Are you THAT much different now?
How Have YOU Changed Since Leaving The Witnesses?
by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends
When I look in the mirror and no longer see a young man.
Maybe you see a man who wasted his early years.
It will be 10 years this August when I stopped attending meetings, and 8 years since I DA'd.
One of my daughters, also ex-JW, says I am less inhibited. Not as quiet , and shy, as I used to be.
I'l go the the local pub (bar) have a drink and chat with people there.
I can have a night out in town.
On the other hand I also became a Christian, and attend a Pentecostal church.
I can have a good "spiritual" talk with fellow Christians, which I never did with fellow JWs.
I have spoken to more people about the Christian faith in this past years than I did in all my 30 years as a JW.
I have spoken in my church and at other churches about being a JW.
I have taken part in a seminar about cults, and spoken on JWs.
I have done radio interviews for Christian station, and one for local radio here on Merseyside for 45 minutes.
I have been asked if I would appear on a TV program about JWs, but that may not happen this year, its on hold due to costs.
I have been asked to appear on a Christian sattelite channel, Genesis TV, to speak about JWs.
This are all things which I would never have done beforehand or would have had the chance to.
But there was like a release when I left the JWs.
I've changed a lot. I used to be very judgemental towards others. I think it may me feel like I was better because I was "walking the walk" and someone else wasn't. I was never outwardly cruel or mean to anyone, but I thought everyone should follow the rules.
My own experiences in life have taught me that most people try to do the right thing, and that my ideas about the best way to live or do things are not the only way. I guess you could say I have a "live and let live," attitude these days.
I now live for today and for the future and have quit putting off what is important to me in order to wait for a paradise that is yet to come. I got the ducation I was denied as a young person, and in fact have kept learning and will continue to do so. I have opened myself up to meeting lots of new people and traveling to other countries whenver possible. I enjoy life a lot more than I ever did as a witness.
I dont see those years as wasted......I look on it that without that experience I could be an even bigger jerk!!!
Being less judgmental is what I've experienced. As an elder you're trained to look for weakness, "badness".
Minimus...Look for weakness and expose it, "badness".
Well, I'm more open minded and am not afraid to read other people's views on things. I seem to like people better, considering myself now a part of the human race. I enjoy sleeping in on Saturday mornings and have discarded 'fear and guilt' in my life. I feel I am more spiritual now and have a much better relationship with God and realize that worship and service to Christ is a lot more than knocking on doors and going to meetings and leaving literature all over town.
I have more time to enjoy family and friends and have more empathy for others who have went through the things I have in the past. I also have more time to research various things instead of just what comes through the Watchtower Society.
And, I'm sure there is much more if I think about it.
Sure have - on so many levels. My outlook on life, religion, everyday people.
Even the fact that I'm free to do as I will with my time is a profound thing.
I'm happier, freerer, more peaceful, confident in ME, kinder, appreciative since leaving - plus a W H O L E lot more