You’re welcome. In saying welcome, I say welcome for coming out and finding this place. I do attend all the meetings, go out in service and do most of all the other things regular witnesses do…As you get to understand more of the things that are being discussed here, you will definitely gain some insights into bible teachings and some of the things we preach and teach (I tell you that would have being good for you; this place is a little bit ‘hot’ – you might get a few here who saved discussions form that site before it went off). You will get to know about aspects of our history that many in the organization are not familiar with, and also details you won’t see in the Proclaimers book.
Many of the ones ere have been witnesses before, some have never been. Most have grievances with the Society, by which I mean disagreements with what is being taught in part or in whole, others are not happy with the whole concept of the Society and the Organization. There are a few other still, who hope for reform but cannot bottle up their feelings and what they have discerned. Others are appalled by the inconsistencies in our teachings and the apparent refusal of the organization to ‘recant’ by way of apologies and take steps towards making amends. Specifically, you will see that many refute the claim that it is only through the GB that spiritual enlightenment can be obtained. You will see posts that will imply that we are a mind-control group.
You will see opposition to many of our teachings: 1914 and all the other dates, the judicial process in the congregation, ‘new light’ etc etc. You may even be told of the changes that have been made to already printed material – someone called it almost successful attempts to revise and reconstruct history. As you continue to consume the material – which you may wish to verify – you might see that you interest in the regular activities of JWs will begin to wane. In this respect, our publications are right that many who visit sites like this on the Internet end up falling away. The big question is Why? What happens to our faith when we start to consume information form elsewhere? You might become depressed, and may be angry. You might find that you have a stronger relationship with the organization than with Jehovah. You might eventually feel the need to reinvent your spirituality.
Many here are strangers to you, and you probably have heard that it is not good to interact with strangers; that is good advice for children. You will read strange things, but learn to separate the wheat from the chaff. Read with discernment, and pray to Jehovah to continue to be with you. He will certainly not leave you.