nice plan. Only that when some elders get hold of the letter, they'd know you've read Ray Franz's book, or consider it proof enough: you're a confirmed apostate, haha. :)
Nice plan. I care about many people on the inside too; those who'll be obliged to shun me as an article of their faith; they can't yet see, but I'll not burn any bridges myself; I won't even give the elders any help in burning my bridges; I'll make it difficult for them. One thing, I don't want to get disfellowshipped; but they'll probably disfellowship me soon, for a reason I wouldn't mind being disfellowshipped for; that day comes quickly. If the elders called, I'll do what's always worked: "... brothers, thank you for your love and attention, I am studying still, and continue to seek Jehovah for guidance, please continue to pray for me as I appear spritually weak also at this time..." that, plus some Theocratese... one of the elders will invite for field service the next Saturday when he remembers I'd not been out in Service for over 4 years; I'll say to check my schedule and get back; I never do. He'll invite for the meeting, I'll mumble sth about trying to come, and then not make it. With some luck, they'll be too guilty to pursue the matter until next year.