Hi Alex
Iam from Linköping.
hi.. im new to the posting-part of this forum and was wondering if there s any other ex-witnesses from sweden in here?.
i v been reading a lot of the topics here and i have to admit it have helped me to start seeing the bigger picture.
it took almost a whole year as a ex-borg before i grew the courage to start reading "apostate" information.
Hi Alex
Iam from Linköping.
....i am so frikkin obsessed about the jw lies and my newfound truths about them, and it is prob driving me crazy or causing depression.....if i wake up in the middle of the night, i never get back to sleep as my mind starts racing about jw crap and how it affects my marriage, and then how can i make this marriage work with her such a hardcore dub....i told my wife i now realize i am an abusive husband.....i must stop talking to her about the real truth!!
!..........it is killing her inside and we have had soooo many bad discussions that turn into arguments......on top of that she says she is now closer to jah and the org than at any other time in her life, that now that she has no positive direction from me, she relies totally on jehovah and prays to him more than ever..... we talked about separation, and that i was going to lose her over our religious differences........i feel so sorry for what i have put her through, and i know that if i can not really shut up with my ohsohelpful comments of truths about this truth she will leave me due to "spiritual endangerment".......and she said she is damm close to that happening.....i told her i knew it to and would so hate to lose her due to our religious differences.
at my recent shepherding call, they said to try and stop focusing on the negatives i have found in jw, and focus on the good things...and that is not a bad idea even if i never go back to meetings....there are good things about dubs....the efforts at ending racism and at least for me, some really good lifelong friends.......even their hope for the future was pretty good to me, even though it is a bunch of crap and i no longer believe the bible is gods word or inspired.....it does have some good suggestions for a happy life and ideas as to how to treat others........but so do just about every holy book of other faiths........ i had plans to start going to some meetings with my wife, but today, after a sleepless night i told her i just dont think i can do it, and just as she strongly believes it is the truth, i do not, and that i think the guys on the gb are not led by holy spirit cause if she will read the proclaimers book, she will see we have never gotten a single bible inerpretation of prophecy correct.......so she says "so what is there?
You do what you think is right....Maybe that sounds to easy.
But look at the impact you have had on this board by being you.
My wife is no hypocrite when she fakes it for me --and in my opinion you are no hypocrite if you go to meetings and fake it for your wife.
The best thing is to to take the long term view. After all your wife is just as sure in her conviction as you are in yours.
Take Care
are you that much different now?.
Minimus...Look for weakness and expose it, "badness".
are you that much different now?.
I dont see those years as wasted......I look on it that without that experience I could be an even bigger jerk!!!
are you that much different now?.
When I look in the mirror and no longer see a young man.
my problems with the wtbs have always been their doctrine and their absolute control of the rank and file, not the principles that they and most mainstream religions teach.
i grew up in a predominantly black urban metropolitan area that had a high crime rate and drug usage.
when i go back to my old neighborhood, i always hear about how some of my peers are drug addicts, incarcerated or dead.
I Quit
With respect sales is a result orintated business. Bread on the table food in the mouth today.
If the witnesses learn how to sell at the meetings then the Kingdom Halls would be full of studies and newly baptisedbrothers from the door to door ministry.
judus priest ..."i was lost and found".
and niel young ..i believe in you..... "now that you find yourself loosing your mind are you here again-.
finding that once what you felt was real has gone and changing....... .
White Dove
How much more creative could the greatest creatists of creativety be if they werntunder the influence?
"DEAF DUMB AN BLIND" Pinbball Wizard"The Who"
i remember visiting this board and you could see how oftern a post has been read.. this is no longer possible.
are there anyother differences to the board in the new format i have missed?.
Good Question- Iam Cluless.
i thought i would enjoy a few hours cathing up on events on the board.. i purchased a kebab pizza and opend a cold beer.
unfortunately i put my cigarette butt out in the newly opend beer can-.
okay by my standards thats not dumb...but has anyone done a dumer thing whilst on this board?.
Thanks undercover.
My favourite detective is "Get Smart"
But theres a reason I use the name "Cluless"..
I woent rite anymor bat I wil werk herd et ma spellig-
"Klulessss" in jest.
judus priest ..."i was lost and found".
and niel young ..i believe in you..... "now that you find yourself loosing your mind are you here again-.
finding that once what you felt was real has gone and changing....... .
Am I right in assumming that many of the lyrics to these great songs were written under the influence-
O wernt our dear beloved Artists (the great masters) also under the influence.....
How much greater there works would have been if they consulted there religouse leaders for inspiration.....