someone should not have to choose between family and religion !
i printed the article off and underlined that section , and recently sent it to my inlaws along with a letter , because they are upset about not seeing their grandchild because they banned their son from the house (he sdisfellowshipped) i am trying to sort the situation out , and i thought they might notice the hypocrisy in the article , however that idea did not work as apparently" there are lies on the internet !
" and father in law was not very happy to receive it , but it is from an awake magazine ,watchtower literature !
This really pisses me off. Yesterday I got a package in the mail from my mother with two JW books in it. No note, no letter, just the literature. Next time I talk to her I am bringing up this quote. It won't do any good, but maybe for one split second she'll see the hypocrisy.