why is it that JW's are convinced that fallen angels can no longer materialise into human form....??????? what is the scriptual basis for this ?
You don't remember the last time that happened back at the "Nephillim" fiasco? And what was "decreed" fromthen forward?
My problem with the JW story- Jehovah did not allow Satan to "prove" his case. Jehovah changed the rules at the flood, at Babel, at Sodom, at the Exodus, in the promised land. Their explanation for the vast majority of that is that Jehovah had to protect the way of salvation- the people set aside for a special purpose leading to Jesus. I say that the people were on to something before the confusion at Babel. They might have been able to pool the knowledge of all mankind together, but the putting people in different languages and cultures has prevented man from getting along.
Another thing about that OTWO,is the fact that humans haven't had a chance to prove anything without interference from any spirit creatures period. The so-called debate was over whether or not humans could govern themselves,NOT whether they would like to follow Satan,another spirit creature's way of doing thing...as far as i'm concerned,nothing has been proven except the fact that humans are susceptible to control from spirit creatures..which given the setup,is a given.