I liked it; and it was for more than a tinge of vanity... Let's put it down to genetics, but I'm, er, a good public speaker. Vanity. Tehre was no point saying things I didn't believe in...
i dropped out years ago because i couldn't stand getting together with sisters i didn't like to do a talk.
i hated it with a passion!!
i do realize that you did learn but what i resented was that the sisters were inflicted on each other in a way that i don't think the brothers were.
I liked it; and it was for more than a tinge of vanity... Let's put it down to genetics, but I'm, er, a good public speaker. Vanity. Tehre was no point saying things I didn't believe in...
i've got all these bethel pics to share with you and i hope i can the good ones posted.
i will only be posting ones of bethel... cause if you want to see nyc there are other places to do that.. .
here is the entrance to walkill... another good use of those voluntary donations.. here's the boys doing some work on... bindery equipment i think (at this point i was still half asleep).
Hi Rich:
the Barber picture, when was it taken?
I have seen unconditional love in action. Twice. In both instances, I couldn't resist the temptation to conclude that the giver of such love was unthinking, and perhaps mentally or phsychologically ill; but right there it was: insane love, one of a mother for her child, and the other of a wife for her horror-of-a-human husband. One cannot generalize from one or two observations, but one case, just one, crushes the proposition that unconditional love is impossible. Do I understand it? No. The first example is powerful, and I saw it bring tears to the eyes of men with hearts of steel, I get a tiny pool in the eyes recalling it; it was indeed limitless love. Was the mother sick? By any standards no; was she momentarily mad? Perhaps, I wouldn't know. Beyond romantic or any other kind of love, the love of a mother for her child holds the greatest hope for love that may be unconditional. There's also more than a hint of truth that those who argue otherwise are most probably unable to give it.
i've always thought it to be a charming and old-fashioned custom.
my grandfather always did it.
whenever he was out walking with me tagging along, he would always doff his hat whenever he passed a lady coming the other way, or whenever he he stopped to chat.
Well, depends on where you are. In some corners of earth, you offer your seat to a lady she's going to think you're nuts. She, and almost everyone else. but hat tipping, well, could be cool if you're wearing one.
By the way, the guys who wrote that WT article are idiots.
the parable of the prodigal son.
i will set out and go back to my father and say to him: father, i have sinned against heaven and against you.
" "my son," the father said, "you are always with me, and everything i have is yours.
what do you all think of prince charles and camilla?
i think it's horrible and teaching a horrible lesson.
look at us, it' okay to cheat on your spouses, because in the end we'll get each other anyway.
You read more than a hint of hypocrisy here, people. Some get a kick from Camilla/Charles bashing. What is it you people want?! Massive hypocrisy. Very easy to forget your Diana was a philandering slut who got her marriage destroyed and lost to a woman who has conducted herself with utmost dignity in the face of all nonsense hurled at her by the British press and an unfair world where physical beauty counts for everything. Some of the comments here are reeking of naked hypocrisy. So Charles and Camilla cheated, eh? When? After Diana 'd been sleepping around, no? After Camilla's husband's been cheating forever, no? Short memories; self inflicted lobotomy; amnesia. At 57, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, Princess of Wales, yesterday - and as she has always done - carried herself with grace, and looked radiantly happy. Eat your hearts out; damn hypocrites.
And yeah, Diana may well have the last laugh; until there's a DNA test administered on those two young men, no one'll ever be sure who sired them. Of course, Ignorance of that is, for the public, is bliss.
i just read love2bworldys thread at did u know about the early white supremicist view of the jw's?
not wanting to hijack or divert that topic i ask the question here.. .
adam was the progenitor of the whole human race, from his genes sprang the negroid, caucasian, mongoloid, indo-european and every other race on the planet.
Lol@ LittleToe
the pope is called papa in italy.
he may be a shell of the man he was, but many in this world have experience peace because of the work he did in his lifetime.
here is how he was instrumental in fighting communism.
Yes, true. JWs can learn a lesson or two. Pope bashing is in bad form, especially by Jehovah's Witnesses. The hatred of the JW elite for the Papacy is beyond normal.
But one thing remains: there's more than a small mistake in portraying the Holy father as faultless. What a searching JW will find as perhaps the wickest link in John Paul's record, (s)he should be unable to boldy talk about.
But this is John Paul II's moment of glory; everyone can learn a lesson or two from the great man's life, including his love for all peoples, and the unity he fostered among the different faiths.
I've been asking much older folks if they've experienced a more glorious death, and a life as celebrated as John Paul's; the answer 's blowing in the wind.
the pope is called papa in italy.
he may be a shell of the man he was, but many in this world have experience peace because of the work he did in his lifetime.
here is how he was instrumental in fighting communism.
"Christ opens the door to Him" ...
"Do not be afraid" - John Paul II
Goodbye, great man.
i mean seriously, most of us have been inside for a number of years.
so during all this time did you ever see happy person or a family or were you ever truly happy there, even for a brief period of time?
if you were happy, when was it?
I know many JWs who are trully happy, and they're mostly elderly JWs. Throroughbred in the faith, and caring little about doctrical correcteness and nonsense like that. Very happy, and trully, deservedly so.