The same reason people would pay $100+ for an ordinary tootsie roll...Or ANY money for a piece of burnt toast..
JoinedPosts by KenseiShimonzu
Does anyone know? (eBay question)
by mkr32208 ini've got a question.
my brother and i recently sold some gift certificates on ebay.
some from walmart some from bass pro shops and some other stores.
Are Any Here Afraid of "Getting Caught" Doing Something "Wrong" By a JW?
by minimus indo you still look over your shoulder to see if some jw might "report" you to the elders for doing something inappropriate by witness standards??
That's an oddly ironic question minimus..reason being just last night i went to the grocery store,and when i came back out to my car...i noticed that parked right next to me,was a guy from my hall,he only found me cause i happened to be driving the only car that he knows i have.
I couldn't be sure if it was him,or the wife(long story) i left the spot and waited to see who came was him,the backstory to him is,before i left,he was trying to befriend me because he thought i was going to confiscate his wife..seems now that he hasn't seen me at the hall in awhile,he wanted to try and catch a glimpse of me,so he could run back and whisper in car groups,about bad i looked,and about how the world didn't look like"it's been good to me",etc,etc,etc
No..when they see me again,It'll be on MY they can see just how GOOD i've been doing since i left them...Thinking about it on the way home though..almost made me wanna make a comeback in there,just to take his woman away from him..maybe it would push him over the edge,and into my world..where i'd promptly proceed to whip his ass to welcome him to "my side of the tracks"..I still have my old instincts so i can usually spot dubs before they see me..they know though..even if they did see me do's better "left in the hands of God" than to get involved...even Elders,who claim to have Holy Spirit,who profess to believe that "Angels protect them",don't wanna put that theory to the test by trying me..that's why they don't interfere with my fade,it's a mutual thing:P
It's Official - I celebrated Christmas
by Princess Daisy Boo inso after 11 years of celebrating christmas and birthdays, and successfully never mentioning the fact to my parents, my husband finally dobbed me in on sunday.
my folks came by for a visit and we just making small talk about random subjects and my hubby says "oh - you know that wine we drank with christmas lunch..." i waited for a reaction from mom, and nothing happened.
even when she called me yesterday, still no comment.
She won't...she'll be back after a little "research",'s are funny that way...
..Rock`n on the Mountain!!..
by OUTLAW in..happy new year jwd!
!.........the music is cranked!....and ..the satelite dish is bringing in some of the best music on the planet!........jeff healy was just on......that man can play a guitar!!........
"the band"is on now..and..levon helm is working his magic............jwd!
Lot's of music from various genres on my "Hardcore" playlist on the Pod,then adding a few new ones..right now,mostly just thug sh!t the moment "Str8 Ballin'"-Tupac so far up next is "Forever"-MJG & Eightball after that "ASAP","Stand Up"-T.I.-KenShi
Great Film Lines !!!
by cluless infrom throw a long rope .. ....if its black white ..right wrong or something in between if theres a wrong you fight it.
if you dont you become a part of it.. that aint so hard to figure is it?.
any great lines fom films come to anybodys mind?.
"It's the dough Roper or we gotta break something!" Collector from "Enter the Dragon"
So I did the unthinkable
by veen ini decided enough was enough and had a no holds barred conversation with a room of around a dozen 'believers'.
a number of things had been troubling me all night, but the final straw was when my brother-in-law said 'isn't it funny how the acronym std can stand for both, sexually transmitted disease and satan the devil.'.
i couldn't stand the frustration anymore so i pointed out how irrelevant that fact was, and how if we spoke a different language the same conclusion could probably not be made.
Lmao,way to go Veen...i like those kinds of skirmishes myself....poking holes in idiots,who follows EVERYTHING they're told's logic is one of my favorite past times..
I always love the retort"Well..the Watchtower says..",to which i reply"I'm asking what YOU think,what YOU believe..i'm not asking what some book SAY'S you should believe,and while we're on that you even know the guy that wrote that? You sure think highly of what he thinks to say you've never even met him
Own up time...
by Chalam inwell it looks like this site is a real melting pot, a broad spectrum of views and beliefs.
for sure there are many disaffected ex jws.
so in as few words as possible, preferably not more than one sentence, how would you describe yourself spiritually?
Agnostic Theist
Most people would say that practising any religion is better than not......
by JH inmost believers think that it's better to practise any religion than to act like an animal and not practise any.. even my dad who used to dislike the jw's when he was alive, told me once, "you're better off going back to that religion, than not practising any religion at all".
i'm a believer like he was, but it's funny how most believers will say that practising any religion is better than not practising any.. jw's wouldn't agree, because they think that only their religion is the right one, even though a wrong religion may have a postive influence on somebody's behavior and happiness.. the only thing a jw looks at is the carrot "eternal life".
they won't look at the good that may come out of practising another religion.. after my jw experience, i won't go to any other religion.
I look at religion much differently these days....To me,it's like,no matter where you decide to go,you will be following some man's idea/POV about how he thinks your relationship with "God" should be...last time i checked,"God" didn't like that sorta thing..following man and all,at least that's what i gleaned from that scripture in Jeremiah...
So if he didn't mean for "man to rule over man",then it doesn't make sense that he would give only a few select people,TRUE information so that they could LEAD other men in an organized belief system. IMO that's contradictory to "having your OWN relationship with God",because your relationship is dependent on what someone else thinks is acceptable to God,NOT what God himself,has told you personally that he wants from you
Is it wrong that I do not wish to see my family?
by student1 inplease excuse the ambiguity of this email, i am confused and unsure of my feelings about my family and have not seen them in a while now.
my mum has tried to organise a visit but i have avoided going to see my family.
i have seen my sister but the last time i saw her there was quite alot of upset (if you see my last family related post!
Your counselor is right,you don't have to see people you don't want to...I just told my aunt,who's a lush,that i didn't ever want to see her again as long as she comes to visit when she's been drinking and smoking(which is most of the time). I told her that's the best part about being an the ability to say NO! and mean it..and NO ONE can make you do anything otherwise.
You don't have a "duty" to subject yourself to an uncomfortable situation,i look at it like this: If people want to be around me,they know what i like,and what i don't....they know what i tolerate,and what i don't..therefore,if they want me to be present,then they will ensure that i'm not discomforted in any way when i'm's a mutual thing,i won't discomfort them with my"stuff" and they won't discomfort me with theirs
You have to also learn how to "tactfully excuse yourself" from uncomfortable situations,don't get mad,just let people know where your boundaries are..over time they will learn,they just need training most of the time. You have to understand,as well as your folks,that sometimes people have to go separate ways,it's not that you don't love them anymore,or vice just means that you have another direction,that you've decided is best for you..not what they happen to think is best for you. One thing's for sure...If you try to please everyone,in the end,you will be the only unhappy person around..everyone else will be content because they'll have what they want.
My mother was shocked when i told her what i believed,or rather didn't belive anymore..she tried "witnessing" to me,at which point of reversed her argument,and inverted it..the very same technique i used to use in field service..i concluded the conversation by telling her i didn't want to hear of anymore "hall talk" and she wouldn't hear anymore"blasphemy" as long as i didn't,we still talk,but she understands where i'm at on that,so there's no problem.
I'm still her son..the same as i've always been,the only difference is...i think COMPLETELY for myself's that simple
Viral meningitis
by BrentR inhow long did it take to get over it?
i woke up last sat with severe forehead pain and later on very bad nausea.
i went to the docs on mon and was diagnosed with a migraine and the lab results came back on wed with an elevated wbc.
My little cousin caught it about 5 or 6yrs back,how? I dunno...the only thing i know,is that it damn near killed her before they caught it.