Poor guy.
"For better, for worse, in sickness and in health" perhaps.
This is precisely why, in the end, he might not be reimbursed for his kidney. It was a gift.
If he wins a settlement, it might set a bad precedent for future organ donations.
man wants kidney back from estranged wife .
(necn/abc) - during the summer of 1990, dr. richard batista gave his wife his heart.
more than a decade later, he gave her his kidney.
Poor guy.
"For better, for worse, in sickness and in health" perhaps.
This is precisely why, in the end, he might not be reimbursed for his kidney. It was a gift.
If he wins a settlement, it might set a bad precedent for future organ donations.
nearly two years ago my husband and i abruptly stopped attending meetings.
we had one or two visits from an elder that i disliked, but that stopped when i told him not to come back.
we were patting ourselves on the back that we had been left alone.
I'm guessing that the reason it worked in my case, is that I have an ongoing illness that's well-documented, so the elders know that I am not pulling a fast one.
my one friend has been bogged down this week, feeling down (even on her bday) she desperately wants a husband, she's pmsing something horrid.. so tomorrow i'm going to cook her dinner and it's going to be roasted chicken.. tonight i'm going to brine it in orange, rosemary & garlic.
tomorrow i'll stuff that orange, rosemary & garlic up the chickens' butt and roast it!
drop some 'tatoes in and steam up some veggies.. a home cooked meal can put a smile on the dial.
Oh CoCo, I remeber having roast chicken for lunch at Bethel, too!
I guess roast chicken is one of those dishes that can be comforting and luxurious, all at the same time.
nearly two years ago my husband and i abruptly stopped attending meetings.
we had one or two visits from an elder that i disliked, but that stopped when i told him not to come back.
we were patting ourselves on the back that we had been left alone.
If you or a member of your family have any type if illness , I would suggest using that to encourage them to leave you alone.
Well, that has worked in my favor.
Early last year, as I was hospitalized, several sisters called me for the sole purpose of getting me to speak to the elders. No other reason.
How do I know this? Because none of them could spare the time to visit they said, but it was of vast importance that I call the elders in my time of need. When I was discharged, only one sister called me at home, to once again reiterate that I get in touch with the elders. I told all of them, no. After all, what were the elders going to do for me - cure me by the laying on of hands? LOL!
After that, zip, nothing, nada - until last week.
my one friend has been bogged down this week, feeling down (even on her bday) she desperately wants a husband, she's pmsing something horrid.. so tomorrow i'm going to cook her dinner and it's going to be roasted chicken.. tonight i'm going to brine it in orange, rosemary & garlic.
tomorrow i'll stuff that orange, rosemary & garlic up the chickens' butt and roast it!
drop some 'tatoes in and steam up some veggies.. a home cooked meal can put a smile on the dial.
Dinner sounds great! You're a real friend, LB!
Tell your friend not to be too anxious in finding a husband. She might end up settling for some no-account scoundrel.
in many ways it would, because there has been so much bloodshed, torture, misunderstanding between humans because of their different religions and all done in the name of their god.
today everyone still wants their faith to be right & many arguments have been had over who is right and wrong.. then again religion has kept many people in check - doesn't allow the masses to run around willy nilly in their freedom.
it controls the masses.
Not really, because even if you do away with religion, mankind will always find a way to oppress his fellow man.
A lot of so-called religious wars were really wars of unbridled avarice and power. Religion was just used as a catalyst.
Now, you can do "away" with religion (like they have in Communist countries), but man's inclination towards greed and power will still remain. In my mind, those are the real troublemakers. And sadly, they will always be part of the human condition.
nearly two years ago my husband and i abruptly stopped attending meetings.
we had one or two visits from an elder that i disliked, but that stopped when i told him not to come back.
we were patting ourselves on the back that we had been left alone.
At the moment congregations are pushing for pioneers and elders to study with faders and try and bring them back to the fold.
Ah, so that's why my telephone and doorbell has been all a-buzz, lately. My hubby, usually the most affable guy that you could ever meet, was not amused by all the sudden interest in me, and refused to answer the door or the phone. He was suspicious that something was afoot.
nearly two years ago my husband and i abruptly stopped attending meetings.
we had one or two visits from an elder that i disliked, but that stopped when i told him not to come back.
we were patting ourselves on the back that we had been left alone.
Then, last weekend we had a special pioneer elder and his wife knock at our door.
Special pioneer elder = extra zealousness for the dark side. Plus, it gives them a chance to impress the new cong. with their super-abundant love for Jehovah.
Prepare a letter for them or any others that show up your door. Do not however say that you are not interested or anything that could lead them to disfellowship / disassociate you - you could even mention that by no means is this a disassociation letter....Just say you do not wished to be hasseled and that any future mad behaviour will be dealt with by calling the authorities.
LouBelle, if Wildfell puts anything like that into writing, it will indeed be considered a DA letter. Remember, we're not dealing with rational-minded people here.
I'd say the best course of action is to continue to ignore them. After a while, they will leave you alone, like QL says.
i searched for this here and didn't find any posts about it.
i just found this while searching for info as i was debating a jw on another site.
this is the most mind-blowing, spaced-out, insane bunch of mess i've ever heard.
Carla, the JW Brothers website seems to have the official WTBTS stamp of approval. After all, the "friends" need a safe outlet in which they can indulge in whatever little creativity that they are allowed to have. No YouTube for this bunch!
...right now if I saw a snake I'd be right through that wall.
Disingenuous creep.
i searched for this here and didn't find any posts about it.
i just found this while searching for info as i was debating a jw on another site.
this is the most mind-blowing, spaced-out, insane bunch of mess i've ever heard.
It is not a time, friend, to think that because the society published a change in generation that Jehovah God, the great Theocrat, took his clock and moved it back, because some ants printed a Watchtower down there. Oh please, friends! We should not have been dealing with generation in the first place. It's none of our business.
Oh, but you did deal with it. Which makes you a false prophet. You can try to walk all that history back, but it's too late. It's all out there, on the net.
This is just another sorry attempt at damage control. Not to mention the constant psychological prepping of cult members to be unfeeling drones.