Bigboi, this is a very thought-provoking topic!
Several scriptures came to mind (you know, that old JW training kicks in every so often). Paul wrote "As far as it DEPENDS on you, be peaceable with all men." So when you said "no matter what they do", sometimes no amount of love can possibly change the situation for the better. (I don't know if you had a specific example in mind.)
Expanding on Simon's quote of Jesus, Jesus said to love our enemies, even to pray for them! Our love must be perfect like that of our heavenly Father's. Easier said than done, but we must try!
1 Corinthians 13:8 -- "Love NEVER fails." So it's always worth a try. Of course, it must be balanced by understanding and discernment. It doesn't mean we must bend to every whim or imposition people make, but instead lovingly consider what may be best for the person in a given situation. Even Jehovah says "no" a lot. He doesn't treat us like spoiled kids!
So I guess the answer boils down to two words...Copy Jesus.
Edited by - Gopher on 23 March 2001 4:16:21